
Valkyr Strike

Exaltion command systems ready. Ready for unit login. Unit 18294. Codename: Potential. Login request....Verified! Attention all units! Prepare for strike! In the beautiful world named Earth X, mysterious event hit the planet causing the Great Flux Storm and the storm began to corrupt the citizens, turning them into Flux Beasts. Those who can control the Flux Energy are known as Valkyrs and these Valkyrs are known for their Flux Drives and their various Flux Forms. One Valkyr in specific has a special flux known as the Inner Flux, a Flux Drive and Form that is extremely rare and only known to be harnessed by her ancestor. There is one problem though, she's completely careless and naive. She doesn't understand the power of her Flux nor does she understand the power of a Valkyr. Join our heroine as she grows and learns about the power of her Flux and learns about the true meaning of a Valkyr.

IndifferentLeo · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

New Discovery

I stretched and sighed then looked at the sky. It was a beautiful afternoon and a good afternoon to take a nap in. As I closed my eyes, I heard some chattering and gossiping amongst the girls. I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of where I heard the gossiping.

"Raika is so cool!"

"I know right! Look how far she can throw that disk!"

I rose an eyebrow and looked in the direction they were looking at. Raika was competing against a third year in a disk throwing contest. She was completely beating the third year. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes then closed them.

"Hey! Look out!" One girl called out to me.

I opened my eyes and gasped as a disk headed straight for me. Elysion caught the disk and looked back at me. "E-Eve?"

"Correction: Call me Elysion. Sarcasm: You're welcome." Elysion said then flung the disk back to the others.

I looked at Elysion. "Uhm...while you're here, we can get to know each other better!"

Elysion looked at me once again then closed her eyes. "Inquiry: What would you like to know?"

"What are your origins? Like what were you before coming here to Valkyr Academy? You said you were the Ultimate Creation like yesterday right?" I asked.

"Answer: I am the Ultimate Creation, but I am not the first Eve to be created. I am the Best Eve to be created and I was gifted the name Elysion by my creator. Before coming here I was a soldier for the Americans and Japanese." Elysion answered.

"What? How old are you?" I asked.

"Answer: I am 18 years old. I was a soldier when I was 12." Elysion said.

"Huh. So you're skilled in hand to hand combat right?" I asked.

"Affirmation: I am skilled in CQC, Ranged Combat, Martial Arts, Hacking, Coding, Mechas, Technology, Cooking..."

I stared at Elysion as she listed off what she was good and bad at over the course of her being a child solider up until now. I checked the time on my phone then looked back up at Elysion.

"O-Okay I get it, I get it. You're a top-notch woman." I said.

"Question: What about your origins? What is your backstory?" Elysion asked.

I looked at Elysion and crossed my arms then sat back in my seat and looked at the sky. "My old man went missing and I know a search team is still searching for him. As for my mother...she was killed by some monster thing. It was most likely a Flux Beast but I couldn't really tell you since I didn't know what they were back then. I was taken into custody by a foster home, but soon was kicked out because of my power. That's when..."

Elysion looked at me and wondered why I paused. She rose an eyebrow and tilted her head.

"That's where I know her from. She took care of me. Ihono took care of me when I was little until my highschool years. That's when I lived alone." I said.

I shot up and hurried to the building. Elysion was confused and got up to follow me. We headed to Ihono's office and I was excited to seek answers. I burst into the office.

Ihono looked up at us. "Hello, Yuka. Elysion. What can I do for you?"

"Ihono! It was you!" I said and placed my hands on her desk.

"It was me? What did I do?" Ihono asked.

"You're the one who took care of me when I was a little girl up until my highschool years." I said.

"Uhm...I believe you have the wrong woman." Ihono said.

"It has to be you. I remember the name Tsumura...You're the only one here with that last name." I said.

Ihono looked at me then closed her eyes, smiling. "I'll admit one thing. I am your aunt, but I am a distant one. I never had a relationship with your mother like that. In fact we disliked each other, I was only able to see you at birth. I'm not familiar with anyone else the Tsumura name since that entire family was wiped out by a God-Class Flux Beast. The woman that took care of you...was not me."

"How..? How is that even possible? If it wasn't you then who was that woman?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"Do you have a picture of her? Maybe I can help you find our who it was." Ihono said.

"Come on...that was like 9 years ago when I was 10. I didn't even have a phone back then and my first phone was when I was in highschool. That's when she disappeared as well." I said.

"Maybe I can help you gain an answer. What do you recall from your time with her?" Ihono asked, now interested in the topic.

"Well...I know that I didn't have the Gem of Trinity that Teach was talking about within me. In fact I didn't have any powers aside from my Flux Energy. At a young age, I've always had this tremendous amount of Flux Energy within me. It scared everyone else away from me. When I turned 15 that's when she disappeared and that's when the Gem of Trinity entered inside of me because I remember going through so much bodily stress and it wasn't because of my cycle nor period." I answered.

Ihono looked at me and began typing on her computer about the Tsumura Family. She was for certain that she was the only Tsumura left alive. No Tsumura has ever been known to hold the Gem of Trinity, this confused her because this might be a new discovery for everyone.

"This is impossible, no Tsumura other than me should be alive. I should know because I'm the one who took down that damn Flux Beast." Ihono said. She didn't find anything about a Tsumura being alive or one wielding the Gem of Trinity.

"Hypothesis: Maybe it wasn't a real Tsumura, but a person disguised as a Tsumura to gain the trust of Yuka." Elysion said.

"But why would someone go that far? Wait. You said the Gem of Trinity correct?" Ihono said.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"No way...You were being taken care of by Uraki Asamura herself..! It all makes sense now. You have her mannerisms, her nature, her willpower, her potential. She taught you everything you know, all while using the name of a distant family. This is a discovery of a lifetime! She was alive and you are the only human of the New Era to have seen her in the flesh!" Ihono said.

"That's who that was huh? She looked like you." I said and crossed my arms.

"Like me?" Ihono asked and looked at me.

"Inquiry: Is the Lady of Potential, Nature, and Will able to change shape and form? If so, why would she choose your form?" Elysion asked.

"There's nothing in the books about her power because no one knows the true extent of the Gem of Trinity. All we know is that Uraki defeated Aoex. All the information about the Inner Flux, I have to gather from Yuka so we can finally understand Uraki and the Gem." Ihono said.

"But...I can't control my power. Every time I try to use it, my body hurts and it forces me out of my own form." I said.

"There's no rush for the records. We can always take our time. After all you're still new to this. All I can say is do your best out there. Hinako is the best teacher we have. You'll have every mastered before you graduate." Ihono smiled.

I nodded and smiled back.

The bell rang and we said our goodbyes to Ihono then left the office. We went to the gym for the final class of the day.

"Alright ladies! Time for the best part of class, the Battle Training. The three of you and Yutori will face off against each other. You can pick-"

I pointed at Yutori and smiled. "I pick Yutori!"

Yutori opened her eyes and looked at me. She kept her arms crossed and scoffed. "Allow the teacher to finish her instructions before you start interrupting her."

"It's fine, Yutori." Hinako smiled then placed a hand on her hip. "Yuka, you don't want to face off against your teammates?"

"Not this time besides we fought yesterday, I'm genuinely curious about what Class Monitor Yutori can do!" I said.

Yutori looked at Hinako.

"Alright then. So be it. You may face off against Yutori." Hinako said. "Ladies, clear the way of the battle area."

Raika and Elysion moved out of the way as well as Hinako. Yutori uncrossed her arms then walked onto the battle area. I did as well the Hinako pressed a button and a simulated battlefield appeared around us.

"This battle will end once either of you is unable to fight!" Hinako said.

"Got it." Both me and Yutori said.

"You may begin!" Hinako said.

I smirked and used a burst of speed to appear in front of Yutori. She watched me then parried my attack, causing me to get off balance. She punched my stomach then spun around and kicked me away. I groaned as I flew backwards then landed on my side on the ground. I stood up and huffed then got back into my battle stance. I ran to her again and she watched me again. I jumped up and went for a kick, but she blocked it.

"Predictable." She grabbed my leg then slammed me onto the ground.

I groaned and coughed then she tossed me in the air then punched my stomach. 20 more quick strikes hit me then I was blown away. She vanished and appeared behind me then grabbed onto me, flipping backwards then slammed me down with a powerful izuna drop.

"What the hell..? She never did those moves against us during our fight against you." Raika said then looked at Hinako.

"This is where Yutori shines. She's using her Flux Drive called Lord of Combat. She's a master in all forms of combat and then some." Hinako smirked.

I slowly stood up and grunted softly. I awakened my Inner Drive then dashed to Yutori once again and bellowed. She dodged each one of my attacks then countered my attacks. Energy flowed around her body and it wasn't Flux Energy.

"Inquiry: What is that energy?" Elysion asked.

"That energy is called Qi or Chi as my fellow American friends would call it. She fused her Flux Energy with her practices and now she can fully control Qi as she pleases." Hinako said.

Yutori palmed my stomach then sent me flying in the air. She awakened a symbol on her hand. "Flux Drive: Azure Barrage!" She bellowed then struck my stomach and 100 more hits struck my body then sent me crashing through a wall. She exhaled and smoke came out of her mouth.

"Azure Barrage.." Raika said.

"One of her strongest Drives. A rapid strike attack that ends as fast as it starts. It deals massive damage as well as drains the target's energy. She's trying to make sure Yuka doesn't awaken her trump card." Hinako said.

Yutori sensed energy from beneath her then jumped into the air, avoiding an energy blast then grunted as she noticed a sparkle and energy chains wrapping around her leg. I pulled the chains and caused her to fly directly at me. I bellowed and punched her face then sent her flying. I dashed ahead and vanished then appeared above her. I spun around then kicked her downward. She crashed onto the ground and I bellowed then blasted her with a powerful Flux Energy Beam. An explosion happened and I gasped as I noticed an energy dragon emerging from the smoke.

"Final Drive: Qi Dragon Nova!" She bellowed and the dragon struck me then crashed straight into the ground.

I grunted as I tried to resist it, but I ended up reverting back to normal then the dragon dispersed into energy particles. Yutori landed on her feet and her energy winds disappeared.

"Her Flux Form..?" Raika asked.

"The Resolver. That's the name of her Flux Form." Hinako said then the area returned back to normal.

"To think she could drive that power out from me. That Gem of Trinity holds more power than I thought, but in the end she still can not control it. It controls her." Yutori said.

"The Gem controls her?" Raika asked.

"She has no prior experience with her power from what I know beyond the day you and her met. She can not control her power at all. Because of that she's easy to read, easy to counter. She has excellent raw power, excellent physique, but she lacks the knowledge and control she needs to become a proper Valkyr. It is still early, so it's not too much of a big deal right now." Yutori said.

Ihono was watching from a distance and wrote down what she saw. "Her powers seem to change. Her power right now seems more like a Desperation Form than an actual transformation. It only lasts a minute tops...before it was energy blades and blasts. This time it's chains and an energy beam. Based on what she wills, she can complete different things, but the stress her body experiences is still an issue. It's hard to understand a power when you have no clue what it truly is.."

I sat up and held my head. "I lost again..?"

"Pity: Unfortunately yes." Elysion said.

"You did give her a run for her money. It just wasn't enough to get you the win." Raika said then watched me stand up.

I smiled and placed my hands on the back of my head. I shook my head and sighed. "I guess that only means there's still room to grow."

Raika and Elysion smiled and nodded.

"Uraki didn't make this easy for us. Not only can she shapeshift, but her power is way too complex. I can almost see how she beat Aoex, a seemingly impossible task..." Ihono said. "I guess I would need to see her in action more, but all the Flux Beasts have been dealt with. Hm...I'll give it more time."