

Filled with bloodbath, suspense, action, ignorance, hatred and venge as the name connotes, the story carries us towards an imaginative world where supernatural beings live among humans. It's a world of Werewolves. The humans are the prey, the Werewolves the predators. The balance of existence hangs on a cliff and will need a very unlikely being to be its savior. The story centres on the adventures of a supernatural being seeking Vengeance for the injustice meted out on him. An event which he felt ruined his childhood and life forever. Acting on impulse, he begins a destructive journey which along the line leads him to discover his true self. VENGEis not just a story. It's a world of its own.

Paul_Elijah · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
8 Chs



The Police station was crammed with officers going about their normal duties; some attended to files, some to distress calls, some just zoomed in and out of the offices embarking on one job or the other. Apparently, it was a very busy day for the police officers at the station.

Inside his office, Detective Edwards was sitting behind his desk, his eyes fixed on the desktop while his fingers rapidly worked on the keyboard laid on the desk. He had a serious look on his face. Occasionally, he would pause his typing, scribble down some words before focusing back on the computer.

Few moments later, the door to his office opened and Officer Liam stepped into the room. He was dressed in a black trouser, black sleeve and a brown jean jacket. He held a blue file in his grip. After his entrance, he closed the door behind him, walked over to Detective Edwards and saluted him.

"Sir, we've received a distress call about a Werewolf attack in Sevilla street. Permission to take a squad for action, Sir." Officer Liam made his request known.

"Permission denied." Detective Edwards replied sharply.

Liam raised his eyebrows in confusion, "But why Sir?" He asked.

"We have no leverage against those beasts, so permission denied."

"But Sir, are we just gonna----"

A loud bang on the desk cut Officer Liam off. "YOU WILL OBEY MY ORDER TO STEP ASIDE, OFFICER!" Detective Edwards roared, his face visibly ridden with anger.

"Yes, Sir." Officer Liam replied, his voice showing signs of reluctance. Then, he exited the office.

* * *

Sevilla street was one of the many streets in Central City that was crammed with houses of different sorts with civilians occupying them. This street was under the grip of the Werewolves and so, the civilians lived each day with the fear of death hanging over them.

They had no strength to battle the Werewolves neither did they have weapons that could help them fight against the Werewolves. All they could do in any Werewolf attack was to run until the beasts overwhelm them completely. This was the life the Sevillians lived.

In a part of the street, a group of Werewolves numbering up to five cornered some civilians. Their claws were dangling dangerously and their fangs dripped blood each time they snarled. Their thirst for blood would soon be quenched by the innocent civilians before them.

The Werewolves continued to corner the civilians until they fell into a dead end, with no means of escape. This seemed to bring joy to the Werewolves with the way they roared excitingly. And then, they made the approach to finally finish off the civilians.

It was at this moment that the shrill sound of a police siren blared into the air. And just two seconds later, a police car sped from the other side of the road, and when it had achieved a close distance to the Werewolves, the tyres screeched to a violent halt.

In a dramatic way, Officer Liam stepped out of the car. He held a pistol in his hand. He marched away from the car and towards the Werewolves. Once he had achieved a close distance, he stopped and observed the civilians and the position of the Werewolves. He had to be careful.

"I'm gonna say this once." He said in a calm voice. "Leave now, or there'll be nothing left of you to leave with." He warned sternly.

The Werewolves roared violently in disdain. Apparently, they were infuriated by what Liam had said. In a rush, one of the Werewolves grabbed a civilian and made to slash his claws on the Civilians throat. Swiftly Liam raised his gun.

"Wrong move." Liam muttered, and then homing his military training, he aimed at the werewolf and then pulled the trigger. It was a headshot. The Werewolf had his brains blown out by Liam's shot. "Told you that was a wrong move."

The rage that flew through the Werewolves was so great they let out loud and monstrous roars. And then, all at once, they rushed at Liam. Liam returned the favour by another shot fired from his pistol. The bullet penetrated the head of the Werewolf and blew out his brains.

Liam was not fast enough for a third shot. The Werewolves had reached close proximity and so his gun was knocked out of his grip. Then, Liam felt a heavy blow landing on his body. The force propelled him from the ground and sent him flying straight until his body jammed unto the side of his car.

Liam's body created a dent on the surface of the car before plumping unto the hard ground, groans escaping his lips. The cornered Civilians took advantage of this distraction and swiftly bolted from their hostage position and found their way to safety and away from the Werewolves.

Groaning in pains, Liam dragged himself unto his feet and then he confronted the raging Werewolves. He sized up the Werewolves. One was muscular and hugely built while the other two were average sized. He knew without doubt that he could take down the three effortlessly.

"You..." One of the Werewolves pointed his sharp claws at Liam. "You are one of us. How dare you attack your own kind!"

"You gotta rephrase that." Liam said, taking slow and measured steps towards the Werewolves. "I was and will never be your kind, you human-eating animals!" And then, he charged forward with clenched fists.

Getting within close proximity, Andrew swung his fist forward and knocked it unto the face of one of the Werewolves, knocking him unto the ground. And without demurring, he proceeded to launched his boot unto the stomach of the next Werewolf.

The moment the Werewolf bent down in pains, Liam concluded with a punch unto his face, sending the Werewolf flying few metres into the air before plumping violently unto the ground. The blows they had received from Liam were fatal and so the Werewolves stayed sprawled on the ground.

"Wanna get a taste of that?" Liam now confronted the huge Werewolf.

"I'm gonna rip you apart bit by bit and then feed your insides to the pigs."

"Say what now? I didn't hear you."

"I will rip your--"

Without waiting for the Werewolf to finish talking, Liam homed his hidden superhuman speed and charged at the Werewolf. Getting close, Liam struck his hardened fist unto his jaw, projecting him few metres into the air. Time began to move slowly the moment the Werewolf began to descend back to the ground.

Instantly, Liam swung into action. He made a feeble leap and struck his elbow on the Werewolf's belly, further sending him slowly falling to the ground. And when the Werewolf was almost on the ground, Liam made a rapid spin and landed a roundhouse kick on the Werewolf's chest.

Time began to move at its normal pace the moment Liam's feet landed on the ground. "BOOM YA!"

The Werewolf he had struck found himself plumped straight into a wall, bursting through it and crashing violently unto the other side of the wall. The speed and quick successions Liam had landed his blows was beyond what the Werewolf could comprehend and thus, he fell straight into unconsciousness.

"Whoo, never knew I still had it in me." Liam dusted his palms. He proceeded to scan around for any moving Werewolf, but when he found none, he walked over to the car, entered and zoomed off, leaving a contrail of dust and corpses behind him.

* * *


As I step harder on the accelerator, I pray within me that Detective Edwards does not find out I disobeyed his command and went out to confront the Werewolves on my own. I need to get to the police department as fast as possible so as not to incur suspicion.

Being a repented Werewolf was the hardest thing I've had to deal with my entire life. From enduring the rage of each full moon, to controlling my blood thirst. All these I trained myself to do over the years since I renounced my Father's pack of ravaging Werewolves.

From the moment I was given birth to, I was trained to be the best Werewolf. Apparently, I was meant to become the next Alpha after my Father. Well, I couldn't do that shit so I just had to leave everything behind and start a new life with the humans.

It wasn't easy, moving every few weeks so as to evade my Father's beasts. With time, I learnt to hide my scent and so I was able to live a normal life. But living as a human had its own troubles. I lived long enough to know that one can never live a normal life no matter where you go.

So I decided to come back. It's been too long and I'm quiet sure my Father must have moved on. I'm here to use my powers to help the innocent humans. After my Father and his Alpha colleagues, I am the strongest Werewolf. My Father made sure he trained me so hard during the days.

These thoughts fill my mind as I drive the police car through the gates and into the compound of the two story police department building. I step out an walk inside the building. I first walk towards an officer's table to drop the keys before heading to my office.

The moment I walked past Detective Edwards door, I heard a shrill bark of my name. Mhennn, it's gonna be a long day. But well, I already knew it would come to this so I had already prepared for this. I slowly opened the door and walked inside to meet the angry Edwards.

"I gave an exclusive order and you defied it!" His menacing voice slam my face the moment I entered.

"I'm sorry Sir." I reply him in my calmest voice. "...and I'm ready to take any punishment for it."

"Defying my orders only to come get punished seem to be the norms these days." Officer Edwards retorted. "You are gonna explain to me how you took out five ruthless Werewolves all by yourself. And you're gonna turn your badge in, you're suspended from duty for now."

"But.....but Sir." I try to say but was cut short.

"Go over to Inspector Joe's desk and drop your badge and statement there. I'll know what else to do to you later."

Feeling defeated, I heave a sigh and made a salute. Then, I turned and walked out of the office. I proceeded over to my own office, walked in and slammed the door behind me. I'm very quiet sure Detective Edwards heard the bang from his office.


* * *


Inside the conference room of the mansion, Alpha Jared was seated on the chair at the end of the long table, his palms resting on his chin and the elbows firmed on the table. Kneeling at the other end of the table was the muscular Werewolf Liam had incapacitated.

His body was covered in palpable amount of blood. His breath was shallow and his head was bowed down. It seemed he had been the only survivor of Liam's attack and so, as expected he had returned to lay word back to his master, Alpha Jared.

"Speak!" Alpha Jared's voice was thunderous enough to make the bowing Lycan to tremble in fright.

"He.....he was a strong one my Sire." The Werewolf reported shakily. "His speed, strength and stamina were on a different level from any other Werewolf I've ever encountered. Only one Beta has ever been able to possess such godlike power."

"And who do you make reference to?"

"Young Master Liam, my Sire."

"Hmmm..." Alpha Jared hummed under his breath. "Be gone."


"Be gone!" Alpha Jared thundered. And swiftly, the Werewolf zoomed out of the building. Once the Werewolf was out, Kaira walked through the entrance door, made her way towards Alpha Jared.

"My Sire." She bowed.

"I have a job for you Kaira." Alpha Jared said. ".....and you mustn't fail."