
Chapter 2

It's finally the time when my human comes home. Ahh… what a long day. Even my beauty can't take away the boredom of this day. I've been waiting all day for her to return, lying by the window, watching the birds and occasionally barking at the mailman.

I hear the sound of my human's car pulling into the driveway. Now she must be looking for the lock. Ah! I hear it. She is opening the door. My ears perk up and my tail starts to wag uncontrollably.

I am ready to greet her. You must be a lucky person to have me, Choco, wag his tail for you. I dash to the door, my paws skidding on the wooden floor.


"Choco, I am here." Her voice is like music to my ears.

But wait... Mom brought someone with her.

"Please come inside," she invited him. Her voice sounds cheerful, but I can sense a hint of nervousness.

A black-haired human. He smells like vegetables. I wrinkle my nose in disgust. He doesn't belong here.


"Choco, quiet!" Mom says firmly. I can tell she means business.

"I am sorry about my dog," she apologizes to the stranger. Her voice is softer now, more apologetic.

Why are you saying sorry, Mom??? He should be sorry for coming into our home uninvited. I don't trust him, and I make sure to keep a close eye on him as they walk further into the house. My tail stops wagging, and I stand guard, ready to protect my home and my mom. 

"You can sit on the couch. I'll prepare dinner immediately," Mom said and rushed to her room to change out of her work clothes. She seemed eager to get things ready quickly, which made me even more suspicious of this new human.

Hey human… who are you? Why are you in my home? I don't like your smell at all.


"I remember Lia called you Choco. Hi Choco. Is it fine if I touch you?" he said, moving his hand to touch my head. His movements were slow and cautious, but I wasn't convinced.


 As if! I growled softly, letting him know I wasn't interested in being friends. I should go check on Mom. She's been gone for too long. Meanwhile, you human, I have my eyes on you! 


"I guess you don't like me," he said, sounding a bit disappointed. He retracted his hand and sat back on the couch, glancing around nervously.

I trotted down the hallway, my nails clicking on the wooden floor. I nudged open the door to Mom's room with my nose and peeked in. Mom was changing her clothes, humming softly to herself. She looked up and smiled when she saw me.

"Hey, Choco. Just give me a few more minutes, okay?" she said, her voice warm and reassuring.

Satisfied that Mom was okay, I headed back to the living room. The strange human was still sitting on the couch, looking around awkwardly. I sat down a few feet away from him, never taking my eyes off him. My tail was still, and my ears were perked up, ready to catch any suspicious sounds.

The human shifted uncomfortably under my gaze. "You're really protective of her, aren't you?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

I didn't bark this time, but I didn't move either. My job was to protect my Mom, and I was taking it very seriously.

Mom came out of her room and quickly started making dinner. I could smell the delicious aroma of meat and mashed potatoes. I love Mom.

Mom never made mashed potatoes before. I'm sure she is doing it for this human over here. Can't he just eat meat though? Why are you making my mom do extra work?

"Dinner is ready," Mom announced with a smile.

"I'll help with the plates," the human offered.

"Thank you," Mom said, sounding pleased.

Mom… why are you getting so chummy with him? I am not liking his smell.

"Meat?" Mom asked, holding up the serving dish.

"Is there any problem?" Mom inquired, sensing his hesitation.

Yes, if you have any problem, you should leave, human.

"It's just… I am a vegan. Killing animals should not be encouraged," he said, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh, I didn't know that. I also made mashed potatoes. If you want something else, I can make it," Mom offered kindly. Why are you being so polite, Mom? I love meat!

"It's fine. I will eat this," he replied and sat down.

"You know, 92.2 billion land animals are kept and slaughtered annually for meat eaters. In this way, in the future, we will see many endangered animals," he continued, trying to make his point.

Blah blah blah… Why are you listening to him, Mom? We love meat, Mom.

"Choco, you eat it," Mom said, giving me all the meat she cooked. Wow, a big dinner just for me!

"Hey, you won't eat it?" he asked, sounding a bit surprised.

"It's fine. After I heard about how many animals are being killed, it made me sad. I respect you and your choice," Mom said, her voice soft and understanding.

Mom? What is happening? I looked at her, confused. I love meat, but I also love Mom. She seemed sad, but she was trying to be kind to this new human. I decided to focus on my big dinner and keep an eye on this strange human. My loyalty was to Mom, and I wanted to make sure she was happy and safe.

"Thank you for the dinner. See you in the office tomorrow"

"Good night"  

As soon as she closed the door. She sat down on the floor. Her face was a little flushed.

Are you alright Mom?

"Choco. I think I might like him"


"I didn't know he was a Vegan. How soft-hearted he must be to think about animals?"


"We should go vegan too choco"

What????? Mom!!!!!!!!!!!