
Veiled Secrets: a journey of redemption, fate, and betrayal"

Dana Wang leads a double life to conceal his true identity. Behind his reserved demeanor as a gifted student, Dana harbors extraordinary talents beyond comprehension. Unbeknownst to his peers, he possesses the speed of a racing champion, the name that once heard, put fears in people's heart, and the prowess of a martial arts master. As the lead singer of a quite famous band, consisting of three extraordinary singers. Haunted by childhood and his mother's busy nature, Dana desperately seeks his mother's attention and love. Faced with her perpetual absence, he embarks on irrational ventures to capture her fleeting affection, risking everything for a glimpse into her In "Veiled Secrets," join Dana on a pulse-pounding journey of self-discovery, love, and redemption, as he battles against his traumatic past, uncovers the truth behind his mother's perpetual absence and confronts sinister forces determined to control his extraordinary powers. As the stakes rise and suspense tightens its grip, Dana must strive to rise above the darkness and carve a path to his own identity and happiness. Will he emerge triumphant or be consumed by the very secrets he seeks to unravel?

rofiat27GoLd · Hiện thực
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i won't let anyone take that away from him not even you!

when baby entered his room, he locked his door and went to his secret chamber.

"uncle, I went for shopping today and bought a lot of things." he said. his uncle gave him a cold look from the corner of his eyes. "I see that you've gotten into a scandal again." he said. baby pursed his lips and looked at the television In the room. "you're living quite a comfortable life." baby said. quite a comfortable life your father!. "uncle, I bought a new blanket for you, it is thick and fluffy. it'd surely keep you warm." his uncle twitched his brows and said "you didn't come here for this right." baby looked at his uncle and said "I want to release you but this face of yours is really a problem."

release me?, this boy is really sick. isn't he scared that I'd ruin everything he planned in one night. "when this term ends, i'm going to visit my cousins for one week and you'd be their new housekeeper." baby said. his uncle smiled. in the end, you're still too young. you even want to make me the housekeeper in my own house." he said.

"get ready to have a new face, but I really love this face of yours, how about you promise not to cause trouble. then you can just wear a mask." baby said.

"I promise." his uncle said. even if you don't promise me, you will still obey me in the end. baby thought "your food, extra chicken." baby said and left.


baby sat on the bed and dialed a number. "leader!" the person on the other end said. "I want everything about Tracey Anderson in 24 hours.he said. "which Tracey Anderson are you talking about?" the person asked. baby clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I'd send you her picture." baby said and ended the call. he dialed another number. "leader what can I do for you?" the person asked. "I need your presence in the press conference on Monday. I'd send the details to you in 24 hours." baby said and ended the call. he dialed Ryan's number. "Boss, I saw the news." Ryan said immediately he picked the call. baby spasmed his lips and said "Ryan I won't be in school on Monday, you have to bring the documents down to my house."

"boss, do you want me to send someone to protect your mum?" Ryan asked. "my mum's bodyguards aren't that useless." baby replied.

"do you need me to do something on Monday?" Ryan asked. "just go to school and be a good boy, bring the documents immediately after school." baby replied and hung up.

he went to the bathroom to freshen up. he sat comfortably on his bed and read the comments under the short clip Tracey posted.

[does he really think he can do whatever he wants.]

[he's really arrogant. he actually hit a lady, so shameless.]

[he actually resulted to violence, apologize to her.]

[he bullied her just because he's rich, apologize to our beauty.] baby's eyes and when he read the comments. beauty my ass!.

he raised his middle finger in a fuck you gesture and snapped his hand. manager Kyle I need to trouble you for now.

To Tracey Anderson and those that want me to apologize baby posted and attached the picture. after posting it, he switched off his phone and slept soundly.


"why isn't those posts down yet?" mama Wang asked. "honey, you need to calm down ok?" papa Wang replied.

"oh! really?, I forgot to ask you. why did you freeze my son's bank account and even forced him to go to church?" mama Wang asked with a cold smile on her face. "honey, you have to believe me, I didn't. your son is trying to drive a wedge between us." papa Wang replied.

"i don't have your time for now, I need to deal with that Anderson. make a call right now and tell them to withdraw their shares from their business. I want them bankrupt in 24 hours." mama Wang said. "honey, isn't your decision too rash, she only insulted your son and your son slapped her back for revenge. this is between their generation, it has nothing to do with us." papa Wang replied trying to talk some sense into his wife. mama Wang gave a cold snort and said "it has nothing to do with us?, your son's reputation is in the mud. those people are calling him shameless, useless, a rich bumpkin relying on his parents. we both know that we had nothing to do with how he got accepted as an artist. you were even against it. now you want all he had done to go just like that." mama Wang shouted in anger.

"he doesn't really need to be an artist whatsoever. he's the only heir to our business. what does he need that for?" Papa Wang said. "your only heir, that's all you care about. did you even ask if he wants to take over your business?, being an artist is is dream and I won't let anyone take that away from him. not even you!. now make the call." mama Wang said in a dominating manner. "oh really, I'd make the call but know one thing for sure, he'd take over this business wether he likes it or not." papa Wang replied and stormed out angrily.

mama Wang checked her phone and saw baby's post. she smiled and said "don't worry son, your mum will always have your back."


"I told you not to offend the Wangs but you refused. now see, our major shareholders are withdrawing their shares from the cooperation." Mr. Anderson said. "just some good for nothings, do they really think they can force us into bankruptcy." Mrs. Anderson replied. "you!.." he didn't get to finish his sentence when his phone rang.

"they also withdraw their share? what is the reason this time?" he asked. "the same reason." the person from the other end said.

"ok, got it."Mr Anderson said and hung up. he glared at his wife and said "look what you've caused, another shareholder. don't think that they'd let you and your daughter off this time. I've always told her not to cause trouble for that boy, he isn't as easygoing as he looks." Mr Anderson said and went to make another call.