

Isabella Walker is a interior designer… As she just started a career… she was found tied up in an arranged marriage by her father to his business partner's son Lucian King who was 300 years old – single. Isabella agreed for this marriage to save her sister… But fell in love at first sight in Lucian… as he gets to do the same… As they got tied up in the marriage, Lucian enemies started to cause troubles in their lives… Was Isabella and Lucian's love was strong enough to overcome the troubles in their lives? How will Isabella handle when Lucian's past was revealed? . . . Cover picture is not owned by me…

isabella5468 · Kỳ huyễn
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isbella,s and lucian parents though that u both are not loving each other so they planned to that if both of u stay alone for some days before u get married love would work out , so they decided to send them to Island which was owned bu lucian,s father they send lucian and Isabella to that island .

The island dont had any people but just a small hut that hut only had one room and it was made of wood .

After reaching the island . there was nothing to eat . just was fruits to eat .

Isabella and lucian they spend their time in the beech they did not even talk to each other just looking in the sea . Lucian took a apple from the basket and offers it to Isabella . she took a bite and smiled to lucian .

he smiled back at isabella .after the sunset lucian asked isabella can we go to the hut its getting colder and it will be night in a fews minutes.

Isabella said ok then both of them were going in the direction of there hut where they will live