
Vengeful Regressor: The Hero Must Die

What would you do if you gained the opportunity to exert revenge on your worst enemy? What would you do if you had a second chance to correct the mistakes of your past? Luke had gained such an opportunity and with that chance given to him, he swore to complished a singular purpose: "The Hero must die by my hands." That was his oath. —–– Disclaimer: Cover is not mine and belongs solely to the artist

Ezel_ · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

The Game of Death Pick (2)

Chapter 3 – The Game of Death Pick (2)

Avante continued to explain. "Those of you with a score of 51-69, you are what we call the Fencers. You are neither condemned nor deemed holy enough to enter the Blissful Place.

"Thus, you get a chance to try your luck at reincarnation. You can live your second life for a chance of beefing up your Karma Score or even marring it. That is your choice entirely.

"But the next time we meet, you won't be a Fencer anymore. You will either be headed for the Blissful Place or the Abyss."


With a snap of her finger, a golden-brownish transparent screen appeared and hovered above us for everyone to see.

This screen held a list of names, boldly written in golden brown and alphabetical order. Glancing towards the right side of a person's name, one could see that person's Karma Score. The same held for all of us.

Eyes darting about, quickly running through the hundreds of names that were listed in front of me.

I frantically searched for my name until I saw it and then traced towards my right where my Karma Score was.

'57?' I thought.


For some reason, I was relieved.

Well, at least it's above 50. For the kind of life that I led, that was fair.

After everyone had identified their scores, something started to occur.

People started disappearing.

From the looks of what happened on the screen, those who disappeared were those with scores of 50 and below as well as those with at least 70 Karma Score.

The God Assistant sorted out the damned and the righteous first before focusing on people like me, who sat on the fence.

By the end of it, there were about seven persons left, including myself.

Just seven people had a score between 51 and 69, out of what was nearly a thousand persons.

"Tch, six more points I would have gone to the Blissful Place," someone bitterly complained.

'Aren't you an unlucky one?' I thought as I glanced in the direction of the voice.

"Phew, I was three points away from going to the Abyss."

Each of them had different reactions to their scores.

The blue-eyed girl, who sat in front of them and on a throne that was evidently not made for her, narrowed her eyes at the seven of us left.

'Just seven?' she thought. 'It's been a few centuries since we had just a single-digit count in the Fencers category. Well, that makes it easy.'


In a jiffy, a moderately sized glass pot appeared out of thin air and floated at the centre of the room.

I was shocked by this and certainly, the other six were. I was sure of it.

Nothing that happened inside this so-called Mortalis Realm was ordinary and as much as I had that at the back of my mind, I couldn't still help but be amazed every time something unusual happened here.

"Since the number of you, Fencers is a single digit, we'll make this quick. I have a movie to catch with Nathos-sama."

'Do ghosts watch movies?'


I felt a sudden churning in my gut after saying that. Glancing at the God Assistant and seeing the mischievous smile on her face, I knew right away that it was her doing.

She pointed at the floating glass pot and said, "Every one of you will come forward and pick a Spawn Card from the pot. There are three categories of Spawn Cards in there: Black, White and Gold. The Spawn Card that you select will determine your fate in your next life."

And so, one after the other, we stepped forward, dipped our hands into the pot and took out a Spawn Card.

The Spawn Cards were sealed inside envelopes, designed with black, white and gold colours, which we had to open and get the real Spawn Card from inside of it.

I looked at mine, examining the golden card in my hand without any idea what it was and what it could do for me.

'Two Gold Spawn Cards,' Avante thought, seeing as two of the Fencers had picked two Gold Spawn Cards already.

Realising that this was just her Master and Lord being mischievous, she sighed.

'You can't just do that Nathos-sama.'

Soon the card vanished from my hands and like a habit or something inherent in me, I knew exactly what the card was for.

It seemed that it had been automatically absorbed by my body; like I had learned everything about the Gold Spawn Card.

I looked at my hands and the card was, indeed, gone.

After processing the information that came from the Gold Spawn Card, I smiled.

I expressed a smile so wide that I felt my mouth ache.

I felt an overflowing gratitude towards the so-called Nathos guy that the blue-eyed girl was always mentioned and the teenager as well.

"I believe you all know what you picked now and how it would work," she said. "The Black Spawn Card means that you will not reincarnate, instead you will slave away for the Gods and Goddesses and improve your Karma Score here.

After she said this, I heard loud hissing coming from around me. It was obvious what this meant.

One or two, or even three people among us had picked the Black Spawn Card.

"The White Spawn Card means that you would reincarnate into another world of your choosing and finally…

"The Gold Spawn Card is a regressor card. That means that it randomly takes you back to a time in your old life that happened at least 10 years before the time of your death.

"You all know what you picked from what I have just explained."

My heart was filled with joy, happiness and a renewal of the flames of vengeance as well.

I had gotten another opportunity to live.

I had hit a jackpot!

The blue-eyed girl had said that I could choose a point in my past to reincarnate to.

A second chance to make things right again.

Like I promised you, Terence, I will win this time.

I will win!

So I took several deep breaths and shut my eyes.

Inhale~ Exhale~ Inhale~ Exhale~

After absorbing the Gold Spawn Card, every piece of information about it came naturally to me. I didn't need to learn anything.

I knew all I needed to do and so I focused my mind and picked out a scene from my past.

The very moment that I wished to regress to from my past life.

'You just wait for me, you bastard Hero.'


Author's Note:

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