
Vaughn's enterprise

_steph_anie20 · Thanh xuân
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26 Chs

chapter 26

Ailin's POV

After yesterday, it was like Ajax disappeared. I walked into the cafeteria and spotted Ajax on his usual table. he signaled me to come over. I feel bad leaving lya alone at the table. I glanced at her before heading towards Ajax.

"Hey" he said with a wide grin.

"I feel bad for leaving Lya all alone" I sighed

"She can manage" he shrugged.

"Can she sit here from now on" I said putting on my best puppy dog eyes

"Absolutely not" He grunted.

"Fine then I'd just stop sitting here" I said with a playful eye roll.

"Fine she can stay here or whatever"


"Don't push it " he said rolling his eyes."Anyways-"

He was cut short by Amie placing herself on his lap totally ignoring everyone at the table

"You seem lost, let me be your distraction" Amie said her hands all over Ajax.

Was that meant to be a pick up line or.....

"You know you could be " he said turning to her. " Just stand in the middle of the cafeteria let people take pictures of. Guess what the caption would be"

"What" she said biting her lips in what is meant to be a seductive act.

"A disgusting girl stood in Kent Hill High's cafeteria today" he said spreading his fingers on the air like its written there.

The whole cafeteria exploded into hoots. Amie turned into a crimson colour immediately storming out of the cafeteria due to embarrassment.

"Burn" Guendozi said giving Ajax a fist bump.

But Ajax's face still stayed emotionless still staring at his jacket where her hands where at. He pulled off his jacket throwing it at a random kid.

"Keep it" he said disgusted.

"That was quite rude"i said poking his cheek

"Like you didn't like it"his face instantly breaking into a grin.

"The way your mood swings people would think you have Dysthymia or something" Guendozi snickered.

"Haha suck it up" he said sarcastically before turning back to me.

"You free later?"

"Yeah I think so" I shrugged not so sure of my plans for today .

"I'm taking you out" he said leaning back in his seat .

"I never accepted your proposal" I snorted

"Either way it wasn't a question" he shrugged.

"that's no way to woo the ladies" Guendozi chuckled."I could give you some lessons"

"I'll take you up on that offer when you get a lady" Ajax said with a smug look on his face.

"Touche" Guendozi said .

the bell for class rang making everyone stand up. Well everyone except Ajax

"Let's go" I said trying to pull him up .

"To where " he said raising his brows.

"To class, we are in school for a reason " I said with an eye roll

"Fine " he groaned before tailing behind me.

And that is how we were officially late to class but luckily the professor was always late to class.

Thanks for reading this book please do share read like comment and vote. Light criticism is allowed. Any offensive word in the comment and you will be removed. lots of love from over here. sorry for not updating for a long time lost my account and just got it back

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