
1. Wanna grab a ride?

A sharp sound reaches my ears ruining my sleep, I reached out my hand for the source of the sound. After shutting off my alarm clock I slowly opened my eyes. A streak of morning light fell on my face through the space of my curtains. I got up from the bed and walked towards the big window. Sliding the curtains aside I opened the Windows breathing in the fresh morning air. The weather seemed to be very peaceful and calm outside.

I walked towards the bathroom and got myself prepared for the day ahead. I just hated going to high school for various reasons. I wore my regular clothes and walked downstairs. While getting down the last step the smell of bacon and scrambled eggs hit my nose. On entering the kitchen I saw my mother cooking with her back to me. My dad was sitting on the dining table having his breakfast. I greet both of them good morning and was about to sit down when mom spoke up

"Em, can you please go and wake up your brother"

I groaned and started walking towards my brothers' room.

I rapped on his bedroom door a number of times. Getting no response I walked inside the bedroom. It was dark inside, I went near the window and pulled the curtains aside letting in some light. My brother was scrawled across the bed with one leg dangling at the side and most of duvet on the floor. His clothes and stuff were scattered all over the place and pizza boxes were lying in the corners. I scrunched up my nose after taking a view of the not so clean bedroom. I grabbed his leg and pulled him with a jerk. He fell down from the bed and sat up with a shocked expression and half closed eyes.

"Get up fast or else you will miss your bus and I'm not paying for your bus fare again"

He gave me an unpleasant stare and walked towards the bathroom mumbling curses at me.

I walked back towards the dining table and took my share of scrambled eggs and bacon. After finishing up my breakfast and taking my bag in one hand I kiss my mom and dad goodbye. While wearing my shoes my brother came tumbling towards me.

"Sis can you lend me five dollars. I'll return it to you later I swear"

"Seriously you think I'll lend you money," I said giving him a smirk

"You are such a bitc.."

"Mom Edward is cursing." I yelled shutting him up in mid-sentence.

I ran out of the house with my phone in one hand and bag in the other. I stood in the bus stand waiting for the bus to arrive. Suddenly a black Lamborghini Huracan stopped in front of me. The window slides down and I saw the face of the person I hated the most.

"Hey Em, wanna grab a ride"

"I would rather take the bus. Thanks for the offer anyways Zack". I said giving him a forced smile.

This is Zack the popular bad boy of my high school. He has got everything, looks and money. Many girls are head over heels for him. He is an egoistic rich fool whom I hate a lot. He keeps on interfering in my regular day to day life. I don't know why he has such a keen interest in me.

"Okay than as you wish." He said giving me a wink and with his signature smug smile he drove off.

I gave out a sigh of relief and then my bus arrived. When I reached my destination I saw students walking inside the high school campus. Everyone was chatting and fooling around for the last few minutes before class starts.

I walked towards my locker ignoring the unnecessary chatter of the teens these days. Suddenly I was pushed from the back making me fall down on my knees. I looked back and saw Andrea and her minions.

"Oops didn't see you there, my bad"

She said and walked off. I got up and picked up my things that fell down.

"Hey Andrea" I called out to her

When she turned around I flipped up my middle finger.

"That's what you deserve." I yelled at her smirking.

She huffed out in annoyance and walked away. Pleased with myself I continued to take out things from the locker.

While walking to the classroom suddenly someone came and tapped me on the back. It was Grey, my friend.

"Hey Em, how was your weekend? Guess what ,Ana went on a date with me."

Discussing his date we reached our classroom and talked until the teacher arrived. The classes went on and it was time for lunch. Grey went off ahead saying he gotta meet Ana. Which left me alone. I walked towards the canteen. It was already packed by the time I reached there. I sat alone in the corner most table after grabbing my lunch. Halfway through my lunch Zack and his group of friends came and sat on my table.

"Hey beautiful, mind if we sit here," He said giving out a smirk.

"As if you will move if I told you to get lost," I said smiling at him through gritted teeth.

All of his friends laughed. I grabbed my plate and got up from the table.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"I'm sorry I don't speak to stupid people, Ciao."

I smiled innocently and walked back towards class after dumping my leftover lunch. I sat in the classroom all alone. There was still some time left for lunch to end. A girl with pigtails came inside the classroom. She approached me nervously and asked if she can sit beside me. I told her that I don't mind.

She sat down and started taking out her materials for the next class.

I can see that she wanted to talk to me but she was very reluctant. I could sense her discomfort so I spoke up first.

"U wanna say something to me" I asked her with sincere eyes.

"I..uh..I..wanted to just say that you are very courageous to stand up against Andrea and her gang like that how you did in the morning"

"Oh that... it's not much of a big deal, to be honest." I said shyly scratching my head.

She was about to say something again when the bell rang and the class started to fill up.

The last class ended and all of us were on our way back home. I was walking with Grey talking about the day. I encountered Zack again in the parking lot. He was leaning against his black Lamborghini and girls were waving at him while passing by. But his eyes were only on me and the others went unnoticed.

"Want a ride to miss Mathers" He asked smugly with that ugly smirk pasted on his face. I saw with my peripheral vision, Grey walking away mumbling a small bye.

Sometimes I feel like wiping out that smirk of Zack's face with a punch. Though I have to control my emotions.

"Can't you just leave me alone." I spoke out my voice full of annoyance. I really didn't want any more drama for the day.

"How can I let such a pretty lady like you walk all alone, it's not safe out there these days." He said leaning on his car with his hands inside his jeans pocket.

"Ughh...just stay away from me" I stomped out of the parking lot.

This guy is so annoying. I kicked a stone out of anger and hurt my toes. Fuck my life!

I catch the bus for my next destination. I worked part-time in an all-night cafe downtown not so far from my house. We are a normal middle-class family. I work so that I could pay my tuition fees myself. My dad has to pay for the house loan, taxes and my brothers education. I didn't want to burden him with my problems.

I reached the cafe and I could see it was packed with people.

There goes for a long day. With that I went inside the cafe.


Hope you liked the first part of my story. Hit a like and show some love
