
Vampire Prince

Lucius Whitethorne, the son of the legendary vampire king and and a human mother, is left behind on Earth after his parents are summoned back to the realm of the gods. Eager for a sense of belonging and normalcy, Lucius enrolls in a public high school in the United States, seeking a fresh start and the chance to experience the ups and downs of teenage life. In this heartwarming coming-of-age tale, Lucius navigates the trials and tribulations of high school, forming bonds with an unlikely group of friends, each with their own secrets and challenges. Together, they experience the joys and heartaches of adolescence, as well as the excitement of school dances, the thrill of sports, and the camaraderie of late-night parties. As Lucius becomes more deeply involved in the lives of his friends, he slowly comes to terms with his own extraordinary heritage. While the mystery of his parents' whereabouts and the fate of the vampire community lingers in the background, Lucius is determined to embrace the slice-of-life moments that make high school unforgettable. With each new adventure, Lucius learns valuable lessons about friendship, love, and self-acceptance, ultimately discovering that sometimes, the greatest power lies in the connections we forge with others. ======================================= Hey guys! I am the Author! Just a little bit about me here. I am a new author you could say and am still experimenting with styles which I think would fit me. I usually have decent grammer I think but as I do not anyone to edit my work I do sometimes miss things. Anyway! Welcome to my newest Novel, Vampire King! ======================================= Update Schedule: 14 Times a week. If we reach top 200: 3 Chapters Top 150: 5 Chapters Top 100: 7 Chapters Top 50: 12 Top 10: Well, I doubt I will ever get this far so if I do I will let you readers help me decide.

L3wks · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Weekend Plans!

As the partygoers began to leave, they thanked Kate for the fun time they'd had. Many of them were at least slightly drunk, and their laughter and lighthearted banter helped to ease the tension from the earlier altercation. It was a scene filled with tipsy farewells, playful teasing, and the occasional stumble.

Once most of the guests had left, Mark, Alex, and Lucius went to find Kate to offer their help in cleaning up. They eventually found her chatting with her best friend, Emily, in the living room, which was now a mess of empty cups, discarded plates, and crushed chips.

"Hey, Kate," Mark began, "we just wanted to say we're really sorry about what happened earlier. To make up for it, we'd like to stay and help you clean up."

Kate shook her head, smiling, "No, that's okay. You guys have done enough. Just go home and rest."

Lucius persisted, "Come on, Kate. We really want to help. It's the least we can do."

Kate's resolve started to weaken, but she still hesitated. Emily, noticing the back and forth, decided to crack a joke. "Maybe Lucius just wants to stay so he can spend more time with Kate," she teased, a flirtatious glint in her eye.

Kate blushed and rolled her eyes, finally giving in. "Alright, fine. You can stay and help."

The group of five began to clean up, chatting and laughing as they worked. They picked up trash, wiped down surfaces, and tried to get stubborn stains out of the carpet.

"So, how did you even manage to throw such a big party with your parents away?" Lucius asked Kate, genuinely curious.

Kate laughed, "Well, they're on a business trip, and I may have slightly exaggerated the number of friends I was having over. It's not the first time I've done this, though."

Emily chimed in, "That's true. You've always been good at throwing parties, even if they do get a little out of hand sometimes."

As they continued cleaning, Kate and Emily started discussing their plans to go shopping over the weekend.

"So, I was thinking we should check out that new boutique that just opened," Kate suggested. "I heard they have some amazing clothes."

Emily's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh, yes! And what about that cute jewelry store we passed last time? I really want to get some new earrings."

The girls continued to plan their shopping trip, discussing the various stores they wanted to visit and what they hoped to buy. Mark, Alex, and Lucius listened in on the conversation, concentrating on their cleaning tasks but also enjoying the girls' banter.

As Kate and Emily continued, Lucius couldn't help but feel a little curious about the local shopping scene. "So, what's shopping like around here?" he asked.

Kate smiled, "It's great! There are so many places to explore. Malls, boutiques, thrift stores – you name it."

Emily added, "And don't forget about the amazing restaurants and cafes. It's so easy to make a whole day out of it."

The girls' enthusiasm was contagious, and even Mark and Alex seemed to be paying more attention to the conversation. However, it wasn't long before Alex voiced his opinion on the matter.

"I'd rather drop dead than spend a weekend shopping when I could be gaming with Mark," he declared, only half-jokingly.

Kate rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "Well, maybe you guys could show Lucius around town while we shop. That way, he gets to see more of the area and you don't have to spend your precious gaming time shopping."

Mark and Lucius exchanged glances before Mark nodded, "That actually sounds like a good idea. It'll be fun to show Lucius around, and we can catch up with you girls later."

With a plan in place for the weekend, the group of five continued to clean and chat, growing closer as friends and looking forward to the adventures that awaited them.