
Holding hands in secret

Xiang Yu also noticed a small group of fans gushing over him and Han Xin, marvelling at how he protected Han Xin as if he were a precious treasure. A sneaky suspicion crept into his mind that Lian and Mei were likely involved in this mess. He didn't care much about the incident itself, but he worried that Han Xin might be exposing too much of himself by defending him

The imperial lord leaned back, eyeing his son. "I was already working on clearing your name, but someone beat me to it. They even managed to hack the most secure database in the Republic. Who could have such skills? That person must be a true fan of yours."

Xiang Yu was shaken by those words. He didn't want Han Xin to reveal his strength too soon. "They must have their own agenda. We can only wait until they reveal themselves."

The imperial lord raised an eyebrow. "So, you really don't know anyone powerful enough to back you?"

Xiang Yu remained relaxed. "Father, what are you implying?"