
Valorant: Why You Bully Me?

"What the-" "Literally a hacker!" "The F-" "Through the f-ing wall?!" Uzui suddenly found himself in Valorant with a modded version of V.A.T.S. Warning: The first "volume" is the old version. Go to vol. 2 for the rewrite. Disclaimer: None of this stuff besides OC's belong to me... I guess.

SpringAnnoyance · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Chapter 7

"And here is our dorm!" Phoenix flourished his hand, opening a large rustic wooden door. Inside, was quite the pleasant sight. Above them, a warm homey light brightened the room, a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling, its crystalline lights adding a majestic charm to the place. The floor was wooden, with multiple long tiles covering it, feeling smooth when touched. Taking off their shoes, Phoenix and Uzui walked inside, Phoenix throwing his jacket onto a rack.

Uzui walked inside, the cold wooden floor pretty nice on his feet. To the right of them, was a bright kitchen. With smooth marble flooring and quartz counters, it was a wonderful place. A row of kitchen knives were lined neatly on a board and a few empty pots and pans sat in the sink, longing to be washed.

"Jett came by a while ago. She and Astra had a scuffle against an enemy Reyna in Minnesota a while back. Dang, she is a complete monster, took down Astra and almost Jett." Phoenix blabbed, probably casually spitting out confidential information. "God, Reyna is a monster. Thankfully we have one too! Sage managed to get there in time and revive her." Phoenix collapsed onto a black couch nearby, fishing a wrapped chocolate out of a glass bowl.

"Astra? Jett?" Uzui played dumb, as he wasn't really supposed to be in the know of these agents.

"Oh yeah. Some other of our agents, Jett, is an awesome pal of mine. Controls wind and stuff while Astra is also a pretty nice gal, has some mystical space powers. A little toxic though…." Chewing a bit, Phoenix stretched his legs.

Uzui placed a small backpack on the couch, sitting down too. In the backpack, which he had bought while still in Tallace, was a lot of important stuff. His I.D., some snacks and water, plus a random novel he found interesting.

Phoenix took two bottles of coke out of a refrigerator, offering one to Uzui, who graciously accepted. Bending down, Phoenix took a plate of small mini brownies, putting it on the table. Uzui's eyes lit up, and he quickly dug in, his mouth biting into that hard chocolate goodness.

"So… I've seen on the news and stuff. But what are the goals of those enemies… Clones?" Stuffing some brownies into his mouth (He washed his hands), looking at Phoenix curiously.

"Ugh…. That is what I want to know too!" Phoenix groaned, taking a swig of Coke, sighing refreshingly. "Ah mean, Kay/O, our resident robot dude, the good version of the robot guy you shot dead a few hours ago kept on saying stuff about the destruction of worlds or whatnot," Phoenix groaned, "Probably only the more…. 'Mature' members know."

"Huh. So, what's our current situation anyway? From the news, it's just a bunch of Radiant terrorist attacks on different random locations…." Uzui asked, hunching over.

"Oh…. Somehow, through all our efforts and whatnot, none of us have really died permanently, and we are holding the enemy back." Phoenix shrugged his shoulders. "But recently, the scale of attacks has increased, and the amount of 'Clones' are increasing along with that. One time, Breach, Sova, and Reyna had to fight two Reyna's and a Skye. Another agent. Nice Australian gal, when she is on your side..."

"Hmmm...." Uzui stood there, thinking…..

A Week Later….

"So…. I just gotta shoot all the targets?" Looking down at the Classic pistol in his hand, Uzui looked at Killjoy for confirmation.

"Yes indeed. Simple, right?" She answered, adjusting and zooming in a large camera-like contraption.

Phoenix stood nearby, assembling a random rifle, obviously extremely relaxed.

"Ok then…. Do I go now?" Uzui said.

"Whenever you are ready…" She said, hurrying over to a table surrounded by technological monitors.

He and the two others were currently at one of Kingdoms shooting facilities, testing for his "supposed" Radiant abilities.

Looking up, Uzui shrugged his shoulders, three small human-shaped metal targets positioned a few yards away. Putting on a pair of mufflers to prevent damage to his ears.

He took aim, before entering V.A.T.S., selecting the heads of all the targets.

"Blam….! Blam….! Blam….!" Uzui acted immediately, moving in a fluid motion. Within a second, he had unleashed three bullets, nailing the center of each of the targets.

Phoenix looked at him, jaw-dropping. It had happened so fast that even he, a somewhat seasoned fighter, could not see it happening.

"Lightning-fast….." Phoenix walked over, scratching his head. "Bloody hell….. What in God's name was that?!"

"Skill," Uzui smirked, his ego rising a little. "Now…. I suppose you just take out the magazine and replace it?" He asked, inspecting the Classic carefully.

"Now…. That was quite the display Uzui, I am extremely impressed. How about we try a few more out before going off to the lab?" Killjoy clapped, smiling, she called out from her seat in the middle of the monitors.

"Why not?" Uzui smiled. Besides the annoying recoil and reloading, it was actually pretty fun! And of course, satisfying. "I'll do the heart, neck, and head…." He spoke with confidence that only one who had perfect trust in their aim would have.

Picking up a long Scout, he carefully and slowly loaded in each indiviual bullet, sorta clumsy as he had never really done this before. Nodding to Killjoy in confirmation, Uzui stared down at the long barrel of the sniper and inspected it, before once again selecting all the targets. As soon as he finished, the System went into motion, the sound of a shell clattering to the ground, as Uzui took his first shot, aiming for the heart of the target, then another, as he aimed for the next target's neck, and lastly, for the… last one's head.

Silence. The other two Radiants looked at him like he was some sort of monster. Killjoy regarded firearms as something useful, but not exactly the most practical at times…. But that was only when one's aim was not on spot…. This guy, Uzui, was a living, breathing, aimbot…. Though, it still had to be confirmed…

Phoenix whistled, running over into the range hazardly and looking at each of the targets, before staring back at Uzui.