
Uzumaki of the Six Eyes

Choking to death on his love letter, now named Satoru, finds himself reborn as a helpless babe in the unforgiving world of Naruto. He lands in the lap of destiny, nestled amongst the vibrant red haired Uzumaki clan, during a period of false peace before the Second Shinobi War. But Satoru isn't your average infant. Reborn with the unparalleled power and name of The Honored One, his silver hair and piercing blue eyes hold a secret – the potential to rewrite the bloody history of the ninja world. But how will a silver haired, blue kid person from the modern world fare along alone in a world filled with war, violence, death and destruction. Will he be able to protect those he loves or will he be protected by them only to lose them. Every otaku dreams of being reincarnated but is it truly a blessing or just a cruel joke from fate. I do not own any of the characters from Naruto written by the one and only Masahi Kishimoto or Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami. I only hold rights of any kind to my OCs. Love y'all for reading my fanfic. Criticism is welcomed.

ThatDudeG · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

The Sparks of Chaos

[Satoru POV]

'Ugh, being a baby is a drag. Stuck here gurgling and drooling. This nice lady must be my caretaker now. Mom? Big sis? I guess I'll figure it out later. Hopefully, no milk-drinking involved. She is cute tho. Will my baby peen have an erection now? What does it look like? So many questions but no one to ask to…'

'Haahh… feels like shit. Being a baby is sooo boring.'

'Maybe I should think about the future. First things first, learn to walk and talk. But can I even exercise this tiny body without hurting myself? Curse my past self for neglecting biology! That one chapter on muscles probably wasn't enough. (Though the teacher was definitely a looker... so cant blame me)'

'Alright let's think of how I plan my life.'

'Okay, new strategy. Uzumaki clan, right? Gotta master those sealing jutsu. Beyond that, who knows? Maybe I have some hidden powers like those cheat codes in games. But for now, I need to figure out my chakra nature. Wind? Maybe wind slashes like Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen. Hmm, gotta figure out a replacement for that Malevolent Shrine technique though. Water? Water-bending like in Avatar would be awesome, or even blood-bending... terrifying, but powerful. Fire? Maybe something like Jogo's control over flames. Still lost on Lightning and Earth.'


Meanwhile in the Village,

As the sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the towering walls of Uzushiogakure, a tense atmosphere settled within the meeting chamber of the Uzukage's palace. Ashina Uzumaki, the venerable leader of Uzushio, sat at the head of the room, his weathered features betraying none of the weighty thoughts that churned within his mind. Flanked by two silent elders, their presence emanating a quiet strength, Ashina exuded an aura of authority tempered by wisdom earned through decades of leadership.

Opposite them sat the delegation from Konohagakure, their faces carved from stone as they awaited the commencement of discussions. Shimura Danzo, with his sharp eyes and colder demeanor, exuded an air of calculated ambition, his every movement a testament to his unwavering and potentially twisted loyalty to the Leaf. Hiruzen Sarutobi, standing tall and composed, wore a mask of kindness that hid the darkness within him, a traitor to his own ideals for the sake of his village. And Kagami Uchiha, a mere shadow in comparison, observed the proceedings with a passive neutrality that bordered on indifference.

As the formalities began, Hiruzen stepped forward, his voice smooth and diplomatic. "Ashina-sama, we have come on behalf of Konoha to discuss the matter of the next Jinchuriki for the Nine-Tails. With Mito-sama's health declining, it is imperative that preparations are made for the transfer of the beast."

Ashina inclined his head in acknowledgment, his gaze steady as he responded. "Indeed, the matter of the next Jinchuriki is of utmost importance to us as well. However, as you are aware, the training of the chosen candidate is still ongoing."

Danzo interjected, his voice cutting through the air like a blade. "Training? How long do you intend to delay the inevitable, Uzumaki? The safety of the village should be your primary concern, not sentimentality towards a child."

Ashina's eyes flashed with a steely resolve as he addressed the veiled accusation. "The safety of Konoha is paramount, Danzo-kun, but we do not rush such decisions lightly. We will not sacrifice the well-being of our Jinchuriki or risk breaking the pact we made with the First Hokage. I believe Mito can last at least for 7 more years."

Hiruzen interposed smoothly, his tone conciliatory. "We understand your caution, Ashina-sama, but time is of the essence. The longer the Nine-Tails remains unbound, the greater the risk to both our villages."

Kagami, breaking his silence for the first time, spoke with measured neutrality. "Perhaps there is a compromise to be reached, one that ensures the safety of both Uzushio and Konoha."

"I see," Hiruzen said, his voice thoughtful. "May I inquire about this candidate's identity?"

Ashina shook his head. "Not yet. We prefer to keep their identity confidential until they are further along in their training."

Hiruzen understood. Revealing the identity of a jinchuriki, especially one so young, could pose a security risk. He bowed slightly. "Of course, Lord Ashina. I will relay this information to the Second Hokage. We appreciate your transparency and continued cooperation in this critical matter."

Danzo, however, remained unconvinced. "Transparency?" he muttered under his breath, his eyes glinting with something akin to hunger. "Perhaps a more… hands-on approach is what's truly needed."

The discussion continued late into the night, the weight of responsibility hanging heavy in the air as the fate of nations hung in the balance. In the end, Ashina's unwavering commitment to his people and his unyielding determination to protect them at any cost stood as a testament to his leadership, even in the face of Danzo's devious schemes and Hiruzen's masked intentions.


[Akagi's POV]

Akagi was a prodigy who had risen through the ranks very quickly but had no experience related to caring for a screaming, drooling infant. Battle experience sure wasn't going to help her here.

'What would I do if I had to do a mission, do I carry the baby along with me as I go out. What about if a war situation happened, would I have to change diapers in the middle of a battle field and would my enemies stop fighting just so I could change a diaper.'

Frustration bubbled within her as she grappled with the incomprehensible decision made by the Kage to entrust her with such a precious life. "Geez, Kage-sama," she muttered under her breath, "I don't understand why you would hand a child over to me."

As if to answer her worries a messenger of the Kage had come to her.

"Akagi-san, you will be free of any duties unless any emergency comes up and your team will be handed over to another jounin sensei. You can continue your duties after the kid gets old enough to enter the academy."

Ashina Uzumaki, the Uzukage, observed Akagi with a mixture of concern and understanding. As a seasoned leader, he recognized the signs of stagnation in her abilities as a shinobi, a stark contrast to the prodigious talent she once displayed. The loss of her brother had left a deep scar on her soul, dampening the flames of her spirit and hindering her potential.

Despite his stoic exterior, Ashina's heart ached for Akagi, knowing all too well the pain of personal loss and the struggle to find redemption. He understood that simply assigning her a team was not enough to reignite the fire within her. Thus, the decision to entrust her with the care of a child was made with careful consideration.

As a father and grandfather himself, Ashina knew the transformative power of parenthood. He believed that the responsibility of nurturing and protecting a child could serve as a catalyst for Akagi's healing, providing her with a sense of purpose and reigniting the passion that once fuelled her dedication to the village.

Behind his cold demeanourr lay a genuine desire to see Akagi find peace and fulfilment once more. With a bittersweet smile, Ashina reflected on his own experiences as a parent, knowing that the journey ahead would be challenging but hopeful for both Akagi and the child in her care.

"Let's see how this ends up," he mused quietly to himself. "It will definitely be interesting to watch. I truly do hope that child can heal her heart." And with that silent prayer, Ashina entrusted Akagi to the transformative power of parenthood, believing in her strength to rise once more from the ashes of her past.


1284 words

Well that's it for the second chapter, i wanted to give Akagi a bit more flavor adding more onto her character with possible ideas for development in the future. Ideas and criticism are welcome. Love y'all and see y'all at the next chapter.

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