
Arthur Valhalla(3)

An: I will use this time above the chapter to give a brief preview of the chapter so you can find you way easier if you wish to go back and read certain parts of the story later on. I hate when I'm looking for a chapter with no distinguishing features to pick out from the others.

Here, Arthur arrives in greywater watch before making his way to his new home, an island off the mainland of westeros called skagos. Apparently 100s of years ago they allied with a cadet branch of boys stark to overthrow those in winterfell.

As punishment, the skagossi were left to their own devices amidst the harsh cold of the north. Resulting in them turning to cannibalism in order for their young to survive the most brutal of weather. They are a hard people, but one who will be grateful to the man who will see their bellies full and their bodies warm. With his valriyan magic, creating such things will be child's play for Arthur.


After a two day walk in the swamp avoiding lizard lions and being bitten by mosquitoes bigger than horserflies in my previous life, we finally arrive at the keep of the reeds. Greywater watch.

(Image:think of this but able to move freely about the swamp by means idk or care to explain:))

After walking through a hidden entrance in the structure of the keep, we made our way through the courtyard toward the solar.

I noticed the looks I and frost were garnering from the small bayou people. It seemed a Direwolf was indeed sacred to the people of the north. Even more so when said people have blood of the children in their veins.

The wolf along with my finely made dark grey and red outfit in my usual robe style only with fur this time caught many gazes as well.

I remained ever thankful of the hood that obscured my face along with the new addition of fur to keep me warm but also add another layer of cover for any wandering eyes.


After arriving in the small room. Jagen and his son, who's name I learned was Denlen, sat across from me as an ale was poured in each of our cups.

After drinking and continuing small talk I got down to the nitty gritty.

""Basically, my plan is to prepare the north for the second dawn. Not play games with the Targaryens and Hightowers over some ugly chair in a mediocre keep designed and built by andals who, throughout history have proven to be spineless cowards that worship false gods and honor false vows that they break when the it suits them and uphold it in the same manner.""

I spoke softly, and I did so in the old tongue of the north. I could see their shocked faces at my words. Although this body hadn't been able to meet his mother. The libraries of his house in old Valyria rivaled that of the Hightower spies in the south. Which made such knowledge easy to obtain.

Afterall, the best way to make a potential enemy your friend is to understand and respect their cultures and beliefs. It just so happens I know quite a bit about this potential ally.

Jagen spoke in the same tongue as I did in response after smiling at me, ""it seems we've misjudged you dragon with fur. Allow me to apologize for that. However. I'm sure you just understand why your words garner such attention from my family. Please. Speak your peace. When we reach the weirwood tree.""

I nodded and followed the two out into the courtyard at the back of the keep. The gods wood here was incredible. Unlike anything I'd ever felt or seen before. Huge trees of all different shapes littered the grounds. They all had one feature that connected them however, their bark was as white as freshly fallen snow, and the leaves were a crimson red.

Arriving before the heart tree, without even thinking I cut my palm with the slightest movement of the hidden blade and pressed it to the bark of the tree. Falling into darkness I decided to shoot my memories of the fight against the others in seasons 6-8 of the tv show GOT.

Even if it won't happen for a while, I needed them to believe my words. And nothing is more powerful than the blood of kings in this world.


After showing them the horrors that await us beyond the wall jagen and Denlen both needed a minute to compose themselves, which was understandable given what they had seen.

I on the other hand needed a minute for an entirely different reason.

While I may be a magical being the same as the two companions I have with me, magic always comes at a price.

It's the law of equivalent exchange. One can not gain something without giving something else of equal value in return.

After cleaning the blood from my nose I turn to lord Reed and make my pitch.

""Lord Reed, i propose we help eachother. I will not bend my knee to anyone. Be they starks or Targaryen. I'm a dragon of the line of first dragons with the brutal ice of the north running through my veins. If you're agreeable to at least hear me out I would really appreciate it."" At the man's nod I continue.

""Here in my bag I have a crop known as rice sold in the Far East like fur is sold here in the north. this little crop, once harvested, will never go bad if kept dry. It can be used in a verity of different ways. Such as frying with animal fat and putting vegetables and or meats in with it to create a filling and hearty meal. This is one of the many things I will do to help the north in exchange for its support should I need to defend my home or the north itself from invaders. Be they domestic or foreign, dead or alive.""

The man was silent for a while. His eyes wide at the implications of what I just said. With small but purposeful steps he made his way towards the small sack of rice id been carrying in a backpack of sorts on my way from the east.

Stopping in at a port after night fell so morgoth could remain hidden was too easy.

Why did nobody tell the north about this crop? Well actually I believe I just got to the thing first. See there isn't a ton of trade vessels going from yi-ti to westeros not under the seasnake Corlys verlaryon. I was lucky to come across some essosi merchant going on and on about how he paid for passage on one of Corlys' ships and was able to bring things home with him to sell himself. And the north was not rich enough to even sniff at things Corlys had brought from halfway around the world as he would surely up-sell the shit out of it.

One was this so called 'amazing' grain that could be used in anything, never to rot.

At first I called bullshit. Classic marketing scheme in a time where it didn't matter if you told the truth. How wrong I was.

After asking the man to show me the grain before I bought it, I was shocked when he opened up the sack.

Inside were grains I was all too familiar with. Intending to make sure I took some into my hand to feel the texture and sure enough it was exactly as I'd expected, rice. A perfect gift for the reeds and subsequently the whole of the north to become a strong self sufficient kingdom.

An: I Lowkey hate the reach and everything everyone there stands for. From The tyrells to the Tarly's all cowardly ambitious fools. If I have my way, the reach will have many new lords when the DOD is finished. The reach will be unrecognizable. This I swear.

After a while the little Reed lord responded. ""Are you speaking true? If this is what it truly is you'll have both my and my fellow northern brothers' eternal gratitude.""

At my nod of confirmation he and I began speaking of all the minor issues with my declaration of being a separate entity from the seven kingdoms. His son denlen would pitch in if he had anything of import to add. But all and all it was a straightforward negotiation with both sides winning and losing things. Of course, lord Reed was given my permission to discreetly inform lord stark of the developments we've made and he will subsequently give me lord starks reply. The reeds would be a middle man between us until I was ready to meet the hungry wolf.


After my few days spent at the reeds castle, I knew it was time to make my way to skagos, which will be renamed Sparta when I take control of it. I'll also need to find woodswitches from beyond the wall to train and foster enough new generation healers as well.

For all the wonder and fantasy of this world, women die far too often in child birth for my tastes. My own mother being an example.

My future wife will not be left to such a fate if I have any say in it. And I most certainly do. By the time I'm ready to look for a bride, my power base and all the resources to give her and my children the world will be at my finger tips.


Making my way into the cave morgot was occupying im knocked over by the over excited dragon after about a moon of not seeing one another. The way he inhaled my scent was like a larger than a house dog being excited after his owner came home from work.

Only this 'dog' could burn cities to the ground in hours.

After frost and I mounted up we made our way towards my new home; Sparta.

An: need ideas on what female dragon to mate with my boy morgoth, and subsequently, who Rheana will ride. Let me know down below. I have a few oc pictures of dragons but I need some help here. Want some readers opinions.

Thank you for the support. The fact it's only been a day or two since we started posting this is insane. So much love already. Appreciate each of you. Will be back with another chapter tomorrow.