
Vampire Prince

Lucius Whitethorne, the son of the legendary vampire king and and a human mother, is left behind on Earth after his parents are summoned back to the realm of the gods. Eager for a sense of belonging and normalcy, Lucius enrolls in a public high school in the United States, seeking a fresh start and the chance to experience the ups and downs of teenage life. In this heartwarming coming-of-age tale, Lucius navigates the trials and tribulations of high school, forming bonds with an unlikely group of friends, each with their own secrets and challenges. Together, they experience the joys and heartaches of adolescence, as well as the excitement of school dances, the thrill of sports, and the camaraderie of late-night parties. As Lucius becomes more deeply involved in the lives of his friends, he slowly comes to terms with his own extraordinary heritage. While the mystery of his parents' whereabouts and the fate of the vampire community lingers in the background, Lucius is determined to embrace the slice-of-life moments that make high school unforgettable. With each new adventure, Lucius learns valuable lessons about friendship, love, and self-acceptance, ultimately discovering that sometimes, the greatest power lies in the connections we forge with others. ======================================= Hey guys! I am the Author! Just a little bit about me here. I am a new author you could say and am still experimenting with styles which I think would fit me. I usually have decent grammer I think but as I do not anyone to edit my work I do sometimes miss things. Anyway! Welcome to my newest Novel, Vampire King! ======================================= Update Schedule: 14 Times a week. If we reach top 200: 3 Chapters Top 150: 5 Chapters Top 100: 7 Chapters Top 50: 12 Top 10: Well, I doubt I will ever get this far so if I do I will let you readers help me decide.

L3wks · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Life of the Party... Kinda

The moment the trio stepped inside Kate's house, they were instantly enveloped by the lively party atmosphere. The music was pulsating through the air, creating a contagious rhythm that was impossible to resist. The scent of various snacks and dishes filled the room, making Lucius's mouth water despite not needing food as a vampire.

People were laughing, dancing, and socializing all around them. Some were gathered around a makeshift dance floor, showing off their moves and enjoying the beat. Others were engaged in lively conversations, drinks in hand, while a few were huddled around a table playing drinking games, their laughter echoing through the house.

As Lucius scanned the crowd, his eyes fell upon Kate, who looked stunning in a simple yet elegant dress. Her hair was styled in loose waves, and she seemed to be enjoying herself as she chatted with a group of friends. He couldn't help but admire her beauty for a few seconds before refocusing on Mark and Alex.

His two friends were already getting into the party mood, grabbing drinks and bobbing their heads to the music. Mark playfully nudged Alex as they moved in time with the beat, exchanging grins and ready to fully immerse themselves in the festivities.

Lucius joined Mark and Alex, only to realize that everyone was drinking alcohol. He raised an eyebrow and questioned his friends about it. Mark just shrugged and said, "It's the norm at these parties, man." Alex nodded in agreement, adding, "Just enjoy yourself and let loose a bit."

Despite having only consumed alcohol once in his entire life, Lucius decided to give it a try, hoping to blend in and enjoy the night with his friends. The trio continued to party, chatting with different groups of people, showing off their dance moves on the floor, and even participating in a few drinking games. Mark was clearly a social butterfly, effortlessly becoming the life of the party.

As the night wore on, Lucius noticed a guy who had been watching them with an unsettling gaze. The young man put down his drink and started walking towards the trio. He had short, spiky brown hair and a lean build. He was dressed casually in jeans and a fitted T-shirt that accentuated his muscles.

The young man's eyes seemed to be filled with jealousy and contempt as he approached Lucius, Mark, and Alex. He walked right up to them and spoke in a condescending tone, "So, Lucius, I see you're getting pretty cozy with Mark and Alex here. You must think you're something special, huh?"

Mark frowned at the comment, clearly not appreciating the hostility. "Ethan, what's your problem? We're all just trying to have a good time here."

Ethan smirked, clearly enjoying the tension he was creating. "Oh, I have no problem, Mark. I just think it's interesting how quickly your new friend here has become popular. It's like he's trying too hard, don't you think?"

The atmosphere at the party shifted as people started to take notice of the brewing conflict. Conversations died down, and the music seemed to fade into the background as the students present focused on the unfolding drama between the trio and Ethan.

Lucius, feeling the effects of the alcohol he'd been drinking, struggled to maintain his composure. His judgment was certainly impaired, and he found it harder to keep his cool.

"You know, Ethan, you seem to have a problem with everyone here tonight. What's your deal?" Mark asked, confronting him directly.

Ethan smirked, "Oh, I'm just pointing out the obvious. Your new buddy Lucius here seems to think he can waltz in and steal the show."

Alex chimed in, "Dude, chill. He's just hanging out with us, and everyone is having a good time. Why do you have to start drama?"

Ethan rolled his eyes, "I just don't like fake people. Can't you see he's just trying to fit in?"

Lucius, now feeling brazen and slightly drunk, retorted, "What's your problem, man? I'm just here to have a good time like everyone else."

Ethan sneered, "Yeah, right. You just want to cozy up to Mark and Alex to raise your popularity. It's pathetic."

As the argument continued, the atmosphere of the party shifted. The crowd around them grew silent, watching the tension build between Lucius and Ethan.

"And what the fuck are you going to do about it, huh?" Lucius challenged.

At that point, Ethan smirked and, without warning, punched Lucius in the face. Mark immediately jumped forward to protect Lucius, standing between him and Ethan.

"Back off, Ethan!" Mark shouted, holding him at bay.

Lucius, fueled by anger and alcohol, tried to jump back into the fray but was stopped by an unexpected intervention. Kate appeared from the crowd, her eyes filled with disappointment.

"Stop it, all of you!" she scolded. "This is supposed to be a fun party, not a brawl. Ethan, you need to leave. And as for the rest of you," she looked at Lucius, Mark, and Alex, "you should know better than to let things escalate like this."

As Kate's words sank in, the reality of the situation began to settle. The trio realized they had allowed themselves to be drawn into a pointless conflict, ruining the good atmosphere of the party.