
Chapter 37: A Surprise Arrival

Polly Parker was awake before the roosters would crow back in her hometown. Annoying everyone from the tall to the small, until the farmer went out to shut them up. A scattering of feed usually did the trick.

Out of bed like it was a trampoline, Polly traded her sleep clothes, mostly a nightgown that came down to her knees with black lace around the collar and cuffs, for her glad rags.

It had been years since the last time she tried to squeeze into the dress. Polly could only hope she wouldn’t have grown too much since.

With some determination, and a little Crisco, the dress slipped on, hugging her curves in all the right ways. Still leaving pretty Polly space to breath.

With Reverend Horton Heat in her earbuds, she danced down the deserted street, the early birds still a little groggy, in the general direction of the bus stop.