
Chapter 35: Declan To The Rescue

The crisp click sounded as the ball rolled along the green, the putt on of the best the course had ever seen. Dressed in his best with tweed knickerbockers, flat cap and all, Declan wouldn’t have been out of place in 1929.

There were some chuckles when he first arrived. Soon turning to groans when they started to play. The rest of the party blissfully unaware that Declan’s golf handicap hovered around 4.

“Good shot,” the senator said, with only a few sour grapes.

“Thank you, sir,” Declan said.

“Please, call me Hank.”

They continued along the course, Declan’s score stubbornly remaining six points below anyone else. Golf was one of those weird games with an unorthodox scoring system. In that case, it was the lowest score that won. Even so, it didn’t have a march on Cricket, which was next to incomprehensible. Declan had an easier time following Australian Rules Football.