
Mama doesn't remember teaching you these

"What's scat?" 

Lucy asked on call as Lith mentioned about it to her. 

Lith smirked and was just about to say what it was to Lucy and corrupt her, but was interrupted by Lilith's chuckle.

"Fufufu… There are many kinks and fetishes out there, dear. Some of them are good and tame, like having a S&M kink or foot fetish, but some of them are… well… not so good and tame, like scat or cuckolding." Lilith said calmly.

She continued, "what mama wants to tell you is, if you haven't come across these things already, it's good. Don't get yourself corrupted and be with such useless additional knowledge."

With the smile still on her face, she looked at Lith and said, "and you, young man, how do you know of such things? Mama doesn't remember teaching you these."

Lith froze on his spot as he heard that. His mother's smile didn't seem like a smile at all right now and she seemed rather angry with him.