
Vengeance Across Worlds

In a world of magic and swords, Magnus Stormblade was a revered hero, wielding immense power and respected by many. But envy and fear lurked among the angels, and they betrayed him, sealing his formidable body away. His soul, however, managed to escape, traversing through time and finding refuge in the modern age as Ethan Cross. Ethan then ventured across worlds travelling with his comrades to uncover the truth.

VodaBread · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 15 : Old Memories

[Ethan's POV]

It was a beautiful morning. Green nature giving off the scent of summer, birds singing, and warm weather. Everything was nice, except this, "Magnus, would you be kind enough to stand up and explain what this magic circle here means? Seeing as how you are dozing off, you must already know about it?"

Professor Rodrick, he was known for his strict and annoying personality. He is also the person I hate most in this place. "Meet me after class in my office"

"Yes sir"

After the class ended a blue haired boy grabbed my shoulders, it was Kojiro, my roommate. "Going to the office again? Seriously I know how smart you are, why don't you just show it?"

"It's bothering"

I took his hands from my shoulders and made my way through the hallway. The hallway was beautiful in its own way. Amazing sculptures, pillars with intriguing designs, people of various minds who walk through them, all of this makes this hallway beautiful.

As I made my way out of the main building to the administrative building my irritation only grew. For what reason do I have to attend these useless classes? I already finished all those lessons in the library within my first few years in the academy.

The administrative building is in now way lesser than the main building. If the main building was fancy, I would say the administrative building is mesmerizing. It's simply magic everywhere. The elevator specially. I barely managed to figure out how it works but I still don't know if my theory is right. Things like this are what we should be tought.

As I knocked the professor's door a creepy voice came as a reply, "Come in"

I entered the room. The only thing I like about professor Rodrick was his choice on arts. Of all the professors I have seen, by far professor Rodrick has the best sense of art and beauty. His room had everything symmetrically positioned. The walls had fascinating paintings of unknown origins. The couch was made of finest leather and the wood work was done by a true artisan.

"Magnus Stormblade, how many times does this make? Why don't you ever pay attention in class? I know you have potential but you need to use it. You should learn something from your brother."

My hands twitched the moment I heard about my brother. Only if I could just punch this professor now.

"As usual, bring me a written copy of today's lesson. Dismissed"

I gave a slight bow and left the room. The same old thing. It's about time I put my plans into action. Few days back I came across a caravan inside the academy while I was bunking my class. Curiosity took the best of me and I followed it. To my surprise it went inside a restricted area behind the mail building.

Not caring about much, I followed it more. To my surprise, the caravan was bringing supplies to the academy. All the supplies were stored inside a storeroom. I tried to search for the storeroom from the inside of the main building and after a long search I found it yesterday, but it was locked. I managed to steal a look at the magic combination for the lock from one of the professors after spending hours waiting there.

The academy was surrounded by forest and the only way in and out was the main gate which was heavily guarded. So, without permission, one can't enter or exit. This caravan was my only option outside. As long as I make it outside, I can come back again at night if I come back to the same caravan. I already confirmed the same caravan comes every day twice.

Today's the day I should put my plan into action. There's some time before the caravan comes, but still I should go there early. I made my way in front of the store room as discreetly as possible. The store room underground.

After I put the magic combination on, the door opened. I entered the room and made my way into one of the aisles. There was a man checking the goods on the aisle. I peeked a bit to look properly.

Okay, that is definitely not a man. It was something covered in bandages from head to toe. More like mummies that I read in a book. I tried my best to hide my mana. Seeing that thing still coming in my way it tried to go back.


There was another one on the aisle behind. I know I'm gonna get caught. I should hide my face and make a run for it.

Ring Ring

A ringing sound echoed through the room. Suddenly all the mummies went in the same direction. I followed them from behind. Apparently they were doing manual labor of carrying the items from the caravan. Seeing as the caravan arrived I sneakily made my way behind one of them. After the unloading was done I snuck into one of the carriages. Soon the carriage started to move. The carriage was now at the gate. I found a barrel and went inside it, closing the lid. I held a scroll of light in my hand so that just in case I get caught I could blind the guards and make a run for it. Thankfully the carriage started moving again.

The carriage after a while started slowing down. I opened the lid and peeked outside. The caravan was going inside a building. Seeing as the men get off one by one and go away I also hopped off the carriage. I made my way out of the building.

"Jackson Trading". So they are the one supplying us. Anyways, what should I do now? I didn't know where exactly I was at so after asking for directions I am now standing inside the market area.

The market was a bustling labyrinth of vibrant colors, enticing aromas, and the symphony of countless voices haggling, chattering, and laughing. It was a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and scents that pulled him deeper into its chaotic embrace.

Stalls and makeshift booths lined the narrow cobblestone streets, their wares spilling over into the walkways. Sunlight streamed through awnings and canopies, casting dappled shadows over the lively scene. The air was thick with the mingling fragrances of exotic spices, fragrant herbs, and sizzling street food.

In the corner, a street performer captivated a small crowd with a mesmerizing dance, her swirling costume a whirl of bright silks and tinkling bells. The rhythmic beat of a drum echoed through the air, urging people to join in the impromptu celebration.

Vendors called out their goods, their voices competing for attention. Fresh fruits and vegetables were piled high in baskets, their hues ranging from the deepest purples to the brightest oranges. Spices, arranged in colorful pyramids, filled the air with their intoxicating scents. A fishmonger proudly displayed the day's catch, glistening in the sunlight.

Further down the market, an array of street food stalls tempted passersby with sizzling skewers of meat, aromatic rice dishes, and steaming bowls of spicy noodles. The tantalizing aroma made Magnus's stomach rumble, a reminder that he hadn't eaten since his escape.

Amidst the commotion, merchants and customers bartered and bargained, their voices rising and falling in a lively exchange of goods and currency. It was a place of commerce, where the pulse of the city could be felt most strongly.


Suddenly in the midst of enjoyment suddenly the growling noise of my stomach destroyed my mood. As I put my hands into my pocket I realized the harsh truth. I forgot to bring money. Since students stay within the academy they don't normally carry much money. It will take a long time before the caravan goes back again.

I roamed through the streets with my growling stomach. Suddenly an old woman called me from behind, "Are you hungry young man?"

Looking back, she looked like an average old lady with a bent back. She had wrinkles all over her face. "Who are you?" I asked back.

"Just someone who lives for fun. Why don't you come with me? I will cook you something good" The old woman seemed nice but why would someone behave so well with a stranger. What's more, I am just a teenager. Could this be one of those kidnappings that has been happening recently?

But still, even if it was kidnapping, it looks like fun. I am confident in my escaping abilities so why not check it out. But still, my pride won't allow me to just go with her like that.

"It's alright I am not hungr-"


"Haha. Don't be stubborn. My inn's at around the corner"


Just like that I went with her. I brought a light scroll and two barrier scrolls. Just in case I should still be more careful, I don't have my weapons with me now.

Suddenly a broken down old inn piqued my interest. The board said… 'White Crane Inn'.

The place was exactly like how it looked from outside. Broken.

"The place is a bit old but bear with it. Take a sit, it won't be long"

I scanned the surroundings for potential dangers. Forget about kidnappers, there was not even a single life form except the old lady and me around this area.

My impatient self just couldn't wait so I started to look around. Though this inn was small and in an unfavorable location, the architecture done here was amazing. Even if the building seems so old, there is not a hint of crack on the pillars. If properly decorated, this place could attract a lot of customers.

"Do you like this place?" The old granny came out of the kitchen with a tray in her hands. "Come sit down, let's eat before it gets cold."

"Do you live here alone?" This place seemed odd for an old lady to be living alone at.

"My son used to live with me. He moved out of here after he got married a few years back. Now all that's left is this old bones and this inn"

"If you don't mind me asking, does this place hold some special memories for you?"

"Hohoho, what made you think so?"

"For a place where no one comes, this place is way too clean. Also an old woman like you living here alone is already weird"

"Hahaha! Children nowadays are intelligent aren't they? Only if my son would be like that. Now, let's eat and talk. This is my special spicy noodles. Dig in"

I took the spoon and dipped it in the noodle broth.


Just the broth alone was beyond my expectations. How many years has it been since I tasted something like this?

As I sat there, the aroma of the steaming bowl of spicy noodles enveloped me, tantalizing my senses. Rising in delicate tendrils, the steam carried with it a promise of flavor, a hint of the spices that awaited. With a sense of anticipation, I grasped the spoon, its cool metal contrasting with the warmth of the broth below.

The noodles, perfectly cooked, lay submerged in the broth like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Their silky smoothness glistened in the dim light of the restaurant, catching my eye as I gently lifted a few strands with the spoon. They clung together, forming a delicate bundle that promised a symphony of textures.

Bringing the spoon closer to my lips, I dipped it into the rich, aromatic broth. The moment the liquid touched my tongue, an explosion of flavors danced upon my taste buds. The broth was a complex symphony of spices, each note harmonizing with the others. There was the earthy warmth of chili, the depth of soy sauce, and the slight tang of vinegar, all melding together into a perfect balance.

The heat crept up on me, a slow and seductive burn that intensified with every passing second. It was the kind of spice that awakened the senses, making my taste buds come alive. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, a testament to the fiery passion of this dish.

I delved deeper, allowing the spoon to scoop up a generous portion of noodles and broth. As I brought it to my mouth, the noodles clung together like old friends, reluctant to part ways. Their slippery texture contrasted with the rich, flavorful broth, creating a sensation that was both comforting and invigorating.

With each mouthful, I could feel the heat building within me, a slow and steady crescendo. Yet, I couldn't stop. The noodles were a revelation, a reminder of flavors long forgotten. The spices danced upon my palate, leaving a trail of heat and delight in their wake.

As I continued to eat, the world around me faded into the background. All that existed was the bowl of spicy noodles, a symphony of flavor and sensation. It was a moment of pure indulgence, a culinary journey that transported me to another realm.

Little did I know how this place would change my entire life