



Waking up with a Start,Elena walks to the bathroom to wash her face.

"Jeez I can't believe I had this nightmare "(splashing some water on her face again)

"I need to see the book keeper, Maybe I might get some clues ". Then she hurries to take her bath.

Walking through the woods to the main road she noticed some markings on the trees. Going more closer, she steps back in fear.

"These are same markings I saw yesterday in my dream, or maybe it wasn't. He said he's in my dreams ",confused she ran towards the main road in search for a cab.

"I must find out who's behind this "

Suddenly a car highlights from the Northern direction moving towards her.

Driver: (smiling) "Good morning damsel,if I may ask what are you doing on a lonely road as such? "

Elena: "it's nothing sir, I came to make some research here(smiling).

Driver: "May I give you a lift "

Elena :(smiling) sure, no harm.

She hops into the car and he sets off to the opposite direction.

Little conversations was just made, but deeply Elena wants an answer to her questions .

Still in her thoughts, Elena didn't notice when they arrived at her destination. The Driver called out to her attention of her arrival.

Elena: (smiling shabbily) "Ohh thank you very much "

Driver :(smiling back) " no problem, I couldn't ignore a beautiful girl like you on a Tuesday morning "(scanning her body)

Elena :(pissed off) Thank you.

She hurriedly walks into the book shop ignoring the Driver.

Elena:(glancing through some books on the shelves) " so annoying, he has the gust to flirt shamelessly "(stamping her feet)

She walks to the counter

Elena: Good morning Mrs Miranda, I'm here to see Lambert.

Miranda :(smiling broadly) Good morning dear, You came so early? Huh? I guess it's very crucial. (moving closer to her) He was here too.

Elena:(surprised) You know why I'm here?

Miranda:(smiling) Yes dear. (sitting upright) you see the town is no longer safe, vampires invading. I know for sure it's related to something in this bookshop and someone in this town but that's what I'm trying to figure out, which I think Lambert would be certain to know.

(removing her glasses) I was about going in to speak with him before you came, so I guess we both might go in together.

Elena:(curiously) I thought I was the only one having this nightmares for long. But...

Miranda :(cuts in) no child, they are no nightmares.They are real.

Elena :(shocked) real!!!... I saw same markings last night in the woods and trust me I'm getting scared of staying in the woods alone.

Miranda :(holds Elena's hands)do not worry dear, Lambert might have some answers we need.

Miranda knocks on a wooden door, it's really old and gave a reason to know the book shop has been for ages.

The door opens and both companies walks in.

An old man is seen sitting on a wooden chair going through some books with his eyebrows in question, he stares up and looks at Miranda and Elena.

Lambert: (stressed) " I know you would come and it would be early. You need answers but I would not be right to affirm you that all answers would be gotten from me. Some should be discovered from you. "

He walks up to them.

"come, sit".

Elena looking confused sits down slowly on the wooden chair offered by Lambert.