
Section 4 Night Assassination

Jinshan Lake Villa Area is known as the exclusive villa estate for the wealthy of Shen City.

The entire villa area relies on the beautiful Jinshan Lake, with its lovely environment and pleasant scenery. What's more remarkable is its security work, which is quite impeccable. There are surveillance cameras every twenty meters at least, and the security team responsible for keeping the property safe is frighteningly numerous, totaling no fewer than 150 people.

Therefore, it is also referred to as the wealthy's safe deposit box. Living here, one doesn't have to worry about life and property being threatened.

After more than nine at night, following a nearly forty-minute drive, Jinshan Lake Villa Area was finally within sight.

About 100 meters from the entrance of the villa area, Wang Yu told the driver to stop the car because he knew that the security work in such top-tier villa areas was sure to be very thorough. Once a taxi entered, it might very well leave clues for the police.

Assassins are divided into three types: one who only knows to kill without considering the consequences, one who makes a plan in advance to ensure they aren't caught on the spot. The last type is someone who, after the killing, leads others to believe the deceased committed suicide.

Wang Yu is undoubtedly the last type, otherwise, he wouldn't be called the King of Assassins.

Therefore, when Wang Yu takes action, he considers every aspect to ensure that he doesn't leave any traces.

After paying the fare, the taxi turned around on the spot. In just a moment, the car's taillights disappeared into the infinite night.

Wang Yu glanced at the distant, lit-up guard booth, then crossed the road. Taking advantage of the night and the shadows of the trees along the roadside, he slowly approached the villa area.

A 100-meter distance, under normal walking conditions, would take about a minute and a half, yet Wang Yu took nearly five minutes to reach the iron fence of the villa area, a result of avoiding several guard booths along the way.

After looking around and not finding anything like surveillance cameras, and with no one around, Wang Yu stepped back a few paces, then charged forward. The approximately two-meter-tall iron fence seemed like nothing in front of him, and he easily climbed over it.

Once he landed, Wang Yu rolled on the spot, then lay low in the bushes, carefully surveying his surroundings to confirm there was no one else before getting up and slowly moving forward to begin his search for Villa No.28.

Avoiding the surveillance cameras along the way and deliberately taking paths where cameras couldn't see, dodging the nighttime patrolling security, it took almost an hour before Villa No.28 finally came into Wang Yu's view.

This was a two-story villa surrounded by an iron fence. The courtyard was lit, not too brightly, but enough to discern the conditions inside through the light.

Wang Yu lay in the grass not far from the villa, quietly observing it like a hungry wolf eyeing its prey, his eyes occasionally showing a cold gleam, ready to pounce at any moment.

According to information from Enchantress, Wu Yuandong had several bodyguards around him. And when Wang Yu carried out his missions, he aimed for perfection; he didn't want to make contact with anyone other than his target, not even a mere encounter.

So, what Wang Yu needed to determine now was whether there was anyone in the courtyard.

He waited around half an hour, and other than the low, cheerful chirping of autumn insects, no other sound was heard, nor were any anomalies detected.

Wang Yu officially commenced his operation, crawling forward to the fence below, then moved along the fence to the side of the villa before standing up to climb the fence and enter the yard.

Looking around, Wang Yu used the edges of windows to climb up to the second floor with his bare hands and reached the glass door on the second floor.

Trying it with his hand, the glass door opened a small crack, which somewhat surprised Wang Yu. However, it was not that strange; in a villa area with tight security, the owner could understandably let their guard down sometimes.

Gently pushing open the glass door, Wang Yu darted inside and quickly closed the door behind him.

Upon entering the room, he heard even breathing, and then he realized this was a bedroom.

Listening carefully, there seemed to be three breathers, two quite gentle and one slightly heavy. If he wasn't wrong, it should be two women and one man.

"Playing a threesome, huh? Hmph!"

A cold smile formed on Wang Yu's lips as he quietly stepped over to the bed for a look. Sure enough, there were two women and one man lying on the bed.

Without any fuss, Wang Yu quickly rendered the two women unconscious, going from sleep to stupor, then smiling as he turned on the bedside lamp.

The man frowned, then opened his groggy eyes. Upon seeing Wang Yu standing by the bed, he jerked violently, reaching under the pillow. There, a weapon was hidden.

But before he could reach the weapon, he found a gleaming dagger already pressing against his neck.

"I can tell you very responsibly that taking your life would take me at the most one second, so if you don't want to die, cooperate with me nicely, got it?" Wang Yu said slowly as he reached out and took the man's weapon from under the pillow.

The man swallowed hard, his eyes wide with terror, and nodded stiffly at Wang Yu.

"Good! What's your name?" Wang Yu asked.

Although he knew the man responsible for Uncle Quan's death was Wu Yuandong, Wang Yu had never seen this Wu Yuandong. So, the first thing Wang Yu needed to confirm was whether the man before him was indeed his target.

If he was, then it was time to send him to Yama; if not, it was time to send him to meet God. Either way, he could not stay alive.

Although Wang Yu was not by nature bloodthirsty, the world of assassins had its own brutal rules. Sometimes, even those who should not be killed must be eliminated, lest they bring endless trouble to oneself.

As the saying goes, "You can't escape the life dictated by Jianghu."

"Wu Yuandong," the man stuttered, answering Wang Yu's question.

Upon knowing that the other party was indeed the man he was looking for, Wang Yu smiled with a nod, "Good! It's worth my trip here in the dead of night. You're the one I'm after." As he finished speaking, a fierce murderous intent flashed in Wang Yu's eyes.

Wu Yuandong, scared stiff by this powerful murderous intent, trembled all over and glanced at Wang Yu with a pale face, quickly saying, "Who sent you? How much did they pay you? As long as you let me go, I can pay you double."

Wang Yu smiled coldly, replying, "I know you're very wealthy, but some things can't be resolved with money. For instance, if I want to kill you, even if you gave me all your fortune, you still couldn't escape death!"

"No! You can't kill me, I'm a Shan City tycoon, if you kill me, the police will never let you off!"

"Is that so?"

Wang Yu laughed coldly, not willing to waste any more words on him. He stepped forward and knocked him out with a palm strike, then scanned the room before walking into the bathroom.

Soon after, the sound of water whooshing echoed from the bathroom. When Wang Yu emerged, he dragged the unconscious Wu Yuandong into the bathroom and dumped him into a bathtub filled with water.

The moment Wu Yuandong hit the water, his body convulsed nonstop, and the room's lamp flickered several times. Once the lamp returned to normal, Wu Yuandong's convulsions ceased, and he lay motionless at the bottom of the bathtub.

With an expressionless face, Wang Yu silently watched the scene. Only after confirming that Wu Yuandong had no chance of survival did he find a cloth to wipe the fingerprints off the weapon handle before stuffing the weapon under the pillow.

After doing all this, Wang Yu retreated towards the glass door, wiping his footsteps away with the cloth. Lastly, he wiped his fingerprints off the glass door.

Dozens of minutes later, Wang Yu returned to where he had alighted from the car earlier. He leaned against a tree and lit a cigarette, smiling as he watched a certain villa in the Jinshan Lake Villa Area.

Everything went incredibly smoothly, so easily that even Wang Yu was a bit incredulous. However, Uncle Quan's revenge was fulfilled. Tomorrow morning's newspapers would certainly feature a headline about Wu Yuandong's unfortunate electrocution during his bath.

After finishing his cigarette and flicking the butt away, Wang Yu hummed a tune and leisurely walked the way he had come. After an eight-year absence from Shen City, he could use this opportunity to appreciate the city's nocturnal beauty.

Walking all the way back to the hotel, by three in the morning, Wang Yu quickly washed up and fell asleep, not waking up until after two in the afternoon the next day.

After brushing his teeth and washing up, Wang Yu left the hotel, bought a newspaper at a roadside stand, and as he expected, the front page reported Wu Yuandong's accidental electrocution.


Wang Yu snapped his fingers and casually tossed the newspaper into a roadside trash bin.

He found a small restaurant, took care of his hunger in a simple manner, then hailed a taxi to search the streets for a store selling memorial offerings. He managed to arrive at the prearranged spot with Chen Cheng before four o'clock, and Chen Cheng had been waiting for a while.

"You did it, didn't you?"

Once Wang Yu stuffed the memorial offerings he bought into Chen Cheng's taxi, Chen Cheng held up the newspaper and asked.

"What did I do?"

Wang Yu feigned ignorance, though he was well aware that Chen Cheng was referring to Wu Yuandong's death.

"Wu Yuandong is dead. The newspapers say he died from an accidental electrocution during his bath, but I don't think it's that simple," Chen Cheng said, staring intently into Wang Yu's eyes, trying to find a trace of truth. But he was bound to fail because if Wang Yu didn't want to admit something, nobody could spot a flaw on him.

"Wu Yuandong is dead?" Wang Yu frowned momentarily, then burst into hearty laughter, saying, "That's great news! Heaven truly has eyes. I was planning to kill him, but who would have thought he would die on his own. This is perfect; Uncle Quan's revenge is avenged, and I don't have to break the law."

Pausing, Wang Yu looked at Chen Cheng and added, "What, aren't you happy about Wu Yuandong's death?"

"No!" Chen Cheng shook his head, responding, "I couldn't wait for him to die sooner, I just don't want to see my brother get into trouble. Eight years ago, you suffered for helping me and ended up wandering far from home. Now that we've finally come together, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again. You should know that in this world, you're the only family I have."

Chen Cheng's words warmed Wang Yu's heart. Indeed, aren't you also the only family I have in this world? Though we have different blood in our veins, we are closer than real brothers.

"Ah Cheng, don't worry, I haven't done anything, so naturally, I won't get into any trouble. And what if I did it? Even the newspapers say Wu Yuandong's death was an accident, so why would the police bother me for no reason?"

As he spoke, Wang Yu extended his fist and gently thumped Chen Cheng's chest.

The conviction and words of Wang Yu caused Chen Cheng, who had been convinced of Wang Yu's involvement in Wu Yuandong's death, to finally begin doubting his judgment.

However, that was no longer important. What mattered was that Chen Cheng completely agreed with Wang Yu—since the newspapers stated Wu Yuandong's death was accidental, how could the police possibly bother Wang Yu out of the blue?

"Let's go, let's pay our respects to Uncle Quan."

Chen Cheng patted Wang Yu's shoulder, and then both of them got into the taxi. The taxi started up and sped toward Shen City's cemetery.