
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Day 1

A cargo caravan and two opulent white and gold carriages sped over a desolate terrain while creating quivering movements. The carriages raced quickly as knights on horseback encircled them. Ceasar took the lead, while Jugo was guarding the carriages behind. Helga rode with Laisa and her maid in one carriage, whereas Catherin rode with her trusty maid in the other. Helga took a glimpse out at the dry ground where throne shrubs flourished as the carriage travelled through the slushy hamlet lanes. She observed a half-damaged school and several pupils staring in awe as they travelled. She gave them a little grin.

"It may be the first time they are seeing such marvellous carriages," commented the maid, Kaisy, observing the kids.

"Yes, they look so stunned," Laisa agreed, waving her hand at them as they passed them. The first time Helga sees the Nek-asrof, her heart sinks with grief. The towns appear to be abandoned, frigid, and dismal. People are sleeping on the sides of the streets, children are running around in ripped clothes and emaciated bodies, and folks are looking at them suspiciously. Her thoughts drifted back in time, recalling a moment with her father.; "Father, why are you always working in the study room? Why are you not coming to meet me?" little Helga asked

"Oh my Princess, did you miss father? I apologise for being rude to you dear, but father has a crucial duty to finish," he replied taking Helga to his lap and kissing her cheek, softly.

"What is it, father?" her ample eyes sealed with curiousness. Seeing his daughter's interest, he gave her the map of the five nations. He started recounting one of his dreams even though he was aware that a five-year-old child can never comprehend anything of this. "Helga, do you know, there is a place called Nek-asrof and in this map of our five nations, it is called the unclaimed land, do you know why?" Helga nodded her head no.

"That's because no king wants that land with their kingdom. Nek-asrof is a land where poor people with no money, no clothes, no food and no family live. They are called many names in all kingdoms, like witches, murderers, plunderers, ghosts and so on. However, they are all humans like us trying to live, some of them steal from others to live and some do cruel acts to survive. We are the ones who made them like that and it's our duty to change them. Helga, royal or noble, peasants or beggars, everyone is equal before La and we live now because of her therefore treat all equally. Father is working hard so I can make the people of Nek-asrof Loistavians, I wish to see them live happily, like my people. I desire to give them shelter, daily bread, education, jobs and a bright future," Despite the fact that I was only five years old, I observed my father telling me about his aspirations while beaming innocently. The zeal and determination I witnessed in that man's eyes still fill me with pride to claim I am his daughter. My father's hopes and these people's promising futures were all dashed to the ground by that beast. For my father, my lost siblings, my closest family, my people, and my homeland, I want to put everything right. Finding my brother will enable me to achieve that goal and help me win this battle. Helga's mind was constantly striving, to protect her resolve and determination from evaporating.

The rushing carriages abruptly came to a halt. It was an open, desert-like region that was far from the village. Helga looked at Caesar as he gave his knights instructions to set up a camp for the night's stay. She smiled slightly as she viewed the young knight. "He is still blushing every time I meet him," she thought. She had realized from an early age that Ceasar adored her and that his heart was not a closed book to her. "I pretended to be stern in front of him so I could concentrate on the decision I made. Ceasar, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting so long. Right now, I'm unable to respond to your question since I have a task to complete. I'm delighted I found someone like you to fall in love with because you accept and value my choices," she was pondering over Ceasar.

"Your majesty, we finished the tent, you can rest here for tonight," Jugo said standing in front of Catherine's carriage. She came out; "thank you, Jugo," and stepped into the tent with her maid. At the same moment, Caesar was waiting at Helga's carriage's door. She was anticipating his call after spotting him through the curtain notch. He exhaled deeply after clearing his throat; "My lady, we have arrived at our first resting place. For this night's rest, we have built a tent for you," he stated. Helga opened the door with her radiant, beautiful face and went outside, saying, "Thank you, my lord, I am grateful." Ceasar's golden hair and emerald eyes gleamed like gems under the dazzling full moon's radiance and the starry night sky. Helga was astounded by his magnificence and turned scarlet. Her sapphire eyes remained fixed on Ceasar's face while her long, curly hair was manipulated by the chilly breeze.

"My lady?" Ceasar called


"It's cold at night here, please make yourself warm inside the tent," he spoke. Coming back to her proper sense, she smiled; "Yes my lord." She walked into the tent with Laisa and Kaisy. Ceasar walked among the horses, relaxing and feasting, towards Jugo, who was assisting the chef with meal preparations.

"Mother, are we close?" asked Helga sipping the tea her maid served

"Not yet, according to Ceasar, we have to travel two more days. I hope we can reach there swiftly," Catherine glanced at the marked points in the map of Nek-asrof.

"Yes, I hope brother is there and he is a good person just like father," she gaped at her teacup. The reflection of her own face was downcast.

"Helga, I know your worries, but my heart advises me to go forward. I am sure he will be kinder than Willard," Catherine comforted Helga.

The next day, early in the morning before the sun rose, they left there. The carriages and knights rushed again. There is one more stop before they reach Frook Mountain, where Vera and Banami live.


"Mazzi, they are approaching Aroo. They will stop there for the night. What shall we do?" A man conversed with another person sitting on a broken stone chair and cradling a half-naked girl on his lap. His red eyes glared at the man who spoke as if challenging him. The man backed up, shaking with dread.

"Did you say, Aroo?" Inside that partially destroyed stone edifice, his rich, husky, and masculine voice was the centre of attention. Everyone who appeared to be violent criminals shifted their focus to their talk.

"Yes, the former queen of Loistava, together with her daughter and a few knights, has gone from Ruup to Aroo. They ride in carriages that are worth thousands of Egur Hillos or Utshani Yerek. I even saw valuable gem jewellery on them, but Ceasar Arkellis, a young knight from Utshani, is the one guarding those. He was the one who won against Master," the man responded.

"Is this what my old hag called... JACKPOT? A former queen, a princess, and a foe with fortune altogether... Hahaha..." Mazzi laughed hysterically, maniacally. He dropped the girl from his lap, she fall to the ground. He laughed and ran to kiss the man on the forehead, adding; "My brother, you are wonderful."

All the goons around him rejoiced, brandishing their weapons as he yelled, "Brothers, let's go hunting."