
Very Bad : Redy

In a city where darkness lurks, a series of brutal murders shakes the community. Labeled as “Very Bad,” these supernatural crimes defy all logic. Inspector Lucas Moreau, known for his unorthodox methods, is called in to investigate. What he discovers is beyond belief: otherworldly creatures, bloody rituals, and a conspiracy that threatens to plunge the city into chaos. Lucas must navigate through a maze of violence and terror to stop the spreading evil. But each step brings him a little closer to his own destruction.

Charo666 · Kinh dị ma quái
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11 Chs

Shadows in Saint-Lys

Lucas Moreau's office was a haven of organized disorder. Piles of files cluttered his desk, hastily scribbled notes scattered here and there, and an old desk lamp cast a flickering light. The wall behind him was covered with maps of the city, connected by red thread and pins, charting strange incidents and unsolved disappearances.

Lucas was sitting, engrossed in reading a forensic report, when a knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. He looked up to see his colleague, Inspector Julien Lefèvre, enter. Julien was younger, with a fresh face and lively eyes, contrasting sharply with Lucas' tired appearance.

"Lucas, we have a problem," Julien announced, dropping into a chair in front of the cluttered desk.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "What kind of problem, Julien?"

Julien took a file out of his bag and placed it in front of Lucas. "Another body. Same signature."

Lucas leaned forward, opening the file to reveal photos from the crime scene. The images showed a horribly mutilated body, strange symbols etched into the flesh. Lucas felt a shiver run down his spine. It was unlike anything he had seen before, and yet he knew it was the work of the same killer he had been chasing for months.

"It's getting more and more gruesome," Lucas murmured, studying the photos. "What do we know about the victim?"

"Young woman, 25 years old, student at the local university. She was reported missing three days ago. She was found in an abandoned warehouse outside of town," Julien replied, flipping through the report. "Residents are starting to panic. They talk about curses and occult rituals."

Lucas sighed, massaging his temples. "That's what I feared. If we don't get our hands on this sick man quickly, the city will descend into paranoia."

Julien nodded. "We need reinforcements, Lucas. We can't handle this alone."

"I know," Lucas replied, closing his eyes for a moment to collect his thoughts. "But the question is: Who can we trust? We can't afford an information leak. This killer always seems to be one step ahead."

Julien nodded, sharing his mentor's concern. "What if we explored the trail of symbols? Maybe someone at the university could enlighten us on their meaning."

Lucas opened his eyes, a determined glint in his eyes. "Good idea. Contact Professor Bernard. He's an expert in mythology and ancient symbolism. If there's anyone who can help us decipher this, it's him."

Julien got up, ready to leave. "I will take care of it now."

As he left the office, Lucas stood still for a moment, staring at the photos in front of him. A feeling of uneasiness grew within him. He knew this investigation wasn't just a manhunt. Something much darker was at work, and he had to be ready to face the unknown.

Lucas Moreau was used to waiting. Years of tracking down criminals had made him patient, but this time he felt the urgency of the situation weighing on him. Inspector Julien Lefèvre had gone to contact Professor Bernard, and the office was silent.

Lucas decided he couldn't stay inactive. He grabbed his worn leather coat and his service weapon before leaving the police station. The abandoned warehouse where the body was discovered was on the outskirts of Saint-Lys, an isolated place where few people dared to venture.

The drive was quick, the streets emptying as he approached the deserted industrial zone. Arriving at the warehouse, Lucas looked around. The building was in ruins, its windows broken and its walls covered in graffiti. A perfect place for illicit activities and hidden horrors.

He got out of the car, the cold air biting his skin. The sun was setting, plunging the area into increasing darkness. Lucas turned on his flashlight and moved forward cautiously. The warehouse door was slightly ajar, a sign that forensic technicians had already combed the place.

Inside, the atmosphere was even more oppressive. The beam of its lamp swept across the bare walls and concrete floor, revealing dark stains that Lucas knew were blood. He crouches near the crime scene, examining the symbols carved into the floor and walls. They looked familiar, but he couldn't yet determine their origin.

Suddenly, a noise behind him made him turn around abruptly, gun in hand. A shadow moved in the darkness. Lucas moved slowly, every sense on alert.

"Who is here ?" he asked in a firm voice.

No answer. Just the oppressive silence of the warehouse. Lucas moved forward again, following the direction of the noise. His footsteps echoed in the empty space, creating an ominous echo. Finally, he reached a dark corner where a silhouette was vaguely outlined.

"Show yourself, now," Lucas ordered.

The figure moved, and a young woman emerged from the darkness, her eyes wide with fear. She appeared injured, her clothes torn and stained with blood. Lucas lowered his gun slightly, realizing she wasn't a threat.

"Calm down, I'm from the police," he said, trying to reassure her. "What are you doing here ?"

The young woman was trembling, unable to speak. Lucas approached slowly, offering her a helping hand. "You're safe now. Tell me what happened."

She burst into tears, dropping to her knees. "They... they chased me... they killed my friend... I hid here..."

Lucas felt a shiver of rage and determination. "Don't worry, we'll stop them. Can you tell me who they were?"

She nodded, but before she could respond, a loud thud sounded behind them. Lucas turned around, every muscle tense. Something sinister lurked in the shadows of the warehouse, and he knew he didn't have much time left.

Lucas turned around, every muscle tense, ready to face whatever lurked in the shadows. The thud sounded again, followed by a soft meow. He lowered his gun, sighing in relief when the beam of his flashlight revealed a small, frightened kitten hiding behind a pile of debris.

The kitten, a tiny ball of gray fur, approached timidly, its large eyes looking curiously at Lucas and the young woman. Lucas put his gun away and reached out to the kitten, who cautiously moved forward before nuzzling against his fingers.

"It was just you," Lucas whispered, relieved, but knowing that the danger was far from over.

He turned again to the young woman, who seemed to calm down a little. "It's just a kitten. You're safe for now. Can you tell me what happened?"

She nodded, her eyes still glistening with tears. "We were at a party... everything was going well, then these men came. They seemed normal at first, but then... something changed."

"What do you mean 'changed'?" Lucas asked, his interest piqued.

"Their eyes... it was like they were possessed. They started attacking everyone, speaking in a language I didn't understand. It was terrifying. My friend and I tried to run away, but they caught up with her. I hid here and waited. I thought I was going to die."

Lucas listened intently, trying to connect the dots. Brutal murders, strange symbols, and now individuals appearing to be possessed. Something much darker was afoot in Saint-Lys.

"You did the right thing by hiding," he said softly. "We will find them and arrest them. Have you noticed anything special about these men? Any tattoos, symbols, anything that might help us identify them?"

She thought for a moment before nodding. "Yes, they all wore a leather bracelet with a symbol. It was a circle with a cross inside."

Lucas made a mental note of this crucial information. "Thank you, that's very helpful. Now I'm going to take you to safety. You can't stay here."

He helped her up, and together they left the warehouse. The kitten followed them, trotting at their feet. Outside, night had fallen, and the shadows stretched eerily around them.

Lucas knew time was running out. Events were taking an increasingly disturbing turn, and he had to act quickly to uncover the truth. While waiting for Julien to return, he took the young woman to the police station, where she could be safe and provide more details about the horrors she had experienced.

As they drove through the night, Lucas felt a fierce determination awaken within him. Saint-Lys was about to reveal his darkest secrets, and he would be ready to take on whatever the city had to offer.

Here is the first chapter of my book, I will make the effort to add at least say 4 chapters per week. If you like the work, don't hesitate to add it or criticize it to move forward.

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