

Veena sat down on the chair in her small room holding her high school result she had A's in all the subject she is offering ,she was indeed happy but her happiness quickly vanish when she remembered she won't be able to further into the university her parents Mr and Mrs Wilson owns a local grocery down the road , they hardly could Carter for their basic needs,Veena and her brothers Dave and Dan have to work hours after school to be able to finish their high school.veena works as a waiter in a coffee shop that pays her very little,she wanted a better life for herself her dream is to become a nurse but the first seems dark.so she decided she would quit her job and look for a better one after some weeks of job hunting she was able to get a job in a big restaurant in the heart of the city that pays her more than her previous job ,she decided she would save up so she would be able to sponsor herself into the university.

Veena returned home in the evening after work and she saw her mom lying helplessly on the floor "mom are you okay?" She asked but her mom isn't responding instead she was unconscious and could barely move, immediately she called the emergency service and was rushed to the intensive care unit,she couldn't hold her tears,this shouldn't be happening to her not at this time not long after her brothers and dad also arrived at the hospital after Some hours the doctor broke a very bad News to them ,she fell on the floor when she heard the news,she cried her eyes out her mom was diagnosed with kidney failure and she needs to be rescued as soon as possible ," see we need to rescue your mom as soon as possible cause her life is at stake ,she would need a new kidney and it would cost you a sum of $800,000 "the doctor said,she was devastated even if she has to sell her family house it won't even be up to 5% of the money needed.veena left the hospital she have never be this confused ,all her savings is just $10,000 ,where on earth would she get that kind of money needed, suddenly an idea struck her mind she would go to her boss to loan her the money since she is very rich and influential,she immediately took a taxi and luckily for her she met her boss just about leaving the office her boss Mrs Smith was surprised to see her that late "Are you okay ?" She asked cause her face was swollen and her eyes almost bulging out of its socket ", no am not,I need your help ma'am " she replied ,"Dear calm down let's get into the car so we would talj better , After entering onto the car she narrated everything happening to her , ma'am i want you yo give me a loan and i promise to pay it back "she finally said , Staring into Mrs Smith eyes she already knows herd response "Veena i really wish I could help you but am door I can't loan you that money besides am into bankruptcy and am trying to gather myself am so sorry dear I can't help you at the moment "she finally said . Veena muttered goodbye and paved her goodbye she was trying to hold her tears but they wouldn't just stop ,she knows crying won't help her at this time many thoughts keep running through her mind after some time she decided to go and see her friend jane maybe she would be of help .It was really late when she got to jane's house.Hey baby girl Jane said as she opened the door for her,hope you are cool girl? she was worried Veena without wasting time explain her ordeal to her.

"I would have loved to help but I don't have that much but I know other that might work out"she said,Veena getting excited desperately asked how ?, nothing much babe just give me some minute let me get dressed and you also take a shower "jane said, without hesitating she quickly went into the shower jane dressed her up and she was looking gorgeous after dressing up both of them hop into Jane car and she drives through the dark after an hour of driving they finally stop in front of her a big beautiful house, decorated with different beautiful flowers which makes it more unique she was wowed by it beauty.jane removed a card from her bag to open the gate and it opened by itself ,they went through three different doors and the doors were opened by three different cards at this time Veena was a bit nervous but she couldn't turn back at this time ,she was determined to see how this would end finally they arrived at the main door she knocked and a beautiful young lady came to opened the door with smirk on her face and walked away ,they were been offered a seat by a tall handsome guy ,they were about ten guys in that room all of them standing at different position after some minute Jane stood up and was accompany by two men all ot them went upstairs ,after s while she came out and bid me to follow her ,I carried my bag with my hands trembling and followed them ,then we got to this room it was fainting illuminated.

The reflection in the room showed a huge man sweating on a bed he was smiling broadly and that kind of brought a relieve to me,he introduced himself as Mr jack,"baby girl your friend told me everything happening and am ready to help you but you see this world we are living in right now is trade by barter,I would just neec you to do simple task for me and at the end of the task i would pay the exact money you need"he said,Veena hope have never been so high you see Mr jack am willing to do anything ' she said out of excitement."Anything" he asked, okay quick one you see you will need to deliver some substance to neighboring country and you must do this successfully In order for you to get paid, just two trip baby girl that's all"he said,she isn't a kid she understood the assignment but she is willing to do Anything for her mother life, while still ruminating her phone rang,it was her brother Dave was crying profusely saying the doctor told them her mom's health is really deteriorating and the operation needs to be performed within a week"after ending the call it was obvious she need to something really fast.

She agreed to Mr jack conditions after the agreement he beckon on the two guys and whisper something to them,one of the guy went inside and came in with two briefcase,one of the briefcase contains money and the other one contains a white substance packed in different sizes.Mr jack said "baby girl when finish the task this money here is all yours,so are we good to go?".erm yeah sure we are , let's get started" she answered.Immediately they started making calls, giving information to unknown person's,booked her flight finally after an hour of preparation she finally got to the airport and she was determined to be successful in her trip ,she composed herself well, getting to the checkpoint her luggage was checked and nothing was detected , getting to second checkpoint her luggage was also checked and also free but the machine keeps indicating that something was wronged she was thoroughly searched but they couldn't find anything strange on her,she was delayed at this point they were a bit confused and they persisted they have to be free for them to let her go,after some minute she was taken to a room,Veena at this time was really she knew things is not going to end up well,some medical personnel came in ,an x-ray machine was use on her and unfortunately it shows she was carrying something strange immediately she was Forced to excrete the substance and five pack of the substance was found , immediately she was arrested and was taken to jail.while awaiting trial she regretted her action ,her life and dream have been shattered her brothers came looking for her ,she couldn't face her brothers she is indeed a big disgrace and disappointed but it was circumstances thay dragged her into this mess,she became even mad when her brother broke the news of her mother's death to her,she cried ,oh she lost on both side ,what a life! She caused herself repeatedly ,after the trial she was find guilty and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

It is a pity life throw stones to some people and throw flowers at some, either ways we would end up in the good or in the bad side ,Veena now 28 years came out of prison after she served her 10years.This time though late ,she was determined to live differently and promise to make good things come out of her.It wax hard getting a job bug after 3 month of searching she was able to get a job as a store keeper veena worked for years and saved up enough ,got herself enrolled in nursing school and graduated with first class it wasn't really an easy journey but with determination and perseverance she was able to achieve her dreams.sje immediately was offered a job with a high paying salary it was the happiest day in her life, tears started rolling out of her eyes this time it wasn't tears of pain alone but it was tears of joy,loss , happiness ,pain and fulfillment, despite all odds she was able to get to her desired haven ,this time she didn't loose but gained.veena started a better life and helped her brothers to get through the university and gave her dad a better life too.veena life trult was filled with pain ,agony and distress but above all she was able to overcome.