
chapter 2

The curtain moves as the morning breeze hits it , the birds tweeting a loud buzz interrupts , it's my alarm as I hit the stop button, it's finally first day of high school and am getting ready. We sit at the breakfast table as mom serves us, my brother and I stare at each other as we know we are going to get new year , new beginning speech from mom and dad soon, I understand all parents have one wish for their kids to finish ther studies, but don't they see we are different and we work on different paces.

My school is near dad's work so he is dropping off today. " When you entre that gate don't forget who you are and Always remember I will be there for you ", dad tells me as ma getting out of the car, 9i put on earphones and go to my class , I know the school that wee as Ben used to school here I notice a large sign on the wall " WELCOME TO CHS" in big red letters I sigh as this is going to be a long year.

A blond , tall and well dressed guy enters the class and sits next to me, flash backs of a friendship bracelet being thrown away appears and me crying in my room. I come back to reality as the teacher enters class, this can't happen I shout In my head. Meg calm down I tell myself.

First lesson went well and now I have to go to the next class , sometimes I wonder why I chose science as a field. Bam! my biology textbook falls in the hallway from my locker is this really the day for this to happen. A hand picks up the textbook and hands it to me , " thank y---" I say to the person who picked up my book, YOU!

In which way did I wrong you Meg!, if you don't want to talk to me can't you just tell me rather than avoiding. I grab the book and start walking away , " you know you can't stay away from me forever right" Jace shouts at me.

During the biology class Jaces words kept on ringing in my head, why is he acting as if he is the victim in all this when he knows its his fault for breaking our friendship, I think to myself . It's lunchtime and I still didn't make any friends so far. Hey, a light skinned girl waves at me , can I sit here , sha asks . Sure 8 was here all alone wouldn't hurt to have little company.

Her name is Riel , she is also in my class did not even notice. After lunch in class Riel was sitting alone so I decided to sit with her as Jace still sat near my old place. Riel is the only kid from her family and I think we are going to be good friends.

" Why is that guy always looking at you, do you know him " , Riels asks as Jace keeps on looking in our direction. it's a very long story Riel , we have been best friends ever since I could walk I guess. " wow that's a long term friendship ", Riel shocked , what happened, I know something is wrong because he keeps on looking this direction " . Well something happened in the holiday, that made me rethink of our relationship, now no more about me what about you what is your past.

Riel never had a best friend because all her close friends always betrayed her at the end. Mom came from work and I had to help Elina do her homework as she is resting. Meg! please check the door, the bell is ringing mom shouts from the bedroom, I try to ignore but I wont escape mom's taunts today . I open the door, YOU AGAIN!!

Meg! we need to talk, Jace!( Elina shouts as she runs into his arms) supergirl, you became strong I see , Jace telling Elina. Superman you did not visit me in the holiday why?, ( Elina looking down) well ( Jace looking at me ) the holiday was quite long that some people can make relationships fade in a blink of an eye , am here now right supergirl, Yes! let me go tell mommy to serve our biscuits and milk , okay go now ( as he puts her on the ground), now can we talk Meg?