
Venus Charm

Thousands of years ago there was between humans and demon shifters. The planets felt pity for the humans and decided to help them by making something that could kill the demon shifters. Thus, the witches were born.

aquarius_galaxy288 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The Dream

A girl with light chestnut hair walked down through halls, boots clacking down on the floor. She could hear a dark laugh followed by a scream down at the end of the hall, she continued down the hall now running.

She pulled something out of her pocket, chains, glowing pink chains. She was halfway down the hall when suddenly she was falling, she screamed. The scene was fading until she was falling on the floor in her bedroom.

She landed with a thump and she groaned. There was giggling in the background, she looked up and saw two kids with brown hair giggling at her. They were her siblings, Cassidy and Chase, they were twins with mischievous tendencies.

They never wear their school outfits and tended to get in trouble at school. They were only twelve years old but caused lots of trouble.

"What do you two want?" She asked with a groan. The twins looked at each other then Cassidy said "Mom told us to get you up, so you could have breakfast before you go to that private school of yours-" "After all, this is your first day of the new semester," Chase said. Then they ran out of the room.

The girl groaned and sat up and sighed "Why did mom have to give birth to those pranksters?" She then got up and went to the bathroom to get started on her morning routine.

When she was done with her routine she walked past her bed that had pink and white chevron striped covers, The pillows matching while her nightstand was round and pink.

She went in front of her white sliding wardrobe. She pushed the sides of the doors opened and pulled out her school uniform that consisted of a blue blazer and white button-up shirt and gray plaid skirt the blazer had her name on it.

She went to her cube seat that was pink and furry at the top. She put on some thigh-high black socks with some slip-on school shoes.

She went to her vanity and brushed her silky light chestnut hair. Then she put on some light makeup that made her hazel eyes stand out.

She was on her way downstairs when her siblings ran past her zooming down the stairs. She rolled her eyes but smiled and made her way down.

She made her way to the dining room where she saw her mom working on her computer while having some of her favorite coffee, while her siblings were scarfing down food. "So Kyla you finally decided to come in eat with us."

Kyla looked at her and said a small "Sorry" then sat down and started to eat. Kyla jumped startled when she heard the front door close with a bang she looked and saw her two best friends Layla and Abby walking and arguing.

Layla was Caucasian and had long black hair that stood out against her pale skin and green eyes. She is intelligent and caring while sometimes she could be a stick in the mud she can have fun also just differently, but she is also competitive that's why she usually argues with Abby.

Abby has olive-tan skin with dark blue eyes and honey-blonde hair. She has a gold chain ear cuff on her right ear. She is blunt and stubborn she has good grades but not the best she can be caring sometimes she is also competitive.

Kyla sighed and looked at them "What are you two arguing about now?" she said exasperated. The two looked at each other then back at Kyla saying nothing about what they were arguing about instead asking if she was ready to go to school. Kyla looked down at the clock on the wall and cursed and ran out the door with her friends following behind her.

While her mom ran out the door saying "Mind your language." While the twins were snickering behind her mom.

When Kyla and her friends were in the halls of The School of the Seven Arts a prestigious school where only the best of the best get in. This is Kyla's second year here and she would always get so excited going back to this place.

While she was thinking and walking with her friends she fell to notice a pair of light blue eyes watching her then disappearing when she looked back.

Kyla sighed her friends weren't in her first period nor were they in her second. Although they were in her third and fourth they weren't with her at the end of the school hour. While she was walking to find her classes she was thinking about the dream she was having frequently. I can never get to the end of the hall something always has to- her thoughts were cut off when she hit a hard chest she stumbled but caught herself.

She looked and saw the school's loner Xavier, who suddenly appeared at the end of the last school year. He has midnight black hair and cold gray eyes and pale skin. He can be cold towards people and only hangs out with one person and that person is Axel who appears to be his twin.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going." she said, he looked down at her with hard eyes then walked past her. Well, he was rude she thought.

Suddenly the bell rang Kyla swore she sprinted to her class. She looked through the door window saw that the teacher Mr.Rowle had his back to the class. She slowly and quietly opened the door then closed it as she walked in. She was halfway to her seat until someone tripped her.

She fell on her knees, Mr.Rowle was there by her before she could blink. She looked up and swore she saw that he had black eyes before she could look again the black was gone and was replaced with his brown eyes.

"Ms.Reed mind telling us why you're late?" Mr.Rowle questioned, the class silently laughed while watching the scene.

"I bumped into someone." Kyla said carelessly, while the class looked amused Mr.Rowle wasn't. He stared at her then sighed "Just get to your seat."

Kyla smirked and went to her seat and opened up her notebook and grabbed her pen to start writing.

Things are great at least that's what she thought.