
vampire/werewolf lord who is really handsome

this is a new fanfic of a world where I (ME REAL LIFE) go to and somehow magically get everything to fall in love with me and I have the sex with them in the hole and I have babies and I'm really strong and I beat up Brandon you fucking Peirce of shit this is what happens when you make fun of my body pillow

farendel_6929 · Khác
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Mario x farendel

Our MC is now names farendel (totally not names after the author of this book(

Farendel was cumming out so much blood that he fell to the ground and was now waiting their for help

Mario rushed over and gave him some of his blood by uses medical equipment which was just randomly there for some reason ( I'm the author and even I don't know where this came from)

Now farendel was getting enough blood in his body and he stood up to face mario

His eyes wasn't so beautiful as his eyes had very pretty red hot eyes. And Mario's hair was jet black and was covering one of his eyes so mario moved his head fast to swing the hair out 9fvhis face to see farendel creaming his pants again.

Romeo and Juliet then shares a magnificent kiss as there eyes touched.

They're boobs milked all at the same time as it mixes together all around and peach came back to life

Peach ": how could you mario, I wanted to kis the MC because....he's the MC"

Mario " to late Mon iv already got pregnant so help me give birth to her already"

Farendel pushed as fast as she could and out pooped a brown baby.

Mario " how could you cheat on me babe"

Farendel " I swear I only did it with an interdimensional tape worm one time please forgive me marbio"

Mario " of course I'll forgive you, you are the MC of this story after all.....waitdidyousayintetdimensionaltapeworm"

Then the baby talked to peach

Interdimensionaltapewormbaby" what are you doing peach, you need to wake up from this dream"

Peach " what what what what"


Farendel woke up from his nap and looked around to see he was in his home, safe and sound.

He recalled on the dream he had and realised just how fucked up his high was so he vowed to never take drugs ever again.

He then decided to drink only alcohol from now on.