So i should introduce myself my name is sam i'm 25 years old i'm still a student at the university i'm studying programming, when you ask me to define my perception of our life it will be extremly boring, i hate the routine, i hate how we are living life just waiting for death, i was a model student always from the first ranked but the problem is i was always sheltred i mean i had my fun moment during high school, i got drunk i got into fights i skipped most of my classes but i always had the thought that i'm going home and my parents won't like seeing me wasted or something like that. so when i graduted and it was time to choose an univeristy i chose something a bit far from home so i can live on my own.
Well that didn't work very well at first it was good and all but then i started enjoying life and neglecting my studies which made me repeat the year so i thought i should start working for a change i did for 4 years and then i decided to finish my studies because in our society a piece of paper decide your worth.
So here i am in my final year at the univeristy finishing my final exam and to start the work chasing journey or so i thought.
Just as i left the classroom and going for my car suddenly all sound ceased to exist the wind stopped and then there was nothing but black.
As i was thinking that i died a blue screen appeared in front of me saying:
"Your life became too dull with no entertainement mortals, time to change that "
Now that's interesting!!
hello everyone this is a new story.
English is not my native language so sorry.
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