
Urban tycoon

An essential weapon of the nation, a fierce tiger unleashed! He, both righteous and wicked, destined for a fate of unending turmoil! Bearing the chains of life and death, he commands the wheel of destiny! Standing at the forefront of the tide, he sings loudly in the wind throughout his life! He only wears the most intimidating facade, only steps on the most ruthless of foes! His life is a brilliant saga, forged in fierceness, dancing in the vast sky!!!

DaoistlpXQ8U · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

everyone has their own agenda

Zhang Yongfu breathed a sigh of relief, then grimaced and massaged his sore neck. Glancing at the injured bodyguards, he coldly ordered, "You useless bunch, get out of here. Don't spoil the appetite of my friends Chen and Ms. Qin." The six men hurriedly left the private room.

Not long after they left, dishes were served. Zhang Yongfu, a seasoned man, quickly calmed down from the earlier incident and smiled, "Chen, let's not mind what happened earlier. Consider it a joke. We're like old friends now."

"As long as Boss Zhang thinks so," Chen Liuhe replied with a smile, not concerned about the earlier incident. He had never intended to take Zhang Yongfu's life; otherwise, Zhang Yongfu wouldn't be alive.

"Haha, great! After this meal, we're good buddies." Zhang Yongfu laughed, lifting a glass of wine. He turned to Qin Ruohan, saying, "Ms. Qin, I hope the earlier incident didn't scare you."

Suppressing her disgust, Qin Ruohan politely took a sip of the wine that was offered to her and then cut to the chase, "Boss Zhang, how about discussing the matter concerning my club?"

Zhang Yongfu waved his hand with a smile, "Sure, since Chen and I hit it off, let's discuss everything."

Looking at both of them, Zhang Yongfu continued, "Originally, out of respect for Chen, I shouldn't have forcefully taken over your club. But you also know, for the sake of your club, my brothers have invested a lot of manpower, material resources, and energy. If there's no return, it wouldn't be justified, right? I propose to take twenty percent of the shares as Chen suggested."

Hearing this, Qin Ruohan's inner anger surged. The so-called manpower, material resources, and energy were what caused her father's death and brought her numerous threats and troubles.

Zhang Yongfu's shamelessness was extreme. He could justify his seizure as if Qin Ruohan had been greatly benefited.

The resentment was evident; Qin Ruohan struggled hard to endure it.

Chen Liuhe seemed to sense Qin Ruohan's pain. Without a word, he gently patted her thigh to comfort her.

Feeling the warmth from his hand, Qin Ruohan became slightly clearer-headed. At the same time, she felt a sense of embarrassment and promptly shook off his hand from her leg. This guy wasn't a good person either, always taking advantage at every turn.

Honest to goodness, Chen Liuhe had no despicable thoughts of taking advantage of others' vulnerability. However, the touch on her leg was indeed stimulating, soft, tender, and full of elasticity.

"Heh, it's rare to see Boss Zhang so sincere. Looks like we didn't eat this meal in vain." Following Zhang Yongfu's lead, Chen Liuhe continued, "After this meal, we're good friends. What do you think, Ms. Qin?"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Ruohan gritted her teeth and nodded in agreement. This meal had been a thrilling experience, and afterwards, Zhang Yongfu personally escorted them out of the restaurant.

Sitting in the car, Qin Ruohan realized her back was soaked with sweat. She reflected on the experience just now, feeling a mix of fear and relief. Today, she had narrowly escaped death. She believed that without Chen Liuhe, she might have died in that private room, or faced an even worse fate.

But recalling the scene from earlier, she still couldn't believe it. She was shocked, staring blankly at Chen Liuhe's relaxed demeanor.

How could he, unarmed, have dealt with six gunmen in just a few seconds? This terrifying combat ability completely overturned her worldview.

Was I so attracted by my handsome and charming demeanor? But don't get any ideas—I don't sell my body. Chen Liuhe smiled, not turning his head as he started the car.

"Chen Liuhe, do you ever have a serious moment? We almost died in that hotel just now. Aren't you scared at all?" Qin Ruohan glared at him angrily.

"But didn't we survive?" Chen Liuhe replied casually.

"Chen Liuhe, who are you really?" Qin Ruohan asked softly.

Chen Liuhe could sense Qin Ruohan's curiosity about him. He glanced over without a word, saying, "Let me advise you, don't try to enter my world. It won't do you any good."

Qin Ruohan remained silent, feeling that Chen Liuhe was like a mystery she wanted to unravel.

Could this really be just a young man who served a few years in the military? Even ghosts wouldn't believe that.

Outside the hotel, Zhang Yongfu's smile gradually faded only after Chen Liuhe's car disappeared from view, replaced by a gloomy expression.

Undeniably, Chen Liuhe's display of power today had shocked him greatly, bringing him infinite fear. He hated this feeling, hated anything that threatened him, and would do his best to eliminate anything that posed a threat.

Qin Ruohan, this girl, I used to underestimate her. I didn't expect her to be such a formidable figure. Zhang Yongfu squinted at the street where the car disappeared.

"Dad, did you really agree to that little bitch's request? Just twenty percent of the shares?" Zhou Yunkang said cautiously. He was not calm either. He didn't understand why those six gunmen went to the hospital, while Chen Liuhe and Qin Ruohan left unscathed, with Zhang Yongfu seeing them off personally.

Zhang Yongfu sneered, "Never underestimate that young man named Chen Liuhe. He gave me a very vivid lesson today. He's a real hidden dragon."

"He's that powerful?" Zhou Yunkang swallowed. He knew very well what kind of person Zhang Yongfu was. If Zhang Yongfu said such words, it meant that Chen Liuhe was not simple.

Ignoring him, Zhang Yongfu said to his subordinates, "Send someone to investigate Chen Liuhe's background. Spare no effort, even if you have to dig three feet into the ground. Also, get a few tough characters from outside the southwestern region to join us. Money is not a problem; they might come in handy."

With that, Zhang Yongfu threw away the cigarette in his hand and crushed it harshly with his foot. "Even a hidden dragon, once it crosses the river, should be prepared to be sunk if it gets involved in matters it shouldn't," he said.

Chen Liuhe was indeed fierce, and his combat power was terrifying. Dealing with such a person head-on was obviously unwise, but there were many ways to make such a person disappear from this world.

Zhang Yongfu had come this far not only because of his fierceness but mainly because of his brains. While he had lived through bloody days, it did not mean he was not afraid of death. Therefore, he would never allow a threat to his life like Chen Liuhe to continue to exist.

There was silence in the car. Qin Ruohan occasionally glanced at Chen Liuhe, as if trying to uncover his secrets, but she was destined to be disappointed.

To be honest, this young man was not very handsome, and the words "handsome" and "him" had nothing to do with each other. Plus, he dressed cheaply, was unkempt, and had stubble, giving him the appearance of a disagreeable uncle.

But for some reason, the more she looked, the more she felt a mysterious aura emanating from him, which inexplicably attracted her.

The pungent smell of smoke in the car made Qin Ruohan furrow her brows. She looked at Chen Liuhe, who was driving and smoking, moved her lips but said nothing. She just opened the window, exhaled lightly, and silently cursed this guy for not appreciating beauty.

Thinking of this, Qin Ruohan couldn't help but lower her head to look at her towering peaks and then at the slender, black-stockinged legs under her skirt. She had always been confident in her beauty and figure. Every time, she could feel the desire in the eyes of those men looking at her. Wasn't there any attraction to the guy next to her?

Little did she know, every inch of her exposed skin had been tasted by Chen Liuhe, but with his skill and thief eyes, how could this little girl see through?

"Go back and print a contract. You should be able to handle the transfer of shares to Zhang Yongfu yourself. You don't need me for that," Chen Liuhe said lazily.

Qin Ruohan was slightly surprised, then nodded, "Okay."

Chen Liuhe smiled, "Don't look so unwilling. This is the cruel reality. If you're not as strong as others, you have to endure this kind of bullying. Being able to protect your life with twenty percent of the shares is already the best result."

Chen Liuhe signaled with the turn signal, "At the very least, the club is still yours, which isn't unfair to your father."

"Is this matter really resolved like this? Will Zhang Yongfu just let it go so easily?" Qin Ruohan, after all, was not a naive young woman. She still had some worries.

Chen Liuhe flicked the ash and said, "Heh, for someone like Zhang Yongfu, unless you kill him, it's not easy to make him behave. From now on, you and Zhang Yongfu are in a cooperative relationship, akin to seeking skin from a tiger. You must be careful in every aspect."

Qin Ruohan looked straight at Chen Liuhe: Zhang Yongfu deserves to die, Zhou Yunkang deserves to die, they all deserve to die, you have the ability to make them die!