
Vampire Tale

As all fairy tales seem to start with a kingdom and a princess. Let's add in a few vampire stories. The more powerful the better. Mostly focus it on a monster or vampire king with many lives or random dreams.

MaxWhybrew · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

My Lazy Life

Mafia Boyfriend

Have 2 kids oldest is Total slut and so second can't make kids. Second one is autistic. Reminds me of Days with "Academic problems".

Will have Academic problems in Closeted book.

Connection of cut and paste back and forth for new Chapter Called My Lazy Life. Connected to chapters Paranoid and Daddy Issues.

My Lazy Life

Tired from all the reincarnation and don't know what to do with thi

S life only have to worry about 20 years this time around then get to go to sleep for a long time. I slept along time this round, but this life off. I was able to put it off even farther by staying in my new mother's whom for an extra month. My poor mother had to deal with me for 10 months because I refused to come out or leave the nest. I decided to live like an ordinary human this round. I will put off getting my godly powers until I'm 5 years old. Spending my days playing with mom during my toddler years. We played Mama Maya or what ever the game is where you use the traffic light system to play. So you go if it's green and stop if it's red. If you fall or move when it's red your out. The other game was Simon Says, where you do what the other person says for you to do.

While I'm still a newborn I best make a plan during these days. With no requirements or restrictions and the typical normal human life. I will spend my time eating and sleeping let it all go right now. Won't make an effort to be extra, special, and won't grow up quicker this time around. Would love to do nothing, but will get bored and have put off seeing my kids for long enough. Will be in for a lecture and be busy fixing everything I screwed up. My godly kids won't let me get away with a short lecture. Especially the older ones, just realized they will all be older than me. I will be going as my 5 year old self. Wanting to use it to my advantage to get away with more. Not lectured as much since they will see me as just a baby. Well that is the hope, but reality will be cruel. Not that I don't deserve what is coming and far more. That's enough planning for now. Off to sleep now.

I'm growing slowly like a normal human, it's been so long. I forgot how long it takes for a human to grow up.

Before this chapter write chapter Bdsm Life

Was going to be abusive relationships.