

Weeks passed by but it felt slower than usual.

The boys never came back to the shop nor tried to contact me by any means, so I thought it's over until Sunday came where I learned K gave Sooha an album with a special lottery ticket that she can use to join an online fan event.

However, I wasn't aware of it at first. I only found out after I accidentally overheard their conversation. Not that I blame her because I was mostly inside my bedroom due to my monthly period.

It's already the third day but I'm still having a hard time moving around so I forced myself to take a warm bath to relieve my aching belly.

The lukewarm water did wonders, however, it also made me realize I was starving for not taking anything since morning.

To maximize the energy left in my body, I dragged my feet to the fridge for an easy fix sandwich as soon as I changed to a large white shirt and stuffed my underwear with the thickest pad available in the market.

I was surprised to see Sooha at home on a Sunday since she always go out on Saturday nights and go straight to the shop around Monday mornings.

She usually spends her day off at her friend's house so I made sure the shop is closed on Sundays to give her time for leisure.

She was sitting on a single couch in the living room while having a conversation on a laptop and I almost choked on my own saliva after seeing K's face plastered all over the screen.

I was forced to hide behind the wall and hoped he didn't spot me at all even though the camera was facing my direction.

"How do I look?"

Sooha stood up and twirled in front of him, causing her black tube A-line cotton dress to expose half of her slender and pearly white upper legs.

"You look stunning."

K said without blinking and it shot me right through the chest.

The flashbacks of the group's first Korean online fan-sign haunted me but the big difference was I lost the right to be jealous.

"Aw~you're making me blush."

"It's true. You look very sexy."

Sooha's confident giggles filled the room and honestly that one minute privilege to talk to the members felt like forever.

I haven't even noticed I was holding my breath the whole time. I had to go back inside my room to let my tears out and be done with it as soon as possible.

After all this time I thought I've moved on.

I have been under the impression that since I actually managed to live past my most depressed state, even if I remember the boy, I won't remember the feeling anymore.

Yet it's like I traveled through time and relived that experience once again.

I lazily slumped my back on the bed and stared at the white ceiling. I started thinking about how close K and Sooha have become in just a span of a month and I couldn't help but suspect that they're already dating.

K might be older than her by a long shot but does age really matter if they're both attracted to each other?

Besides, she's a twenty six year old adult now and is more experienced in dealing with men than I'll ever be.

K's very tall but she would probably look good next to him because she's got a slender body and long legs that I've always thought she would've instantly got famous if she pursued a modeling career.

Her complexion is also captivating because her skin kind of glows when the sun hits and sometimes I think I've seen an angel coming in the shop, particularly when she's all dressed in her pure white uniform.

Her hair is straight and shiny, bouncy and healthy. She's nice and hardworking. She's assertive and creative.

Of course half the reason was she is a bit vain and spends money on herself quite a lot but it's understandable since she needs to build her image to make sure nothing can be used against her in the future, once she becomes a known entity in the industry.

Just like idols or celebrities who had to always look their best to keep their statuses.

I should be happy for her, however, I can't brush the weird feeling that K was only doing this to seek out revenge.

I know he's a nice guy but I did him wrong and normally, people tend to develop hatred towards the other person.

I wanted to warn her, but I couldn't find the right timing due to lack of solid reason to use without exposing our past relationship. Nor bring myself to lie about him after what I did. That's even worse and if I get caught, I could lose her too.

My mind was filled by these same thoughts the next day that I kept making mistakes on the change I hand down to the costumers.

I'm really grateful for the honesty some costumers have shown, pointing out that the money I returned was even bigger than what they paid.

Fortunately Sooha took a day off and was completely clueless about the mess I did the whole day.

I was so exhausted that I chose to stay in the shop longer than usual, staring blankly on the computer's white screen while contemplating if I should make a fake email account and send an anonymous letter to Sooha.

It took me countless sighs before I finally decided to make one to give warning about K's possible intentions, minus the reason why so that she would try to clear things up.

A loud knocking startled me at the middle of typing the request for a new account so I unconsciously pressed x instead of minimizing the page.

I reckoned this is a sign to disengage but to actually see K in front of the store knocking on the door even when the board says "closed" gave me goosebumps.