
Chapter 30: Surprise Inspection!

It was a few days since their wonderful night, Polly still buzzing a little from the good feelings. She hadn’t seen much of Declan, at least in that way. They were both so busy with work they could only catch a few hours here and there. Everything would change on the weekend.

“Lovely,” Rick said, as Polly iced a fresh batch of sweet treats. Getting ready to write her name on them.

“Thank you, kind sir.”

“How’s it going back here,” Sasha asked, coming through the kitchen door.

“Right along,” Rick said.

“Good, we are almost out of sweet treats. Any more we could get wouldn’t go amiss.”

“Icing them right now,” Polly called.


Erica disappeared, the door swinging in her wake. The sweet treat name set down in icing, Polly took up the newest tray and shouldered her way through the door into the restaurant proper.

“Looks great,” Tuesday said, as Polly added the fresh cupcakes to the display.
