
Vengeance Across Worlds

In a world of magic and swords, Magnus Stormblade was a revered hero, wielding immense power and respected by many. But envy and fear lurked among the angels, and they betrayed him, sealing his formidable body away. His soul, however, managed to escape, traversing through time and finding refuge in the modern age as Ethan Cross. Ethan then ventured across worlds travelling with his comrades to uncover the truth.

VodaBread · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Start of A New Journey

After a night of intense sex, Ethan and Seraphina found themselves waking up the next day, their bodies entangled and still naked. As soon as he opened his eyes he saw a pair of sapphire eyes staring at him quietly.

He could still feel the warmth as their bodies were still intertwined.

"So the great witch loves my face so much that she secretly was admiring it?" Ethan again teased Seraphina.

Seeing her shy face Ethan quickly held her in his arms tightly making her feel his broad and wide chest again on which she could rely upon.

Seraphina, out of reflex, pushed back Ethan and turned her head away. "I will make breakfast after I take a bath. You should wash yourself as well, we need to go to some nearby town first"

Saying that Seraphina got out of the bed revealing her radiant body that glowed with the warmth of love and life.

"What are you staring at? Thanks to a certain someone, it still feels sore down there. Just get up quickly." Saying that Seraphina threw the blanket on Ethan's face.

After washing themselves they soon had their breakfast. The atmosphere between them was still awkward as both of them were silent and avoiding each other's eyes.

"Umm… So What's the closest town from here?" It was Ethan who spoke up first.

"Oh yea, the closest town, it's the territory of Reinhafr"

"Count Reinhafr I see. I remember he helped the army a lot with his donations."

"Reinhafr is after all one of the most financially strong noble family in this empire"

Silence again fell upon them. The room was filled with a quiet intimacy, as if the very air held its breath in reverence for the two souls sitting across from each other.

The table was adorned with delicate porcelain plates, each exquisitely painted with intricate patterns of swirling vines and delicate blossoms. The room was filled with the soft aroma of freshly baked bread and the faint hint of honey lingering in the air.

Upon the plates lay a simple yet satisfying feast. A golden loaf of bread stood at the center, its crust glistening with a slight sheen. Its aroma was inviting, promising a delightful combination of softness within and a satisfying crunch with every bite.

Beside the bread sat a small bowl of ripe berries. Their colors ranged from deep crimson to vibrant shades of blue, creating a visually pleasing display that hinted at the burst of flavors trapped within their small forms. The berries seemed to have been handpicked, each chosen for its perfection.

A jar of honey, the embodiment of liquid gold, was placed nearby. Its rich amber hue seemed to capture the very essence of the sun's warmth. The way it caught the light gave it an almost ethereal quality, as if it held a secret connection to the very heart of nature itself.

And in the center of it all, a small vase held a few freshly plucked wildflowers. Their petals seemed to have captured the morning dew, lending them an air of freshness and vitality that added to the overall charm of the scene.

After the duo finished their breakfast, after resting for a while, they decided to leave the house. Before leaving Seraphina brought two rings from a room.

"Take one"

"What are these for?"

"They will prevent someone from directly peeking into your soul. They also come in with disguising feature though I doubt you would need it with this body. Also wear this"

Seraphina brought an eyepatch for Ethan. It was a black eyepatch with a white lotus on it.

Seraphina put the ring on her hand and her face along with her changed. Her hair and eyes turned black. Her facial structure changed making her unrecognizable. Even though her face changed, she still had her elegance.

"Let's go now"

As they were leaving the house Seraphina looked back at her home, where she forged countless memories with her mother and now Ethan.

The duo made their way through the gruesome forest. The sun started to set as they finally saw the sights of the city gate.

As they came closer to the gate, one guard on top of the walls seemed to have seen them and quickly brought another guard with him. Judging from his armor being different from the rest, he could be a higher ranking guard was what Ethan thought.

"Hey, what now? We don't have any identifications with us" Ethan whispered to Seraphina in a very low voice.

Seraphina replied in a domineering tone, "Act normal"

As the guard made his way down he questioned them. "State your identity and intention !"

"Sir, we are adventurers. We were tasked with finding some information from the cursed forest by the guild." Seraphina replied cheekily.

"Show me your identification papers" The guard still had the same unchanging attitude. It just shows how many years of experience he had.

Seraphina then drew a symbol on thin air and just as she was about to speak again, the symbol disappeared. "Come on sir, we showed it to you already."

The guard's eyes suddenly seemed to be zoning out. "Oh yes, my mistake you can pass. OPEN THE GATES!". The guard then turned back normal and completely changed his attitude.

[ Was that brainwashing? ]

[ Are all witches supposed to be like that? ]

[ Just how much has she changed? ]

After the gates opened, the bustling city greeted them. 'Janeus' ruled by the noble house of 'Reinhafr' was one of the commercial districts of the empire. The Reinhafr were originally commoner merchants. Their pure business instincts took them to where they are now. Being a commercial district, it's roads were filled with shops and bustling crowds.

As it was already dark, Ethan and Seraphina proceeded towards an inn. As they entered the inn 'Silk's Den' a lively atmosphere greeted them. People, mostly adventurers judging from their attire, were drinking and eating as they were chatting with their companions. Ethan went to the counter and was greeted by a cheerful young woman. "How can I be of help?"

"Is there any room for tonight?"

"Ah, there's only one room left. One night would be 5 Lumins."

Ethan glanced at Seraphina and saw her nodding.

"Very well we will take it."

Before coming out of Seraphina's house, Seraphina gave him some imperial coins, also known as 'Xeno' for safekeeping.

After they paid for their room they received their key and decided to have a meal. They sat at an empty table and ordered some food and drinks.

"So… you have any plans now?" Ethan started the conversation with a question.

"We need information. We are lacking a lot of information"

As Seraphina finished her sentence a loud laugh echoed through the room. Ethan looked at the source of the noise. It was a group of adventurers chatting loudly.

"Did you hear? Sir Donovan is setting up an army this time to take revenge for his brother."

"What do you think? Should we apply?"

"Don't you remember? Sir Magnus's entire army was wiped out along with him fighting the demons"

"But Sir Magnus already killed the previous demon lord who was said to be the strongest. How much can a fledgling demon lord do? We already got back most of the human territories back. Also don't forget it was that bitch Seraphina that backstabbed the entire Seven Stars. Only if it weren't for her."

"He must have bewitched others. Don't forget she was a witch."

Ethan who heard them was boiling with anger as he leaked some killing intent. Seraphina who noticed that held his hand and shook her head. Ethan quickly regained his posture.

"Let's go rest. We are tired." Seraphina suggested in a low tone.

They got up from their chairs without finishing the meals and went to their room after paying for it.

As they both got freshed they lay on the bed side by side facing opposite directions. Their deed from last night still bothered them as they couldn't see each other properly without blushing.

Seraphina however was indulged in her own thoughts.

[ Should I tell her about Donovan? ]

[ I know he would be devastated ]

[ I heard after his mother died his brother was the one who took care of him ]

[ He needs to know this someday ]

[ Okay let's do this ]

After resolving herself she turned to Ethan. "Ethan…?"

There was no reply.

[ Looks like he is tired ]

[ We can talk another time ]

Lost in her thoughts, Seraphina's fingers traced an unconscious path across Ethan's back, her touch gentle and lingering. The memory of the previous night's scent still clung to her senses. She felt an irresistible pull towards him, a magnetic force that drew her closer.

As if following an invisible trail, her hand glided from his back to his chest, her palm resting over his heart. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat echoed in sync with the rhythm of her own, as if their souls were orchestrating a symphony of their own.

In that moment, wrapped in the warmth of his embrace and cocooned in the sanctuary of the room, Seraphina found herself overcome by a sense of tranquility she had never experienced before. The weight of her responsibilities and the uncertainty of their journey seemed to melt away, replaced by a comforting stillness.

And so, as the morning light painted delicate patterns on the walls, Seraphina found herself momentarily lost in the intimate embrace of sleep, her body unconsciously nestled against Ethan's. Her senses were ensnared by the intoxicating scent that enveloped him, a scent that seemed to hold the promise of a new beginning and a depth of emotions she had yet to fully comprehend.

As her consciousness slowly stirred, a soft blush tinted Seraphina's cheeks. She realized the proximity of their bodies, her heart fluttering in response. With a mix of flustered embarrassment and a gentle smile playing on her lips, she gently disentangled herself from Ethan's embrace. Her fingers brushed against his skin in a final, lingering caress before she sat up.

With a tenderness that betrayed the depth of her emotions, Seraphina leaned down and pressed a soft, lingering kiss on Ethan's forehead. It was a silent acknowledgment of the connection they shared, a promise that she would face the challenges ahead with him by her side.

After that brief, intimate moment, Seraphina gracefully rose from the bed. She stood by the window for a moment, her silhouette bathed in the soft morning light. Her attire, chosen for both practicality and a touch of elegance, consisted of a long-sleeved blouse made of finely woven fabric that accentuated her lithe figure. The deep forest green color complemented her eyes, adding a captivating depth to her gaze.

She wore fitted trousers, allowing her ease of movement without compromising her dignity. A leather belt cinched at her waist held a small pouch, a testament to her preparedness for any situation. Her boots, crafted from supple leather, were sturdy yet refined, the soles worn from countless journeys.

Seraphina's hair, cascading in ebony waves, was pulled back in a loose braid that fell over one shoulder, revealing the curve of her neck. Around her neck, she wore a pendant – a simple yet intricate design, the emblem of her lineage.

Glancing back at the still-slumbering Ethan, Seraphina chuckled a bit. After she woke Ethan up they both left the inn.

After they came out of the inn, they decided to go to 'Albern Reuth', the city of wisdom. It is said that the first hero of humanity was born there and an academy has been established there to honor him.

"So why are we going there?" Seraphina asked Ethan curiously as they were riding a carriage.

"The headmaster, that old hag is the only one I can trust in this place."

They were passing through a forest. It would take 5 hours on carriage to reach Albern Reuth from Janeus.

The forest was huge, radiant, and rich. Its canopy was demanded by hawthorn, fir, and beech, who let through enough dancing beams of sunshine for colorful saplings to sprout in the insect riddled soils below.

Curling climbing plants clung to the occasional tree, and a mishmash of flowers, which desperately tried to avoid the shadows, added colorful, scented elements to the otherwise dark landscape.

A clamor of sounds, predominantly those of insects and critters, added life to the forest, and were out of sync with the sound of the wind blowing gently through the forest.

Suddenly the carriage stopped.

"What happened?" Ethan asked the coachman.

"Don't worry sir, I will talk with them."

Blocking the road were some men in ragged clothes. They were bandits. Among them stood out a tall muscular figure with his exposed chest holding a huge blade.

A fairly large, wide, straight blade held by a grip wrapped in leather. Because it's sharp on just one edge this weapon is the perfect choice for slicing and dicing while also offering you a way to effectively block attacks.

The coachman went to him and bowed while taking a pouch out of his chest and offering it to him. The man slapped the coachman, making him fall on the ground.

"You think this much is enough to please me? Loot the carriage boys!"

"Oh please sir don't" The coachman pleaded again.

Seeing the scene Ethan was about to get off the carriage only to be stopped by Seraphina.

"Let me handle this"

Seraphina got out of the carriage and stood in front of it. She took out a wand out of her sleeves.

This wand is made out of Hawthorn Wood, which tends to favor those who love and crave destruction. The handle is made out of Bitterwood, which in turn heavily favors those with a talent for dueling. However, the combination of this strand of Hawthorn Wood and Bitterwood means the wand will seek out somebody who tends to make the right choice.

A wand usually has 1 or 2 cores, but some have 3, this wand has 1 core. A core of elf hair which enhances either dark or light spells based on the owner's heart and refuses to cast the other.

The wand measures 15 inches/38 cm and has an antique look. The particular strand of Hawthorn Wood used in this wand is quite common, which reduces the overall cost a fair bit, however, elf hair is very rare, resulting in a wand priced in the mid-ranges.

"Looks like this girl understands her place. Don't worry, I will treat you well." The man was drooling from Seraphina's beauty as he said that.

"Impedimulso Tormenius!" As Seraphina casted her spell a brown flash hit the bandits.

They gasped for air and stumbled on their feet, the world seemed to spin around them. Their entire body told them to stop what they were doing, stop and find relief from this hellish feeling. They tried as best they could to block out the pain.

Their heads felt eerily light, everything seemed to spin around them in a blur of motion and their legs could barely carry them. Soon one by one they started to fall on the ground.

Seraphina then turned to the coachman who was lying on the ground. "Let's go mister."

After they finally reached Albern Reuth, the city of wisdom. This city was a technological marvel. Situated around the center of the Empire, most of the nobles send their children to the Great Academy of Honden, just Honden in short. The Honden was founded by the fourth hero in order to honor the first.

The education of the Academy is ensured by the best teachers from all over the human territories. Swordsmanship, magic, alchemy basically all of the things are taught here. Magnus, son of a prominent family of the Empire also studied here. He had built a very bonding connection with the headmaster who treated him like her own grandson.

As they enter the grounds of Honden a beautiful mix of nature and architecture greets them. As they make their way to the administration bulding, guards stop them.

"State your intentions" One of the guards spoke up. The academy of Honden had their own unit of guards. However they could only exercise their authority within the grounds of Honden. Each of the guards had a black robe on them with the insignia of the academy on their right shoulder.

"We are here to meet the headmaster"

"Did you make any appointments?"

"We could not do that as it was urgent."

"I am sorry but you have to return as today the headmaster is very busy"

Ethan thought for a while before speaking up again, "Then could you atleast give her a message? Tell her that the orphan has come in search of light."

The guards looked at each other and whispered before one of them spoke up again. "Wait here a moment."

Then the guard went inside the building. After a few minutes the guard came back and escorted them inside. The architecture was simply marvelous. It is said that the finest dwarves of that time handcrafted every design of the buildings. They then stood on top of a platform. After the guard put some mana in the glowing purple crystal in the middle the platform started to lift. Soon they were on the very upper floor of the building.

"The headmaster's room is straight from here, I can only escort you up to this place. May the God of Wisdom be with you" The guard then went back the way they came. As Ethan and Seraphina stood in front of the door, Ethan took a deep breath.

As Ethan opened the door, they saw an old lady standing beside the window. She had white hairs flowing behind her indicating her old age. Her hair was curly. She had long ears indicating her race, the Elves. As she turned her head the door behind them closed suddenly and the entire room was filled with her killing intent. Even though she was old she was one of the strongest beings alive.

"Depending on what you choose to say your heads may roll, choose your words wisely." The old lady had a calm demeanor yet a frightening aura. Even after being an elf, her face had wrinkles on them. That just shows how many years she had lived.

"Calm down old hag, I'm not in a mood for fighting." Ethan, in response to the old lady's threat, countered her aura with his own mana.

"I have seen many things in my life, but… this doesn't make sense. You got some explaining to do, you brat."



Glimmer (₲): The smallest unit of Xeno, used for minor purchases like a piece of fruit, a small trinket, or a simple service like shoe shining.

1 Glimmer (₲) = The worth of a small everyday item

Shine (₷): Ten Glimmers form a Shine, often used for small transactions in local markets or paying for services like basic repairs.

1 Shine (₷) = 10 Glimmers

Lumin (₤): Ten Shines make a Lumin, representing a more substantial amount. Used for mid-range purchases such as meals at a tavern, common clothing, or hiring a laborer for a day.

1 Lumin (₤) = 10 Shines

Radiant (Ɽ): Ten Lumins equal a Radiant, a coin of higher value. Used for goods and services of better quality, like a well-made sword, a crafted piece of furniture, or a night's stay at a standard inn.

1 Radiant (Ɽ) = 10 Lumins

Eclipse (Ɇ): Ten Radiants form an Eclipse, representing luxury and extravagance. Used for high-end purchases such as fine jewelry, tailor-made clothing, or a lavish feast at a renowned restaurant.

1 Eclipse (Ɇ) = 10 Radiants

Starcrest (★): A rare coin worth ten Eclipses. Reserved for transactions of immense significance and wealth. Used for acquiring rare artifacts, securing influential favors, or reserving the most opulent suites in prestigious establishments.

1 Starcrest (★) = 10 Eclipses

Sample Prices:

A simple loaf of bread: 2 Glimmers

Shoe shining: 1 Glimmer

A hearty meal at a local tavern: 1 Lumin

Repairing a torn cloak: 2 Lumins

Hiring a laborer for a day's work: 5 Lumins

A basic sword: 3 Radiants

Tailor-made clothing: 5 Radiants

Night's stay at a standard inn: 2 Radiants

Fine jewelry: 1 Eclipse

Lavish feast at a renowned restaurant: 2 Eclipses

Rare artifact at a collector's market: 5 Eclipses

Influential favor from a noble: 1 Starcrest