
Vaan Arundel

What would someone do if they are born in a prestigious swordsmanship family with little to no talent compared to their peers? Well, that's the life that Vaan has to live. Follow him in his journey to find his footing in the world as he navigates through his life, starting with highschool.

Sunamor_Idre · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
31 Chs

Chapter 26 - Attack of the Armadillons (2)

While Renata, Vaan, Dorothy, and Rie were heading towards the Armadillon's nest, Eliza, Gilbert, and Wortel came back and talked to the bald, middle-aged village militia. "It's just you three?" the bald, middle-aged village militia asked. "It is. What? Got a problem with that, old man?" Wortel challenged. "Dude, don't be rude," Gilbert rebuked. Then, he bowed toward the bald, middle-aged village militia, "I'm sorry, sir, for his behavior," Gilbert apologized. "Haha, it's fine, it's fine. I'm the one who should apologize and say thank you to you guys. Thanks to you, the men regained their fighting spirit. I don't have to worry too much now," the bald, middle-aged village militia scratched the back of his head.

"Come to think of it…." Eliza scanned her surroundings. The previous low morale she felt from the village militias was long gone. Instead, replacing it was fighting spirit, an unwavering resolution in their eyes. "So the provocation earlier was for this, huh…. I could learn a thing or two," Gilbert rubbed his chin. "She is amazing, that woman. I used to serve in the army myself, and that woman gave me a feeling akin to a general leading their troops to war," the bald, middle-aged village militia commented. "Who is she, by the way? I never did get to ask her name," the bald middle-aged village militia asked. "Heh, you don't know, old man?" Wortel snickered. "Come on, Wortel. Don't be rude," Gilbert slightly nudged Wortel's arm. "Whatever," Wortel rolled his eyes.

"I'll answer it for you, sir," Eliza interjected. "She's called Renata. If you're in the army, you might know her by her title," Eliza continued. "Renata?" the bald, middle-aged village militia crossed his arms. "Yeah, Renata Arundel. You know, the Sword Maiden?" Wortel said with raised eyebrows. "What!?" the bald, middle-aged village militia's eyes nearly came out from his socket. "That lass is the Sword Maiden!?" the bald, middle-aged village militia gawked. "Hehe, surprised, aren't you, old man?" Wortel smirked. "The Sword Maiden? Where?" hearing the bald, middle-aged village militia shout, the rest of the village militia all turned around with sparkles in their eyes. They proceeded to swarm the bald, middle-aged village militia.

Seeing this, Eliza clicked her tongue in annoyance, "Hah, look at those guys. A few minutes ago, they shot hateful gazes toward Renata. Look at them now. Sigh, men." Gilbert chuckled, "Haha. You can't blame them. Everybody knows the name 'Sword Maiden' after all. Her good looks coupled with her amazing strength…. No wonder she got so many fans." Eliza pursed her lips and pinched the side of Gilbert's stomach, "That includes you, huh?" Gilbert winced in pain as he tried to persuade Eliza to stop. The merry atmosphere wouldn't last long, though, as they heard the sound of the village alarm. The village militias got tensed, and the bald, middle-aged militia immediately shouted, "Men, to your post!"

The village militia hurriedly returned to their formation, holding their makeshift spear tightly with both hands. "I'm counting on you guys," the bald, middle-aged militia said. "No worries, sir. That's what we are here for," Gilbert said. "Yeah, like he said," Wortel chimed in. While they were talking, the horde of Armadillons were approaching the village at a rapid pace. The village militia gulped nervously. The bald, middle-aged militia stepped forward and rise his makeshift spear, "Lads! Today, we either beat these bastards up or die protecting our home. Today…. Is a good day to die!" The village militia's spirit rose after hearing the bald, middle-aged man's speech. They all lifted their makeshift spears and yelled, "Ou!" simultaneously.