
Venus Charm

Thousands of years ago there was between humans and demon shifters. The planets felt pity for the humans and decided to help them by making something that could kill the demon shifters. Thus, the witches were born.

aquarius_galaxy288 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


Long ago, there was a war between humans and demon shifters, the humans were dying at the hands of the demon shifters. The planets took pity on the humans and decided to help them by creating something that could kill the demons...witches. The witches came down to Earth and fought the demons. Then suddenly a gigantic demon named Amon came down and shook the Earth to its very core the witches thought they lost until Earth said "You will not come here and destroy me without thinking about the consequences." then suddenly there was a bright light and a new witch was born together they defeated Amon and sent him into a prison where he is to sleep forever or so they thought. Each witch has a special weapon that's tied to their power it can never break only when that witch dies it will stop working but it will come back when the new generations of witches come what they don't know is that there is the essence of the planets in each respective weapon that each witch come from and it is alive just asleep, it will wake up when the new generations awaken it will become a cycle until the demon shifters are defeated for good.