
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Final Words

"Vera, the day is coming to an end, and I don't think they'll find us here anymore," Banami remarked, peering out the window gap. "Should we go back to Frook at night?" asked Vera, who was seated on the bed and had her axe firmly in her hands. "This noble disguise will let us escape Egur," she added.

He returned to the bed and laid down once more, nibbling carelessly at an apple, saying, "No, it's not a good thought, let's decide tomorrow morning."

"What do you think, Banami? What is their objective, do you know? trying to find me?"

"I don't know, but I have a good feeling they have located you. They must have been looking for you for more than ten years. In her perspective, you are the bastard son of the late king, her husband. She may believe Logan murdered everyone because of you, the child with golden eyes," Vera was carried back in time by Banami's comments.

"Look everywhere; we have to eliminate that boy," Logan's soldiers were on the prowl for me. I escaped from that one soldier's grasp after burning him to ash and hid inside a donkey wood cart. I knew they were coming for me; if they get me, there would be no continuation; I would die. I bled inside the carriage, gritted my teeth in anguish, and cried out in silence for assistance. Then I heard a person circling the cart.

"Hey, that kid... he burned one of the soldiers to ashes. How did he do it? If he is indeed King Willard's son with golden eyes, he must be powerful. Perhaps he has eternal fire," one of them stated.

"Shut up, you moron! Don't blather on, and don't mention this to Lord Logan. True or untrue, he will savagely murder us." Another person responded.

"But we need to report,"

"There was no such soldier, understand. Never, ever, ever bring this up again. Now look for the boy," I felt glad to realise that Logan will never learn about my ability.

"Hey, whose cart is this? Have you looked inside?"

"No, I did not,"

Dear God, I assumed, I cannot be found. I made every effort to remain hidden inside the wagon. Then, all of a sudden; "Oh! I apologise; I'll move it right away. I own the cart. I am an Egur trader selling tree barks." A man rushed over to the waggon and pushed it into a stable. My body hurt and I felt dizzy seeing my own blood. As soon as the soldier walked away, I clutched Banami's shirt and passed unconsciously. "Help... He-lp-me," I was at a clinic on the outskirts of Shoma when I opened my eyes. Banami's voice was the first thing I heard, and those words compelled me to live.

"Wake up, Vera... something happened... Vera..." The frantic call of Banami roused me from my snooze. Was I dreaming? Did I go to sleep when? It's now dark outside, and I can hear a bustle below, exactly like that day. What is going on?

"Banami?" I called, clutching my axe solidly.

"I believe they have discovered us; I have no clue what is going on downstairs, but someone has come looking for us. We must remain silent," Banami answered his ear to our door, attempting to hear what was going on outside. "Vera, stay near the window; if somebody comes here, you must flee through the window. Find Mazzi in Frook; he will take care of you," he stated

"What? No... No... I can't leave you here... Don't say that, it's like what my mother said when she left me. No, Banami, I'm not leaving you alone; we'll flee together, please." my tears streamed down my cheeks, I implored.

"I understand, so remain right there. I'll handle it," he said as he approached the door. As the ruckus down below grows louder and closer, I can hear people yelling and things crashing. Every part of my body is vibrating to the sound of swords adhering. Just like that day, I am experiencing shivers. Is this the day I pass away? Were you keeping me alive till now so that I may die on this day, La? I pondered.

Knock... Knock... then there was a knock on our door. "Who is it?" Banami queried

"Sir, could you kindly open the door? You must immediately leave the building because there is a crisis. It was the innkeeper's voice.

"I understand, we'll depart in a moment," Banami replied.

"There is no time, sire; please come out immediately," he said profoundly.

"Give us time to get organised,"

"Sire, this is a matter of life and death, please come out this moment," his voice altered like the servant man from before as if he was terrified of someone.

"I told you... in a moment. Please go," Banami grew irate.

"Banami, he is not alone out there," Vera said quietly.

"We're going out the window," Banami remarked as we went cautiously towards the window, the knock on the door quickly changing to loud bangs. "You must come outside or we will break in," a woman's voice said, not the owner's. "This voice seems familiar," Vera commented, pausing for a second. "What?" who-" Simultaneously, the window we were moving closer to shattered into shards as if someone had hurled a firebomb at it.

Under the force of the blast, Vera and Banami were pushed to the other corners of the room. Vera crashed against the wall and fell, but she held onto her axe the entire while. Banami fell into the table but evaded severe injury. They were both lying on the ground motionless, perplexed by what they were witnessing. Then two groups of people entered the room: four men swathed in black through the window and Egur royal knights with Lady Katalina, who was prepared with a bow and arrow through the front door. Banami and Vera were both puzzled.

"Who are you? What's happening here?" Vera attempted to stand, but Banami was unable to move much, so he eyed from the floor.

Katalina giggled as she held an arrow up to the shadows, "The shadows of Logan are quite acute. Guards, protect them." The shadows were hushed and solely focused on Vera. They pulled out their swords and charged right towards her. Katalina and her guards charged forward, battling and shielding Vera.

"What is this? What's happening here? "trembling Vera stood confused and terrified.

One of the shadows defeated all of the guards who attempted to slay him and approached Vera. She tried to strike him randomly, slicing her axe with her eyes closed, but she was quickly thrown across the room by that shadow. spewing blood and gasping for air, she fell to the floor. "VERA!" Banami dashed to defend her, as the shadow struck him in the face, leaving him with a bleeding and broken nose. Banami shrank, but he persisted. He stood and struck the shadow with a wooden piece he found on the floor. Vera tried to stop him, screaming, "Ban-aami—-sto-p pl—ss," but she couldn't finish her sentence.

By the throat, the shadow shoved Banami up against the wall. He strained for breath and writhed like a cat in his arm. Vera finally lost her patience and attacked him with all of her strength using her axe. Whereas he did not react and gently turned himself to Vera, hanged her with the other hand and flung her to the corner, then got a blade from his pocket and sank it into Banami's chest. "Aaarrghh....." Warm blood spurted out. What was happening there eluded her. Banami smiled even when blood gushed out of his heart, "Run," his lips twitched.