

## MATURE CONTENT! ## It's not some regular mafia story you will read. The plot is little different from others. Two almost lost soul will find love in each other through war, hatred, betrayal, bullying and many more while saving themselves and their close ones from enemies. On a fine morning, Charlie Zaffino, the most popular kid of his university, got interested in a weird nerd girl. A boy was bullying that nerd. But what got Charlies attention was the nerds calmness even in that bullying situation. The girl was not like random nerds who are afraid. There was something in her aura that was attracting Charlie. Of course he didn't save the girl because he himself is a bully too. " You are not what you are showing little nerdy. Now you have got my attention. I'll find what are you hiding behind that calmness," Charlie thought. " Only Undocile can save our heirs." " But why will Venom help us? We are not in aligns." " We have to beg for help to the Emperor or Venom otherwise our heirs will be killed." "Venom, I beg you. Please leave me this time. I'll obey your every word in future. Don't kill me." Venom started laughing sarcastically. Then said in a octave lower voice, " Once a betrayer is always a betrayer dear. There is no place for a betrayer in UNDOCILE." saying that she shot the man standing in front of her.

Soulmate2023 · Thành thị
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258 Chs

PART 234

Antonia went inside and Lucas followed her. He pulled her turning themselves around and pushed her on the door caging her between his arms. He locked the door and looked at her.

" Let me freshen up first." Antonia whispered.

" Can't wait. You were away for too long." saying that he kissed her. Antonia kissed back closing her eyes.

Lucas patted her thigh and she jumped on him circling her legs around his waist. Lucas pushed themselves more on the door kissing her deeply.

Antonia held onto him tightly. He left her lips and went down to her neck giving wet kisses all over.

" Let me escort you to shower sweetie." Lucas mumbled on her skin and looked at her.

" Why don't we shower together? Wanna join me?" Antonia whispered near his lips. Lucas kissed her again and started walking towards the bathroom. He put her down on the basin side breaking the kiss.

They strip each other and Lucas picked her up and put down in the bathtub and joined her.

Antonia turned around sitting on his lap and kissed him again. Lucas kissed back roughly pulling her towards him. Antonia let him go and went down to kiss his neck and collarbone marking him.

Lucas groaned feeling her lips. Antonia kept biting and sucking his jaw, neck and collarbone. He slid down his hand and inserted two fingers inside her pussy making her moan.

" mmmhh.." She moaned and sucked on his neck. Lucas kept fingering her and kissed her again. He took out his fingers and slammed his dick inside her in one go.

" ahhhh...mmm" Antonia moaned inside his mouth. Lucas held her waist tightly and kept thrusting deeply.

Antonia held his shoulders tightly to balance herself. Lucas left her lips and sucked her one boob while grabbing the other one.

" mmmwwhhh" Antonia moaned putting her face on his neck. After few thrusts Lucas slowed down.

" Ummm...more." Antonia whined near his ear.

Lucas chuckled and made her face him. He kissed her lips softly.

" Ride me darling." He whispered on her lips. Antonia kissed him roughly snaking her hand around his nape and started riding on his dick.

Lucas grasped her both boobs squeezing her nipples. Antonia felt her legs shaking for the pleasure she was getting. Lucas understood that and held her tightly. Antonia broke the kiss.

" I'm close." She mumbled.

" Me too baby." Lucas said and started thrusting roughly again. Antonia arched her back enjoying the pleasure making her breasts facing Lucas's face. He took one breast inside his mouth sucking the nipple harshly.

" ummmhhh" Antonia moaned again enjoying the pleasure too much. She was in seventh heaven for all these pleasure she was receiving.

Lucas took out his dick and released his cum groaning and Antonia also moaned cumming. They hugged each other coming down from their high. Lucas kissed her cheek smiling.

" Let's dry ourselves baby or you'll catch cold." Lucas said softly.

" Okay." Antonia mumbled.

Lucas got up taking her in his arms. He dried both of them and wore the robes.He picked her up and took her towards the bed putting her down.

" Take rest baby. I should go now."

Antonia held his hand and stared at him with doe eyes." Stay here some time more. I have missed sleeping in your arms."

Lucas chuckled and sat beside her.

" I don't think I'll let you sleep sweetie. My hands are still itching to touch you more. I'm trying to control them." He whispered.

" I didn't ask to control them, did I?" Antonia asked tilting her head. Lucas looked at her being amused.

" You had a long journey baby. You need rest." He said softly.

Antonia lied down pulling Lucas on top of her. He balanced himself not to put his weight on her.

" Who said I'll get tired for making love to you?" Antonia whispered staring at him. Lucas smiled and kissed her passionately. Like this they went for few more rounds of their love making session.


Next day,

Antonia reached university with Sofia.

" You should go to class. I have to meet the principal first." Antonia said.

" Okay. Be careful about the bullies." Sofia said.

" Then don't let people know you are my friend. Let's see who comes to bully me. I need to teach them some lesson." Antonia said smirking.

" Let's have some fun today." Sofia said grinning.

" By the way where are the boys?" Sofia asked looking around.

" Look for them then. I'm going." Antonia said and went to the Principals room.

Sofia went to find the boys. She found them coming towards the class. She ran and hugged Leo.

" Good morning" she said.

" Good morning baby." Leo said smiling.

" Where is Antonia?" Lucas asked.

" She has gone to Principals room. After talking to him, she will come to the class. We all have the same class now." Sofia said.

" Many students here already know her. Is it okay for her?" Harry asked.

" She doesn't care. She won't hide her identity."

" Which identity? Mafia one or Mariano one?" Charlie asked wiggling his brows.

"Mariano one." Lucas said chuckling.

Antonia was coming towards the class after talking to the principal. She walking through the corridor when a gang of boys circled around her not letting her go.

"Move." She said calmly.

" Are you new here baby girl?" A boy asked her.

" You don't need to know that." saying that she was getting out pushing them aside but that boy held her and rammed her to the wall.

" Who are you showing attitude bitch? How do you dare try to act cocky." He shouted.

Antonia stared at him raising her one brow." Who are you to threat me?" she asked tilting her head.

" You bitch!" That boy was about to slap her but she held his had and twisted it.

" Ahh!" That boy shouted in pain.

" Leave him!" his friends tried to get him out of her hold but she kicked them one by one making them fell down. She turned that boy around twisting his hand.

" Fuck! Leave me you bitch!" saying that he was about to grab her hair from behind with another hand. Antonia held that hand and twisted it too.

Students came to that place hearing such noises. Sofia and the four boys came too.

" Shit!" Lucas said and was about to go to her but Sofia stopped him.

" She wants to teach the bullies some lesson. Let her." She said. They kept watching that boy getting beaten by Antonia.

" You dare to slap me huh? I'll break every bone in your arms today. Wait!" She said while twisting his hands more.

" You think it's easy to bully newbies huh?" She shouted and banged his head to the wall.

" Ahh! Let me go." That boy screamed.

Antonia kicked him letting him go.

" If I see you in front of me again, you will be doomed." She said glaring and went near Sofia and others.