
Valkyr Strike

Exaltion command systems ready. Ready for unit login. Unit 18294. Codename: Potential. Login request....Verified! Attention all units! Prepare for strike! In the beautiful world named Earth X, mysterious event hit the planet causing the Great Flux Storm and the storm began to corrupt the citizens, turning them into Flux Beasts. Those who can control the Flux Energy are known as Valkyrs and these Valkyrs are known for their Flux Drives and their various Flux Forms. One Valkyr in specific has a special flux known as the Inner Flux, a Flux Drive and Form that is extremely rare and only known to be harnessed by her ancestor. There is one problem though, she's completely careless and naive. She doesn't understand the power of her Flux nor does she understand the power of a Valkyr. Join our heroine as she grows and learns about the power of her Flux and learns about the true meaning of a Valkyr.

IndifferentLeo · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


I laid on the couch and looked at the ceiling. For some reason I was restless, I couldn't sleep. I decided to watch a little TV to calm my nerves since it does help me sleep at times. I put it on a random channel and watched the TV.

"We are interrupting you daily broadcast to send out important news. Samato has been attacked by a powerful Royal-Class Flux Beast, all residents of Samato are asked to quickly evacuate the city and get to safety! I repeat Samato has been attacked..."

I began to drift to sleep. The news was important, but the news is what makes me sleepy. I laid back down and fell asleep.

The next day, Raika, Elysion, and I got ready for classes. We left our dorm then headed onto campus. We walked onto the courtyard and noticed Yutori standing in front of our path.

"Class Monitor, what's up? Where's Teach?" I asked.

"She's in Samato handing the Flux Beast attack with a few other high ranking Valkyrs of the academy. She's assigned me as your substitute until she returns." Yutori said.

"Oh okay." I said then had a flashback of the news I watched last night. "Anyway what will we be doing today?"

"The usual. I will continue getting you all educated about the Beasts, the Forms, the Drives, the History. Things like that. It's just the normal lessons except I'll be teaching and not Hinako." Yutori said.

"Alright. That's fine by me." I smiled.

"Let's head to the classroom now." Yutori said.

We all headed inside the building and went to our classroom.


"Thank you for accepting my invitation to come to Valkyr Academy, Overseer Odin." Ihono smiled.

"You shouldn't have to thank me. I was going to come here regardless. It's just another excuse to see your beautiful face." Odin flirted.

Ihono blushed slightly and closed her eyes. "Let's try to keep this professional, Mr. Welsh. Okay?"

"Yes, yes. Still as shy and easily flustered as ever I see." Odin chuckled.

"Anyway! The reason I have called you here-"

"Is to discuss things about your distant niece. When you told me about her over the phone, I was immediately invested into telling you what I know. My bloodline has researched the three factions of the Trinity Bloodline for generations." Odin said.

"Trinity Bloodline?" Ihono asked.

"Yes. The Willpower, The Nature, and the Potential. The Asamura are the Willpower, The Tsumura are the Potential, and there's a third unknown family who are the Nature." Odin explained.

"Unknown family? Why are they unknown?" Ihono asked.

"Because they've been completed wiped out. There is no trace of that family other than their name. Their name is the Namura Family. The Nature." Odin said.

"You know a lot about us, I guess that's what Generational Research can do for a person." Ihono said. "So what can you say about Uraki Asamura? She wields the Gem of Trinity which contains all three powers of the three factions of the Trinity Bloodline."

"That's the tricky part about all of this. Even throughout the studies of your family for generations, we still can't answer that one simple question. That question being, 'Who or What is Uraki Asamura?'." Odin said then closed his eyes. "She's so mysterious that even her own family doesn't know who she truly is or what she is. As you know, Deities contain power from Flux Energy...Uraki wasn't recorded to have Flux Energy and even if she did it would be a weak record."

"Can you tell me about her Gem then?" Ihono asked.

"Yes I can do at least that." Odin said then opened his eyes. "Her gem contains three abilities, Indomitable Will, Indomitable Nature, and Absolute Potential. The Will allows one to be resistant to all powers, ignore all pains, through the sheer power of will, one can become virtually invincible, immortal, unstoppable. The Nature makes them unconquerable, non-surrendering to who they truly are. Because of the Nature, they are immune to all forms of alterations one might try to bring upon them. Their instincts are heightened, their natural powers are even more prominent, their Raw Power..."

"Raw Power..?" Ihono said then thought about the way I fight. My Raw Power to her was even greater than those who've mastered their own power.

"The Potential aka your family. The Potential comes in three Stages, Creation, Realization, and Execution. That's the reason you're still alive. Potential is the most important factor in ones growth. They awaken or create the potential within, then they Realize that potential...finally they put their potential into motion. I'm sure you've seen it within Yuka haven't you? Her increasing strength, stamina, condition...she realizes her potential, but like you said...when she executes it, her potential fails." Odin said.

"Yeah, it's almost like...she can't maintain that power at all. She's unable to keep that potential when she awakens her Flux Form." Ihono sighed softly.

"How about I give her a little test? After all she's the most interesting other than her teammates, Raika and Elysion. A little mock battle to see if I can draw out her true power." Odin said.

"You can't. I won't allow it. It's too early for her anyway." Ihono said.

"But you do want to understand Uraki through Yuka correct? As far as we know, the only one who has answers for us is Yuka excluding Aoex. We can't ask Aoex though because her whereabouts are truly unknown plus she'll kill us in an instant. She hates our kind." Odin said.

"I know, but...I just don't want you hurting her nor underestimating her. She's not weak, but she's not to be put on Hinako's or Yutori's level just yet." Ihono said.

"I won't hurt her and if I go too far, you're always free to stop me. I too wish to know more about what Uraki is truly like. We know how she beat Aoex, but I feel like there is more to her origins that meets the eye such as...is she truly an Asamura or is she a member of the Namura Family?" Odin asked.

"She is her descendant and she is the only one of this New Era to ever see her in the flesh even though she was disguised as me." Ihono said.

"See? We can learn much about her through Yuka. All we need to do is get the answers. I know how to get them." Odin said and smirked.

I stretched and yawned as I walked out of the building with Raika and Elysion. "Man lessons were so boring today! I'd much rather watch two slugs fight than to sit through another hour of that."

"It wasn't that bad. It's just Yutori is more stern with her teachings than Miss Kaiba is." Raika smiled.

"Easy for you to say, you're all about the books. I'm more of a brawn person." I said and smacked my fist against my hand.

"A brawn person huh?" Odin said behind us.

We stopped walking then looked at Odin who stood behind us.

"What the hell? Were you listening on our conversation?" I asked.

"Yuka Asamura, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Odin Welsh, Overseer of Ketoyama. I am Ihono's Boss and I am researching Flux Energy to see what all they are capable of. Do you three mind following me to the Duel Arena?" Odin asked.

"There's a Duel Arena here?" I asked.

"Yes actually, it's where our exams for the Valkyrs are held. I can show you to the Arena. Just follow me. Ihono is waiting for us there as well. She will be taking notes on you all just to see if you're ready for the responsibilities of a Valkyr." Odin said.

"I mean...alright." I said then looked at Raika and Elysion.

We all followed Odin to the Duel Arena the academy had. Raika was on her guard because she didn't quite trust Odin. He came out of nowhere and basically invited us to battle him. Elysion and I didn't sense anything bad coming from him, and I'm not one to really refuse a fight unless I'm really not up for it.

We made it to the Duel Arena and Odin stopped Raika and Elysion. I looked at Odin and wondered why he stopped Raika and Elysion.

"I actually want to test your abilities alone, Miss Asamura." Odin said.

"But we work as a team." I said.

"I understand that, but sometimes in missions you won't have your mates beside you. I know you can handle yourself in battle correct?" Odin asked.

"I mean..." I started then looked at my hands. Everytime I tap into my Inner Flux, I end up losing. I can't maintain it for too long, but it's the only way I can actually keep up. "I can handle myself it's just that..."

"You can't control your power because of the stress huh?" Odin said.

"Yeah.." I said, disappointedly.

"That's fine. I'm not expecting you to win this fight. All I'm expecting from you is for you to do your best." Odin said.

I looked at Odin then looked around for Ihono. I noticed her sitting in the stands and exhaled. "Alright, let's get this over with."

Raika watched Odin and I then walked over to Ihono then sat beside her. "What is this about? Why is he wanting to fight Yuka?"

"This is the only way she'll grow. Odin is going to try and push her limits, but I don't like this idea just as much as you don't. I feel like this will end up hurting her more than helping." Ihono said.

"Inquiry: Why won't you stop him? She's your niece." Elysion spoke and looked at Ihono.

"Once Odin has his mind made up, he won't stop until he gets what he wants." Ihono said.

Odin took off his suit jacket and it dispersed into energy particles. He looked at me with a smile. "Are you ready?"

"I am." I said and looked at Odin.

"Come at me whenever you're ready." Odin said and placed one hand behind his back.

I looked at him seriously. He wasn't trying to guard himself, it threw me off and his stance was pretty weak. I ran towards him and went for a punch, but I was blown away by a seemingly invisible attack and groaned. I landed on my back and grunted softly. I sat up on my elbows and looked at Odin. I slowly stood up and held my stomach.

"What the heck was that..?" I asked myself.

"He didn't move and yet Yuka was treated like a ragdoll." Raika said.

"Oh he did in fact move. You just couldn't see it." Ihono said.

I ran to him again and went for a kick this time. I groaned once again as I was struck by another invisible attack. Multiple attacks struck me and blew me away. I rolled on my side and coughed. I panted and laid on my back.

"Is this all you can do?" Odin asked. "I expected a bit more from the woman who wields the Gem of Trinity."

I stood up and grunted softly. I awakened my Inner Drive then dashed towards Odin once again. I used a burst of speed to appear behind him then went for a strike. He dodged my attack then elbowed me. I grunted and felt energy bursting from my back. He kicked me away and turned around. I landed on one knee then bellowed and dashed to him once again. I went for an attack then another invisible strike hit me.

"It's always when she's going for an attack in front of him. Maybe...it's a Drive of some sort." Raika said.

"Bingo. It's his First Drive, Direct Counter. If you try to strike him directly, he will counter and it mostly never fails. You noticed how he had to physically attack when she tried to strike from behind. His drive doesn't work when it's an attack from behind when it comes down to his First Drive." Ihono said.

I panted and fell onto one knee. "This guy's tough...But I have a dream to complete! I need to get stronger!"

Odin watched me stand up and smirked. I dashed to him and used a burst of speed to move around him quickly, leaving behind afterimages. He tracked my movements and blocked each one of my attacks with an energy shield.

"You've gotten faster. Fast enough to leave behind afterimages, but even with your tricks...you're predictable!" Odin said then palmed my stomach.

I grunted and grabbed his arm. He looked impressed at my increasing durability and endurance. I bellowed and went for an attack at his face then an invisible force struck me. I looked surprised and was blown away into a wall.

"Yuka!" Raika yelled.

"Shock: What was that?!" Elysion asked in pure shock.

"His Second Drive: Adaptive Drive. He adapts to his opponents power level, making it impossible for him to ever be weaker than anyone." Ihono said.

I stood up and smirked. "This is exhilarating...My blood is pumping...I have the unhinged desire to win!" I said and my Flux Energy surrounded my body powerfully.

"Finally...now we can see what you're made of." Odin smirked.

I dashed to Odin and used a burst of speed to appear behind him. I went for another strike, but he dodged and went for an attack. I blocked his attack and he smirked.

'She's adapting pretty quickly, but has she adapted to this..?' He thought to himself and turned around.

I flipped backwards then fired two energy blasts at him. He deflected them both and they hit the walls. He watched as I dashed to him. He felt my power levels rising even more. I smirked and my eyes shined. The Gem shined within me.

'I feel the power...The Resonance. This is my time to feel the flow of power!' I thought to myself.

I went for multiple attacks, and dodged his invisible attacks using my instincts. I bellowed and struck his stomach with a powerful punch. He grunted and powerful winds blew around us.

"She got him!" Raika said excitedly.

Odin smirked. "Good job...good job.." He kneed my stomach then blew me away.

I slid backwards on one knee then noticed a golden pillar crash down. I grunted and dodged the pillar then a golden cross appeared on the ground. Multiple energy beams were fired from the cross then homed straight at me. I dodged the beams then grunted as a massive beam was fired at me.

"Dodge it!" Raika yelled.

"She can't, it's too fast for her." Ihono said.

An explosion happened as the beam hit me. I bellowed and spread my wings, as I was in my Flux Form. Odin looked at me and smirked even wider.

"It's like the studies show. This energy is off the charts...Her Nature...Her Will...Her Potential. This is what I've been waiting for!" Odin said.

I dashed to Odin and bellowed. He watched me and dodged my energy beam then went for a strike. He struck my body and grunted as I took no damage from his attack. I kicked him away then teleported above him then pressed an energy orb against his body. An explosion happened and he rebounded off one hand then slid backwards.

"She's growing increasingly stronger, but this tells me nothing about Uraki other than she can infinitely increase her power and attributes. This tells me nothing about her personality, her end goal, or who she truly is.." Odin said to himself.

I landed on the ground and lightning crackled around my arm. Odin looked at me and moved his eyebrow.

"Is she using lightning powers?" Raika asked.

"It looks to be she is." Ihono said.

I slammed my hand on the ground then a stream of lightning rushed towards Odin. He used his energy to repel the energy. I looked at him and my eyes shined. For some reason, I felt hatred for this man. A man I don't even know. My heart thumped and I grunted then was forced out of my Inner Flux. I grunted hard and held myself. My entire body felt like it had goosebumps.

"What happened..?" Odin asked.

"My body hurts and feels like it has goosebumps.." I said and looked at the ground.

"This is a completely different reaction." Ihono said.

"Confusion: It looks like she had a flashback of some sort? She seems like she's seen something." Elysion said.

"It looks that way to me as well." Raika said.

I stood up and looked at my hands. "That feeling...what was that..? My entire body tingles now and I don't like it. Not only does my body feel extremely tight, but it's like...I am scared?"

Odin looked at me and crossed his arms. "Hm...this still doesn't tell me anything."

Ihono sighed and rubbed the back of her head. "I guess we can call it a day. This is only leaving more questions for all of us than answers. The results are the same."

"Results?" Raika asked.

"Yeah, we are trying to understand the Gem of Trinity and understand more about Yuka's ancestor, Uraki Asamura. We got a grasp on how her Gem works, but now we are left with more questions than answers. Why is Yuka getting this reaction, and what did she see? I guess this is somewhat a Breakthrough, but it's not enough to call a checkpoint." Ihono said. "It's kinda pathetic that I don't know a thing about my own niece huh.."

Raika looked at Ihono then looked at me talking to Odin. She tilted her head and blinked. "Huh.."

"Just keep training and soon you'll master your Gem faster than expected. I'll talk to Hinako to see if I can get you and your friends put on a few missions." Odin said.

"You'll actually do that for us?" I asked.

"Of course. I wish to see you all grow stronger. You can only get so strong within the academy. You need actual battle experience. I'll have them put you all through some battle tests and have them get you ready for a beginner mission." Odin said.

"Yes! Finally! We get to beat up some beasts!" I said excitedly.

I knew since Odin is the Overseer, his authority was absolute. I was gonna be able to work even harder to mastering my power and grow closer to my teammates.