
Vampire Shadow

Luna with her personal little, but remarkable secrets when determined the biggest lie of her life is dispatched to the vampire castle academy, Where no secret will remain secret. She indeed will cross paths with a mysterious hybrid with whom she might fall in love. What has the destiny composed for her, destruction for others with her relentless powers, or adoration and care from companions and family?

butterflybee204 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The Discovery Of The Secret

Luna POV:

"Luna! Today it's your turn to throw the garbage out," my best friend aka my roommate, Annie, reminded me, never shifting her gaze away from the TV.

"Annie!!! Can't you throw the garbage out tonight? I'm playing my video game," I requested.

"No! Besides you are always doing something whenever it's your turn to do chores. Now go before it gets cold outside."


"Stop cursing"

"And you stop pretending like you are my mother"

She started laughing, which was quite annoying after the defeat. Accepting my defeat, I pick the bag of garbage, and without even wearing or taking the upper or anything I went straight out of the house. It felt a little strange, there was no one on the street plus the cold wind made it even more strange. However, I start walking towards the tin, I was just about to take the last step when a car stopped in front of me, it came out of nowhere and from it came several men in black, everything happened so fast that even the bag falls from my hand. All of them were coming toward me, before one of them could grab my hand, I stepped back in time and kicked him hard between his legs. The man fell to the ground in pain. The second man moved faster than the first one, but before he could do anything I quickly went up to his neck and buried my fangs in it. I didn't mean to drink his blood but I couldn't stop myself.

Before I could move I felt a sharp thing like an injection, I felt weak, when I turned back, I saw a man with an empty syringe it made me so angry that my darker side was coming out but before anything could happen I fainted but I felt someone holding me before I completely fainted.

"Ahh...my head.."

"Don't worry princess you are home." an unfamiliar voice said.

I saw in the direction of the speaker and saw a man sitting on the same bed, in which I was lying, behind him was standing a lady with tears in her eyes.

I was so damn confused. Who were these people and why are they saying I'm home.

"Who are you guys?" I asked, suppressing 100 other questions in my mind.

"We are your parents," the lady said.
