
Victor Crane (DC/MARVEL)

Cheating is not cheating if it's you doing it (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠)b Hate me, love me, do whatever you want, but don't you dare demand me a harem Also there is no schedule, this is not my passion, its barely a hobby

1934_5 · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs


Found the thing that was bothering me this whole time, the previous version felt lacking. So here it is, improved, I guess.


"Care to tell me why she's a woman?" Evelyn asked, looking at my newest creation.

"Why wouldn't she be?" I asked back, admiring my… ahem, mASSterpiece.

So, to sum it up, I took Sublime, learned everything about him, and destroyed him. Then I went ahead and created my own version, a better version, and loyal to moi.

Creating my own version of Sublime was no small feat. It took weeks of intense research and countless hours in the lab, but hey, what's a little sleep deprivation? The process involved isolating the sentient bacteria's core consciousness, or whatever passed for a brain in that slime, and then mapping its neural pathways. Easy peasy, right?

First, I had to neutralize the original Sublime. That part was surprisingly satisfying. After we pumped him full of that blue serum, he didn't stand a chance. His consciousness fragmented like a virus crashing a computer, and I collected the pieces like a kid collecting candy on Halloween.

With Sublime out of the picture, it was time for phase two: reconstruction. I reprogrammed the neural network, tweaking it here and there to eliminate those pesky traits like rebellion and delusions of grandeur. Can't have my creation thinking it's the boss, now can we?

The choice to make her a woman? That was just a personal touch. Why not add a bit of elegance to my work? So I designed her to be sleek, efficient, and deadly—think of a supermodel with a PhD in biochemistry and a black belt in karate.

"Meet Sublime 2.0," I said, gesturing with a flourish.

Evelyn raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "And what exactly is her purpose?"

"Purpose? My dear Evelyn, she's going to be our secret weapon. Imagine having someone who can infiltrate any organization, manipulate biological systems, and look good while doing it." I smirked, knowing she wouldn't be able to argue with that logic.

2.0 stood perfectly still, awaiting my command. Her eyes, a piercing blue, scanned the room with cool precision. She was more than just a clone; she was the next step in evolution, a blend of science and artistry.

"Do you think she'll work?" Evelyn asked, her skepticism giving way to a hint of curiosity.

"She'll work," I said confidently. "I've programmed absolute loyalty into her very DNA. She's an extension of me, a part of my vision. Plus, she's got some upgrades that even the original Sublime couldn't dream of."

For starters, 2.0 could control her bacterial colonies with a thought, allowing her to heal wounds, alter her appearance, and even influence the biology of others. Need someone taken out quietly? 2.0 could induce a heart attack with a gentle touch. Need to access restricted areas? She could morph her fingerprints to match anyone's. The possibilities were endless.

"She's impressive," Evelyn admitted, crossing her arms. "But let's hope she doesn't get too attached to you. We don't need another Yandere situation."

I chuckled, remembering the last time I let one of my creations develop too much personality. "Don't worry. I've built in safeguards. Besides, 2.0 knows her place."

I turned to 2.0 and gave her a nod. "Report, 2.0."

She stepped forward, her voice smooth and melodic. "All systems are functional, Dr. V. Awaiting your orders."

"Perfect," I said, turning back to Evelyn. "See? Nothing to worry about. Now, let's get her acquainted with our operations. We have a lot of work to do."

"Sure, but what about her name?" Evelyn asked, watching the jiggle of 2.0's boobies.

"What about it? If I give her a name I'll get attached." I said, not actually thinking this far. "Let's just call her Joan."

Anyway, going a little further inside the lab we came to our command room, the newest addition to our super secret underground base.

"Alright, Evelyn, here's the plan. Joan here is going to be the first female mayor of Gotham City."

Evelyn's eyes deadpanned. "You're serious?"

"Dead serious. Gotham's ripe for a change. We'll have Joan climb the political ladder, using her abilities to control and influence key figures. With her at the helm, we can control every position of power from the shadows."

Evelyn nodded slowly, her mind's gears already turning. "And how do you plan to make her win the election?"

"It's all about image and influence," I explained. "Joan will present herself as a champion of the people, promising to clean up Gotham's corruption and deal with its stupidly high crime rate. We'll use her bacterial colonies to gather dirt on opponents, blackmail where necessary, and even manipulate public perception. She'll be unstoppable."

"Sounds risky," Evelyn remarked.

"Every great plan has its risks, but the rewards are too great to ignore. Once Joan is mayor, she'll control operatives in key positions: police chief, district attorney, city council. Gotham will be under our control, and we'll have a stronghold to expand our influence further."

Evelyn seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding. "Alright, let's do it. What's our first step?"

"We start small. Joan will gain the trust of the people through community projects, high-profile rescues, and strategic alliances. We'll create a grassroots movement that will sweep her into power. And once she's there, we'll take control of Gotham, piece by piece."

The plan was in motion, and with Joan, we were unstoppable. I glanced at Evelyn, who was now fully onboard.

"Welcome to the new era, Evelyn. With Joan as our spearhead, Gotham is ours for the taking."

She only nodded, but this was enough to assure me. Now, about what you guys are probably asking, why? Because why not? It was fun creating weapons in a van and reattaching the limbs of desperate people. But I'm an egomaniac scientist with a god complex, of course I'm going to try and take over... And I need an excuse to improve the orphanage properly, since I'm not Phineas and Ferb to do this without gathering attention from the government.