
Uzumaki Fire God

There was an elderly man who had lived during the warring states period. He was a senior to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, but little did anyone know that he hailed from a planet called Earth. When the Uzumaki family was on the brink of extinction at the age of 100, he emerged to protect his family.

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80 Chs

Ch-45 You had the audacity.

I express my gratitude to Tisobyn Yerma, Eugene sivila, Tristan Slack, Daniel O'Brien, LIROY, terrence L mccall, and Corey O'kelly for their support and becoming a patron on Patreon.

You can read 12 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.


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Kagutsuchi created a fireball and hurled it towards the roots of the tree that covered the entrance. As the fireball made contact with the roots, they were reduced to ashes. Slowly and cautiously, Kagutsuchi made his way into the underground shelter constructed by Uchiha Madara.

Initially, a few White Zetsu obstructed Kagutsuchi's path, but they were effortlessly killed with a mere wave of his hand. After a few minutes, he found himself standing before a massive statue of the Ten-Tails, known as the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Extending from the statue was a tube connected to a 60-year-old man, none other than the Ghost of Uchiha.

"So, you are Uzumaki Kagutsuchi?" Uchiha Madara spoke, directing his gaze towards Kagutsuchi, his Rinnegan eyes fully activated.

"You know, when I set out to find you, I was rather perplexed. I assumed you must have heard news of my battle with Mito, and thus, you would be aware of my strength. Yet, you had the audacity to lure me out by kidnapping my granddaughter. What gave you such confidence?" Kagutsuchi responded, his expression pensive.

"But now, seeing those eyes still in your possession, I understand where your confidence stems from," Kagutsuchi added, his gaze focused and contemplative.

Upon hearing Kagutsuchi's words, Madara's countenance changed, and he inquired sharply, "How did you come to know that I have awakened Rinnegan?"

Kagutsuchi responded confidently, "I know more than you can imagine. You don't need to know the specifics. It's fortunate that you found me, as otherwise, I would have had to track you down, which would have been a waste of my time. I was aware that you would become an obstacle to my next move, so I intended to eliminate you and ensure that my actions could proceed unhindered."

"You mean collecting the Tailed Beasts?" Madara's tone carried an ominous undertone, relishing the idea of shocking Kagutsuchi with his revelation. However, to Madara's disappointment, Kagutsuchi's expression remained composed and unaffected, his face reflecting a calm demeanor.

Observing the disappointed expression on Madara's face, Kagutsuchi calmly replied, "I am well aware that you have awakened the Rinnegan. Furthermore, I knew about your subordinates who possess the ability to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, rendering them undetectable. Therefore, it was within my prediction that you might have become privy to my plans through eavesdropping during meetings or through sources within the Uzumaki clan."

"You know too much," Madara declared. Rising to his feet, he was joined by a White Zetsu who enveloped his entire body, allowing him to unleash his full power. In past, Utilizing Zetsu's body and the Black Receivers he had implanted, Madara instilled a sense of intimidation in Danzo.

As Madara clapped his hands, he invoked the power of the Demonic Statue Chains. Numerous purple chains emerged from the Outer Path Statue, intent on binding Kagutsuchi. However, before the chains could reach their target, golden chains surged forth from Kagutsuchi's own body, effectively countering the attack of the Demonic Statue Chains. The assault from the outer path statue was rendered useless, as the golden chains repelled and nullified its effects.

As his previous attack failed, Madara resorted to unleashing Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction. A colossal torrent of intense flames erupted from Madara's mouth, directed towards Kagutsuchi. In the face of the incoming inferno, Kagutsuchi displayed an air of disdain, uttering, "Playing with fire in front of me."

With an effortless demeanor, Kagutsuchi remained stationary. When the blazing fire drew near, within a one-meter radius of Kagutsuchi, it simply dissipated, leaving him completely unscathed. The flames proved futile, having no impact on him whatsoever.

In that moment, Kagutsuchi lifted his crutch, and with a sudden motion, a colossal blue fist clashed with the tip of his crutch. Kagutsuchi unleashed the power of Onibi (Oni Fire), obliterating the giant blue hand in its entirety. Despite Kagutsuchi's immobility, the surrounding grounds were utterly devastated, and even the underground shelter trembled under the force unleashed.

As the flames subsided, a towering half-bodied Susanoo materialized, encompassing Madara within its formidable presence. The remnants of the fist, shattered by Kagutsuchi's crutch, could be seen within the protective cocoon of the Susanoo.

Undeterred, Madara continued his assault, wielding the chakra-infused knife within his Susanoo's other hand. Just as the blade was poised to strike Kagutsuchi, Kagutsuchi vanished from the location, utilizing Shunpo to teleport. In an instant, Kagutsuchi reappeared directly in front of Madara's Susanoo, clenching his fist and delivering a devastating blow known as Ikkotsu(Single Bone). The impact of Kagutsuchi's punch obliterated the Susanoo, sending Madara hurtling through the air due to the sheer force unleashed by Kagutsuchi's strike.

Regaining his composure, Madara utilized the Deva Path ability, allowing him to levitate in mid-air. With swift precision, he closed the distance between himself and Kagutsuchi, unleashing the formidable technique known as Shinra Tensei. The sheer power of the attack was so overwhelming that even Kagutsuchi was forcefully dragged several meters along the ground, leaving behind parallel lines etched into the earth from where he had stood.

In response to Madara's attack, Kagutsuchi raised his hand and unleashed the devastating technique, "Hado No. 88 Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō (Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon)."

A colossal beam composed of lightning and immense spiritual pressure surged forth, obliterating everything in its path. Witnessing the destructive force unleashed, Madara realized that this attack was not a ninjutsu infused with chakra that he could absorb using his Rinnegan. He swiftly made the decision to defend himself.

Firstly, Madara enveloped himself in the protective armor of Susanoo, shielding himself from the imminent onslaught. Additionally, he employed the "Wood Style: Tree Realm Descends," summoning a formidable forest-like structure to further fortify his defenses and offer additional protection against Kagutsuchi's attack.

(A/N: if you like the story please vote power stones.)