
Vampires Tale: Immortals

Hey, I know it's been a long *ss time and there has been no updates on this novel. If you actually cared, I am truly sorry for that and supremely grateful that words I wrote managed to reach you. I started this novel as a 15 year old kid who thought he could make a better book than most on this platform. I wasn't prepared for it and was unable to figure out how to continue the story in the way I wanted. So this is officially the end of vampires tale: immortals as short as it was. However, a year later I feel prepared to embark on a new adventure, a second chance. On June 1st I will be releasing a new book called 'DRAGONS DYNASTY'!!! I am truly excited for this book and have been planning it for the last 3 months and recently started writing it. However to make sure it's a high standard novel, I won't be publishing until June 1st. This book is guaranteed to be at least 10 times better than VTI, you have my word! Love you all, and see you there!!!

KIngii_ · Kỳ huyễn
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122 Chs


Seeing Marcellus deep in thought, ignoring everything around him, she decided to take care of the human.

Alicia looked at the human with a frosty, listless gaze as she took slow strides to reach him. Like a reaper.

"You will go home without speaking at all, unless what you're saying is necessary to get home. You will also, forget everything and everyone you know, have met, have talked to or interacted with for the last six months unless you are in either of our presences" compelled Alicia, wanting to do more to the man than let him walk free.

"Now leave!" ordered Alicia as she undid the ropes. She truly hoped to never see that human again.


The run home was silent for the both of them. Alicia was quiet because she didn't know how to comfort him and also wanted him to work through it.

Marcellus had already gotten over the fact that vampires were just like humans in most cases, he wasn't thinking about this. No, he was thinking about the things the man said.

The reason so many people suffered is because vampires were the natural predators of humans. They are food. They are food? Marcellus was having a hard time accepting that. He didn't want to accept the fact that because he was stronger than humans he got to use them how he decided they should be used. As though they are nothing more than mere….playthings.

There is a law for vampires as well however, how many times has that stopped a weaker race like humans from commiting a crime? There is not all out chaos because of that but there were so many that didn't care. Why did they not have to care about laws?

All of a sudden a random memory of Alicia and him first meeting. She told me that with each upgrade in vampire ranks, one of the five ways they could die disappeared.

That's why!!!! They don't care because they have the ability to do what they want, how they want without consequences to follow. Even an unranked vampire need not fear humans, much less someone about that.

That man, he also said that there is a chance that he will send more people after us. At what point does he send a vampire so high ranked that we can't even defend ourselves? Does this man even have vampires working for him? What are his goals?

*SIGH* When he got to this point in his thoughts Alicia heard him heave a deep sigh. He then looked at her and asked, "Should we expect vampires coming after us now?"

Seeing him so deep in thought and so upset Alicia felt guilty. It's her fault he's even in this mess in the first place. These guys are after her and she is the one that turned Marcellus into a vampire.

"You can stop helping now, it's my problem after all" said Alicia as she looked away from him, expecting him to leave because she was too much trouble.

"You are wrong. It's not just your problem" replied Marcellus as he stopped running and looked at Alicia with an angry gaze.

"Why are you going through so much for me?" She was so confused. He said they were friends but she has brought nothing but trouble to him since they met. Even she wouldn't keep helping at this point.

"It's now my problem as well because they know that you are living with me" Marcellus screamed at her as he angrily approached her.

"It is my problem because they know that i'm connected with you somehow" he continued as he approached closer and closer.

Everything he is saying is true. Marcellus was just an average, curious teen until Alicia bit him. She then used the fact that she killed him to help him learn control. As well as giving her a place to stay. Now, because of who she is, people different from her father are after her, and because of her, after Marcellus and his mom. She felt that he had every right to hate her. In a way it's tragically beautiful.

"You even accidentally involved my mother. MY MOTHER ALICIA!!!" His words hit her like a hammer to the gut.

She felt so guilty that even when he was approaching her while yelling at her she couldn't look him in the eyes.

He's right after all. This, all of this is her fault. So, when she saw that angry expression on Marcellus' face as he raised his hands seemingly ready to hit her, she just closed her eyes and waited.

However, the pain she expected, even wanted to feel never came. Instead she felt someone's warm embrace.

"And I forgive you for all of it" said Marcellus as he patted her head, which was currently buried in his chest.

"W-what?" Alicia stuttered as she looked up from his embrace with teary eyes.

When she saw his expression of a soft smile that showed not anger but instead…was resolve?

"W-why?" asked Alicia as she didn't understand. Why did he forgive her? What did she do to deserve it?

"Alice, are we friends?" asked Marcellus with a mysterious smile instead of answering.

"I think so" replied Alicia, still not understanding what he meant.

"Mn, and have you ever done anything to harm me or those that I love purposefully?" asked Marcellus.

"No. But what does—" Alicia was interrupted by Marcellus.

"Then that means that none of this is your fault. Although I wouldn't be involved in this mess if not for you, it wasn't your fault that it happened. And since we are such good friends, I guess, I, the great Marcellus, can forgive you just this once" Joked Marcellus as he puffed out his chest.

Alicia just looked at him without saying anything before chuckling, then sighing. She then snuggled into him embraced and started sobbing quietly.

A few minutes later, when Marcellus was about to pull away he heard Alicia whisper," Can, can we just stay like this a little longer?"

Marcellus stopped pulling away and just smiled as he pulled her in thigher and stroked her hair.

Without anyone noticing, she flashed a happy smile that matched Marcellus'. Then just like that, they stood still until the sun began to set.

Everyone Liked That!


Authors Note:

Heya to all of you beautiful people, I am writing a romance scene for only the second time. I thought that it was a bit cliche but not bad. However, I also think it could improve. Share what you think in the comments.

Giv me powerstones *NUM* *NUM* me HUNGRY!!!

Thank you for reading this and have a good day all of you beautiful people!!!!:)


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KIngii_creators' thoughts