
Vengeful Ascension: The Rise of a Demon Emperor

Adrian, a desperate man on the edge of suicide, is unexpectedly transferred to another world. Stranded in this harsh world, he must confront the harsh truths of his new surroundings and find a way back home. Adrian has to have the resolve to keep going on, even as he wonders if he'll ever return to the life he left behind. Will he give in to despair, or will he find the strength to overcome the trials that lay ahead and become the universe's most powerful entity? This compelling story of survival and self-discovery will keep you riveted. Join Adrian on his journey to return home and become the most powerful being in the cosmos! ====== NONE of the reference art in this novel is mine; it was found online (no reference to artists found unless otherwise). The art serves only to give the reader an idea of what the art corresponds to in the novel. The artwork that I used in the cover is not mine. All credits to the owner.

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18 Chs

Transmigration [1]

Seated inside a cozy restaurant, a young man in his early twenties fidgeted with excitement as he waited for his beloved girlfriend. Adrian Falter, as his university ID revealed, had short, wavy brown hair, piercing black eyes, and donned a casual outfit.

He gazed eagerly towards the entrance, his heart fluttering with anticipation for the arrival of his girlfriend.

As he sat, he turned his head towards the left, gazing out the window at the rain-soaked street outside. The relentless downpour tapped a mournful rhythm on the windowsill, drowning out all other sounds save for the occasional rumble of thunder.

Suddenly, the door handle jangled, and a petite girl who stood at 149 cm burst into the restaurant. She waved at the young man sitting in the corner, a bright smile illuminating her face.

"Hi, my love! Come here!" The young man exclaimed, as he waved at his girlfriend as he was deeply in love with her.

"Hello, Adrian. I need to talk about our relationship," a young girl said with a serious expression in her eyes.

Adrian felt a lump form in his throat. "Of course, what's on your mind?" he asked, his heart racing.

The young girl promptly took a seat facing the young man as soon as she heard his exclamation. Her eyes fixated on him, waiting for him to speak.

"What about our relationship?" Adrian said, trying to remain calm.

The young girl made her declaration. "Let's break up," she said firmly. Adrian was left in a state of shock, his jaws hanging open in disbelief.

"W-what!? Why!?" Adrian startled, as he began to question what's wrong with him. Is it his appearance? His bad behavior? But the answer was none of those things he thought.

"Because every time I look up to you, all I remember is my ex-boyfriend, even your mannerism, your posture, and behavior were the same, no matter how I tried to move on, I still can't forget about him. I'm sorry Adrian." The young girl said with an empty look on her eyes, and then left the restaurant.

Adrian sat there, staring blankly ahead. The sound of raindrops tapping against the window filled his ears. He couldn't believe it. Was it all just a dream? He wiped away the tears that were now streaming down his face.

As he got up to leave, he could feel the weight of his heart sinking. Everything that they had built together was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Adrian's heart sank as she spoke of her ex-boyfriend, and how he saw him in everything Adrian did. He felt like a poor substitute, a shadow of the person she really wanted. As the young girl left the restaurant, Adrian felt a wave of despair wash over him.

He made an effort to keep his composure, but the tears kept flowing down his face. In that moment, he felt lost and alone, wondering if he would ever find someone who truly saw him for who he was.

A few hours later, Adrian stumbled out of the restaurant, his mind consumed by the pain of his recent breakup. He needed to distract himself, to forget about the hurt and loss he was feeling. A nearby nightclub called out to him, and he stumbled towards it in a daze.

Inside the club, he ordered drink after drink, drowning himself in alcohol until he felt numb. As the night wore on, he stumbled out of the club and made his way towards his university's in order to spend a night since he wasn't on his right mind.

The next day, Adrian woke up with a throbbing headache and a sense of regret. He knew he needed to face his problems, but he didn't have the strength to face his peers looking like a mess. So he headed to his university without fixing himself up, as he was in a hungover state.

Upon entering the university premises, he headed towards the stairs that led to the rooftop. A few moments later, when he reached the rooftop, he stepped forward to the railing and climbed on top of it.

As he stood atop the railing, memories of the happiest moments with his family flooded Adrian's mind. If he were to die, how would they react? Would they mourn him? All he saw in himself was a reckless person, a scum of the earth.

Adrian had made up his mind to step down from the railing, but as he prepared to do so, a sudden gust of wind threw him off balance.

"OOOOOOH NOOO!!!" Adrian screamed in terror as he fell.

As he plummeted, he felt an inexplicable sensation, as though he were being pulled in multiple directions at once. Suddenly, a swirling spiral of light materialized before him, and Adrian was enveloped within its radiance.