
Vampire: Heart's desire of a Werewolf

AArya07 · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Mournful Day

It was a mournful day for the college.Jack went to college for the two-minute silence prayer at 11:00 am. 

Jack noticed that Elena and Drake were absent today. After prayer, Jack returned home directly.


It was summer day. The heat was unbearable and oppressive during the afternoon. Jack dragged his chair near the window of his room and perched on it. He was thinking how anyone could be so callous to the deceased, not attending the prayer for the departed soul. 

Someone rang up his phone. It was Elena. He got surprised and thought, " Why is she calling me? " 

He picked up the phone. 

Jack said, " Hello, Elena. " 

Elena said, " Sorry for disturbing you. Actually, today i couldn't attend the prayer because Drake met an accident this morning when we were coming to college. So, i was there with him in the hospital. I called you to ask if there is class tomorrow or not? " 

" Yes. Tomorrow, we are supposed to attend the class. " Jack replied. 

Elena thanked him and hung up the phone. 


 In the evening, Jack went outside for the walk. He met Rohan on his way, holding a bag. 

Rohan said, " I was going your home. Actually, my bag got exchanged with Drake's bag while returning from the tour. Tomorrow, i won't go college. So, could you please return this bag to him? " 

"Actually no please, it's my order. " he joked and laughed. 

Jack didn't tell him about the Drake's accident. Otherwise he would start enquiry and tease him for exchanging number with Elena. He would understand that he was falling in love with her. 

He took the bag and returned home. He was happy that he would be able to spend time with Elena all alone. 

It was around seven o'clock, Jack was studying in his room. Drake's bag was put on his table. He thought to open it and check once about the stain of blood on his shirt but then he changed his mind. 

Around nine o'clock, his mom called him for the dinner. Jack went to the dinning table. His dad was already sitting there waiting for him. 

His dad asked, " I heard about the incident happened at the tour. What was it? Murder or attack by any wild animal? " 

Jack said, " Don't know dad. His wound was exactly same as your friend's son and it happened on the same day. " 

They finished their dinner and went to their bed. 

Next morning, Jack woke up, took bath and getting ready for the college but his father told him not to go to the college. 

Jack was eagerly waiting for this day when Drake would not be with Elena and that day came but his father , not allowing him to go. 

He didn't have courage to disobey him. He went to the drawing room, switched on the t.v and sat back. His dad came and told him to put on news channel. The incident of the college got onto every news channel. 

Parents of the deceased student sued the management of the college. News reporters were there, asking about the incidents from the students. 

" Oh! This was going to happen today.That's why dad do not permitted me for the college ." he thought. 

He catched a glimpse of Rohan in the news. 

Jack got surprised and thought, " Yesterday, he told me that he wouldn't go to college but he is present there. You liar. I talk to you later about this. " 

In the afternoon, Jack finished his lunch, went to his bed and flaked out. 

" Young wolf was running after alpha female, enjoying a lot. Alpha female hid herself behind a tree, young wolf went from behind and held her affectionately. They were chasing, pouncing, growling and biting one another. Young wolf found his mate for the life-size. 

A young gray wolf was stealthily looking at female alpha for long time. He came there and tried to play with alpha female. 

Young wolf furrowed its forehead, showed its fangs and growled at him loudly. The gray wolf ran away but stayed at a few distance from them, looking at alpha female gently nibbling on young Wolf's face. 

When it was growing dusk, they stopped playing and alpha female returned home after promising him to meet next day. Young wolf also went to the place where he used to stay in the night. 

Days passed, young wolf grew into an alpha male and alpha female grew into a beautiful alpha with whom everyone was fascinated. She was alluring alpha female. She had an exclusive moon mark on her back neck. Alpha male used to recognize her from this mark. 

Everyday night, they used to meet and look at moon. Gray alpha used to follow her everyday. He wanted her as his mate. 

It was full moon night, alpha male came to the place where he used to howl at moon with his love-mate. He was waiting for her to come. After waiting long time, alpha female came running to him, badly injured, covered with blood, blacked out and collapsed near his paws. 

Alpha male saw gray wolf coming after chasing her. He was responsible for sustained fresh puncture wounds immediately above and below her right eye. 

The two wolves stood in front of each other,moved around and snapped at each other.Gray wolf tried to sneak away, but alpha male pursued and prepared to snap at his back. Each one trying to bite the one another's muzzle. It was a terrible fight. Lastly, gray wolf succeeded in running away. 

Alpha male went near alpha female. She was lying dead. He was devastated, crying by putting his head on her body. He was aching for her. He thought, " One day, i'll settle a score of your death. " He was also injured badly, so he also departed his life. 

Clouds came floating in the sky, carrying usher storm and rain, hid the moon and it's light and filled the forest with deep darkness."