

Cal opened his eyes and started to freak out. Where was he and why was he here? The last thing he could remember was getting shot and... dying? Cal couldn't see anything. Where ever he was was so dark one could not see their own hands.

"Hello! Is anyone their?"

Cal yelled at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, a spotlight revealed a... a... a something. The thing was hunched over, red, had a long beard, and was smiling. It was standing on top of a large pedestal looking down at Calvin. Suddenly the creature spoke to Cal.

"What is your name?"

The creatures voice was very raspy. It sounded like a heavy smoker.

"Quiet are we?"

Calvin immediately snapped out of his thoughts and answered the creature.

"My n-name is C-Calvin."

The creature frowned.

"Now don't be scared, I am a nice guy. I know I look scary but there is no need to rub it into my face like that."

Cal was puzzled by the creatures response to him. It seemed the creature wasn't actually that scary.

"What are you?"

"Why I am a demon of course! And you are our most recent resident of this world, Hell."

As the demon said "Hell" his smile grew wider and his eyes became more evil. But, the evil look didn't last very long.

"Hey kid, you said your name was Cal right?"


"Alright then, Cal, as you may have realized, you are no where near the place you called home. This is Hell. Hell is a bit different than your earth. Actually, it is very different."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for starters, have you even looked at yourself yet?"

Cal looked down at his hands and body.

"What the-"

His body was a blueish color with these fire red colored veins bulging throughout his body.

"What happened to me?"

The demon smiled wide.

"You died, and that is your new body."

"Why do my veins feel hot? And why are they bulging out of my arms so intensely?"

The demon's smile widened even more.

"Those aren't just any veins my friend, those are Hell Veins."