
Ushinawareta konton no densetsu no buki失われた混沌の伝説の武器~the lost legendary

Group of Highschool Children who were reincarnates of shadow heroes are going to fight against demonic sorcerers and monster. Seven legendary weapons were passed down and were chosen by the reincarnates to be the heroes lurking in the shadows to keep humanity safe

shem1_ · Khoa huyễn
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5 Chs

Introduction of the demons and Evil Sorcerers

"Boom" a loud explosion happened far away from the school, and the sky became dark and lightning was flashing everywhere. Out of the sky they came and most people fainted because they were weak Infront of the spiritual presence of the demons and those other than the legendary reincarnate was standing could barely keep conscious.

"Art thou the reincarnation of the seven legendary heroes that once protected humanity" said the sorcerer. "Yes, Yes we are and what's it to you". "Oh I see, I'm the sorcerer that is known by the name Faust and I've come to send you my greetings' everywhere they looked they see undead creatures approaching them like ants to a peice of cookie ready to be eaten. All of them shouted "come to me" with each of they're respected names. "Hanzo you stay from up than large building and support the team from behind, Gonshira go with Kabu and meanwhile he's throwing his spear you can kill from Infront, Mattuo you fight with Shanlee and me and Witlam will go after the sorcerer Faust. Both of them leaped for a huge strike on Faust. Faust was quick to use an undead to block the attack. They used a bunch of kicks and punches with after shocks and but the undead keep on block them.

'Stop!! That's enough', a strange voice said, 'we've Toyed with them enough'. "Ohh, It was starting to get interesting Hades'.

Everything disappeared "Did he just said Hades" Shemazu said surprised and the world returned to normal.

In a dark Dimension, where in legend would describe it as Hell, sat the Thirteen great Demonic Monarchs. They were demon kings who use to attack the earth when the seven legendary heroes were once alive. Around the round tables for demons sat : Asmodeus The demon of lust, Baphomet, Lucifer the demon of wrath, Leviathan, Hades the god of the dead, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Mammon, Abaddon, Azazel, Belial, Apopis and their Chief Satan.

"Well,well,well it looks like the seven legendary heroes are reincarnated" said Satan. "This ought to be interesting, now who will go first and tear this team of heroes apart and remember you only get one chance until the Great War".

"Goddamit" exclaimed witlam. "we aren't strong enough to take down a sorcerer much less a demon king.

"Calm down, complaining right now isn't going to make us stronger we need to level up, right now we're at level one because we are beginners so let's see what the book says about leveling up" said Shemazu.

"You're right" said witlam "let's see what the book says"

They were doing their research and found out that there are secret mana gates that has monsters in them. Gates are dimensional portal that connect to outer versal catacombs, with the level of monsters getting more dangerous the deeper you go into the catacombs. "Holidays is comming up so every one of us will solo a catacomb in different country and don't stop until you evolve to level 100 and we'll meet back here" said Shemazu.

After school on the Last day they all met n said good bye to each other and departed. Gonshira took the gate in Russia when she arrived she booked a motel room and waited until around 9:30pm to go to the exact coordinate where the gate was predicted to be located. "Ok I'm here...but I don't see a gate" A bright purple dimension gate opened before her and she entered inside and the gate disappeared.

a large empty underground was there with mission to kill two magic squirrel. "Come to me Kitana of Justice ". She was looking around and find 20 magic squirrel and she observed, she leaped Infront of one slashed its vital organs and did the same for the next one and the rest just rushed for her and she slashed and killed all without hesitation.

Notification "You've killed 20/2 rabbits" level up×4 skills acquired"flash step and air slash".

"I wonder how the others are holding up" Shanlee is in Africa and a gate opened up for him and he entered, Upon entering he received a notification" mission killed a stone dinosaur. He heard a loud roar and saw a stone dinosaur feasting on rotten flesh.

"is that what I'm going up against" he thought to himself. He went for an ambush and used his legendary weapon of choas The brass knuckle of combat to punch the dinosaur with shows some crack but is unfazed by the blow. The dinosaur let out a loud roar and accelerated with his jaw open to bit Shanlee. He ran n slid under it n punched it in its stomach and the dinosaur crumbled to pebbles. notification "you have levelled up x4" Shanlee was exhausted I wonder how the others are doing he thought as he take a rest before moving on.