
Veil of Shadows: The Necromancer's Awakening

In the darkness that lies between life and death, a tale unfolds. "Veil of Shadows: The Necromancer's Awakening" delves into a world where magic and modernity collide, where an ordinary boy discovers an extraordinary power that could shape the fate of nations. Follow Ethan as he navigates a treacherous path, walking the line between light and darkness, life and death. As he harnesses the forbidden art of necromancy, his once ordinary existence transforms into a harrowing journey filled with peril and self-discovery. In a world poised on the brink of chaos, Ethan's choices will echo through the ages, leaving an indelible mark on a world teetering on the edge of oblivion.

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9 Chs

Chapter 4: The Journey Begins

Ethan, breathless and weary, took slow and heavy steps toward the shadowy figure. Its form loomed before him, radiating an aura of rage and darkness. As he approached, his hand trembling with anticipation, Ethan's weary eyes met the intense gaze of the shadowy figure. There was a moment of silence, charged with anticipation and uncertainty.

With determination, Ethan reached out his hand, his fingers extending to make contact with the shadowy figure's back. The moment his fingertips made contact, he cast the spell "Necrotic Touch," channeling his newfound necromantic powers. The figure trembled, its form disintegrating into a swirling vortex of dark particles until it was reduced to mere dust scattered in the air.

As the remnants of the shadowy figure faded, Ethan's surroundings changed once again. He could hear the voice of <???@???> echoing behind him, a mixture of amusement and satisfaction in its tone. Turning around, Ethan's fatigued eyes fell upon the young boy leaning casually against a nearby tree. The boy held a black book titled "Zodiac's Return: 1st Incarnation Scorpio" in his hands, which he closed with a snap before transforming it into a crystal-like orb.

A gentle smile played on <???@???>'s lips as he approached Ethan, his footsteps light and purposeful. The young necromancer, though exhausted, mustered the strength to speak, his voice laced with impatience. "Can we move on to the next trial already? I'm really sick of this place," he pleaded, his eyes glowing with a neon blue light, reflecting his growing frustration.

<???@???> chuckled softly, seemingly unfazed by Ethan's eagerness. Without a word, he pressed the crystal orb into Ethan's chest, right where his heart used to reside. The impact caused Ethan to lurch forward, his breath catching in his throat. A surge of pain coursed through him, and he expelled a mouthful of blood onto the ground. His body quivered, a mixture of rage, frustration, and exhaustion consuming him.

However, the pain began to subside, replaced by an unusual warmth spreading from the crystal orb within him. Ethan's attention was drawn to <???@???>, who reached down and plucked a blade of grass from the ground. With a flick of his wrist, the blade transformed into a mirror, suspended in the air before them. The reflection revealed Ethan's transformed appearance, a testament to the ongoing changes within him.

The young necromancer's eyes widened as he observed his altered form. <???@???> explained, his voice calm and soothing. "Oh, calm down. You're not dying," he reassured Ethan, pointing to the mirror. "Your body is undergoing a profound transformation, becoming more attuned to undead energy. The crystal serves as a catalyst, generating undead energy that courses through your veins, refines within your bones, and enhances the power of your being. Your exposure to this refined energy will strengthen your soul power."

As Ethan absorbed the information, his gaze fixed upon the mirror. The reflections seemed to flicker, revealing glimpses of a new and powerful self. However, before he could fully comprehend the extent of his transformation, <???@???> shattered the mirror, causing the realm they stood into fracture and dissipate. A dazzling array of lights and shards filled the air, merging with the fading remnants of the mirror.

The young boy released a light chuckle, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. He regarded Ethan with a bemused expression, his demeanor both playful and enigmatic. "It seems we have dallied long enough," he remarked, his voice carrying an air of anticipation. Ethan, still nursing the pain within him, mustered his strength and locked eyes with <???@???>, his frustration boiling over.

"Can we start the next trial now?" he demanded, his voice laced with anger and impatience. The neon blue glow emanating from his eyes intensified, forming a corona of pulsating energy around his body.

The boy tilted his head, momentarily taken aback by Ethan's intensity. He realized he had neglected to answer Ethan's question, caught up in his own intrigue. "Right, about the second and third trials," he began, retrieving his hand from the pocket of his black trench coat. Ethan's frustration grew, his impatience reaching its peak. He interrupted, his voice sharp and insistent, "Tell me about the conditions!"

A mischievous grin crossed <???@???>'s face as he disappeared from his spot, his voice echoing throughout the surroundings. "While we refer to them as trials, they are not conventional tests. They require you to experience rather than perform. The second trial will only activate once you have personally endured a great tragedy. As for the third..." The young boy materialized behind Ethan in an instant, a runic matchlock pistol pressed against his head, its presence both alarming and threatening. "The third trial is simply to die."

As the words hung in the air, a sense of urgency and danger-filled the atmosphere. The sound of Ethan's heartbeat thudded loudly in his ears, the weight of his choices and the perils ahead pressing upon him. The neon blue glow intensified around him, a testament to the power that surged within him.

Ethan's mind raced a mix of anger, determination, and fear swirling within him. The pistol against his head served as a chilling reminder of the stakes involved in this twisted game. He gritted his teeth, refusing to let despair consume him. With a surge of defiance, he mustered his resolve and spoke through clenched teeth, his voice laced with determination.

"I won't let myself be a pawn in this twisted trial. I'll fight, survive, and prove that I'm more than just a mere victim!" His words echoed through the shattered realm, resonating with unwavering conviction.

<???@???>'s smile widened, the gun fading from existence as he observed Ethan's unwavering spirit. "Impressive. Your determination is commendable," he admitted, his voice laced with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. "It seems you're ready to embark on the next leg of your journey."


Ethan's consciousness plunged into darkness, his mind adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Unbeknownst to him, four long years had passed since his encounter with <???@???> and his immersion in the death realm. Now, in the bustling city of Onyxia, the capital of the Obsidian Empire, Ethan lay unconscious in a fortified medical room within the confines of Obsidian Academy.

Within the room, an intricate web of enchanted steel and magical arrays served as a safeguard against the immense power radiating from Ethan's body. Four liches, ancient beings skilled in the manipulation of undead energy, stood at each corner of the room, their presence crucial in maintaining the delicate balance of forces. As the minutes ticked by, the room became saturated with the pulsating energy, swirling and undulating like an ethereal tempest.

Gradually, the energy began to coalesce, drawn towards Ethan's heart like a magnet. A vortex formed, its gravitational pull drawing in the raw undead energy, transforming it into a crystalline blue orb. With each passing moment, the intensity grew, the room resonating with the weight of this profound transformation.

A single heartbeat echoed throughout the chamber, piercing the air with its resounding power. At that moment, Ethan's eyes shot open, his consciousness lurching back into awareness. The searing pain that engulfed his body elicited a primal scream, echoing through the room and piercing the veil of silence.

Responding to the distress call, doctors and mages rushed into the medical room, their expressions a mix of concern and urgency. Ethan's parents, drawn by the commotion, appeared at the doorway. His father, the headmaster of Obsidian Academy and nephew of Emperor Maximus Blackwood, shared a glance with Ethan's mother, their eyes filled with worry and relief.

Surrounded by the flurry of activity, Ethan's voice emerged hoarse and strained as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Pain etched across his features, he grappled with the disorienting experience of awakening after such a prolonged absence.

The doctors and mages, well-versed in handling extraordinary circumstances, worked tirelessly to stabilize Ethan, their expertise complemented by the liches' presence. As the pain gradually subsided, Ethan's surroundings became clearer, the familiar faces of his parents registering in his vision.

His mother, her voice trembling with a mix of relief and concern, spoke softly. "Ethan, my dear, you're awake. We've been so worried about you." Her eyes glistened with tears held back, reflecting the rollercoaster of emotions they had experienced during his coma.

Ethan's father, a pillar of strength and wisdom, approached the bedside, his voice a soothing balm to his son's weary soul. "You've been through quite an ordeal, my boy. But you're here now, and we'll support you every step of the way." His words carried a profound weight, filled with a father's unconditional love and pride.

As the chaos of the room gradually subsided, Ethan's mind buzzed with questions and uncertainties. The fragmented memories of his journey through the death realm and encounters with <???@???> tugged at the corners of his consciousness, like fragments of a shattered mirror. However, for now, he found solace in the presence of his family and the knowledge that he had emerged from the trial alive.

The journey that lay ahead was uncertain, riddled with challenges and unknown dangers. But with the unwavering support of his loved ones and the newfound powers coursing through his veins, Ethan steeled himself for what was to come. The echoes of <???@???>'s words still reverberated in his mind, reminding him of the trials that awaited him.

In this moment of respite, within the fortified walls of Obsidian Academy, Ethan's journey truly began. The echoes of his past mingled with the promise of a future fraught with mystery, adventure, and the pursuit of his destiny. With his loved ones by his side, he vowed to embrace the path laid before him, forging his own destiny in the face of darkness.

The journey had begun, and the world would soon bear witness to the rise of a new force, an heir to the legacy of the first necromancer.

Took longer than it should but this is the real beginning of the story. Honestly, I felt like starting at this point before but I felt like I should give a bit more background information before starting the book. there is a lot of background for this story half of which might not even be used... but, yea I'm rambling.


I would love to hear what you think so far.


I would love to hear what yall think of this chapter.

Thanks for reading.

Hope you're having a Nice Day, Afternoon, Night, Tea-Break, weekend, weekday, Etc., Etc., and Etc...

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