
Chapter 6 Soaking in a Medicinal Bath

Facing Han Xiaoyun's rage, Li Qiang and Zhao Dafu beside her just stood there, stupidly staring.

As for Ye Feng, he didn't pay her any attention; he only glanced at Wang Jun on the ground, who looked like an idiot, and lifted his hand to point, releasing his acupuncture points. Then he turned to walk outside.

Han Xiaoyun stared at his receding back with fierce anger, stamping her foot and saying, "Ye Feng, don't think that just because you saved me, you can insult me, it's not over between us!"

Ye Feng turned his head and looked at her with contempt, disdainfully saying, "So what if it's not over? With your IQ, I could fool you into bed at least three times."

After speaking, he turned around and strode toward home, leaving everyone behind with astonished faces.

Especially Village Chief Li Qiang and Zhao Dafu, who had watched Ye Feng grow up since he was little, never knew that this guy could be so venomous with his words…

Moments later, a shrill shriek came from behind—

"Ye Feng, you hooligan! Shameless scoundrel, don't let me see you again, ahhh!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders, unconcerned about Han Xiaoyun's threats.

Minutes later, Ye Feng arrived home, and as soon as one foot crossed the threshold, he saw Jiang Yixue with a face covered in soot and distress, charging toward him with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at him, exclaiming, "I've been slaving away here making a fire, and you, where the hell did you take off to flirt?"


Looking at the originally beautiful face now smeared with charcoal, Ye Feng couldn't help but laugh out loud, "I say, Little Calico Cat Heroine, did you just crawl out from the stove or what?"

"You exploit your patient to work, without a bit of sympathy, and now you even dare to mock me!"

Jiang Yixue angrily stomped her foot, pouting and glaring at him.

Seeing her cute annoyed face, Ye Feng couldn't help but want to laugh again; he really found it hard to believe that this girl, acting like a little brat with her puffed cheeks and glaring eyes, could actually be a company president?

"So, you continue with the fire, I'm going to wash the medicinal herbs." Ye Feng said, holding back his laughter as he turned around and walked away.

"Hmph, at least you know what's good for you!"

Jiang Yixue pouted her mouth and went back inside to continue tending to the fire.

After washing the herbs, Ye Feng brought over a huge pot, placed it on the stove, filled it with water, and began to boil the herbs.

When the water in the pot reached about sixty degrees Celsius, Ye Feng pulled out a few sticks of firewood, lowering the flames, and then turned to Jiang Yixue, "It's about ready, quickly take off your clothes and get into the pot."

Jiang Yixue was stunned, "Get into the pot? Are you... are you joking?"

"Do I look like I'm joking with this serious face?" Ye Feng said, annoyed.


Jiang Yixue's mind was a bit muddled, she complained, "Don't tell me this is your method of treatment, I'll be cooked in the pot!"

"Cooked my ass, didn't you see I already lowered the flames?" Ye Feng pointed at the pot in front of him and said, "If you want to heal, just obediently take off your clothes and get in."

Jiang Yixue made a face, "You can't treat an illness like this, I'm not a live fish to be boiled..."

Ye Feng: …

He also felt speechless; who would think of boiled live fish in this situation? Jiang Yixue must be a real foodie. Helpless, he said, "So, are you getting in the pot or not?"

"Not getting in!"

Jiang Yixue looked at him with a face full of wistfulness.

Facing those watery, large eyes, Ye Feng's heart nearly melted. Helpless, he said, "The current temperature of this water is perfect for you to absorb the medicinal properties. If we pour the water out, it will quickly go cold, and the absorption will be poor."

"But I don't want to be boiled like a fish..."

Jiang Yixue looked at him with eager eyes, hoping that Ye Feng could come up with another method.

However, the latter remained silent, staring into her eyes.

After a moment, Jiang Yixue had to look away, speaking in a voice full of melancholy, "Alright then, I'll get into the pot, just go outside, I need to undress now."

Ye Feng shrugged, "Just undress if you need to; I'm not in your way. Besides, I have to administer the acupuncture in the pot later, if I go out who is going to do that for you?"


Jiang Yixue's face darkened, "Then aren't you going to see my body?"

"What does it matter? It's not like you'll lose a piece of flesh by being looked at, and besides, haven't you ever been seen by a man before?"

"I really haven't been seen by a man... That's not the point, none of your business anyway, just get out! Even if you need to do acupuncture later, you can't watch me undress!"

Jiang Yixue felt her mind was a complete mess, and she almost said something she shouldn't have.

Ye Feng chuckled mischievously, "Seems like you really are still a virgin."

"How do you know..."

Jian Yixue stopped mid-sentence and smacked her forehead hard, annoyed, "That's none of your damn business, just get out!"

Ye Feng looked up at the ceiling at a forty-five-degree angle and sighed deeply, speaking earnestly, "Actually, whether or not you're a virgin does relate to your illness. Your body is filled with too much cold Yin energy, while a man's Yang energy is strong. If you could find a man... say, someone like me, to indulge with for a few nights, do some embarrassing things, perhaps the treatment effects could double. Don't worry, I can offer this service to you for free, no extra charge. What do you think? Am I not generous? Are you tempted? What are you waiting for? Hurry up, strip and go wild!"

Jiang Yixue clenched her fists tightly, her eyes fixed on him with intensity.

After a moment, she bit her teeth and articulated word by word, "Bastard, do you believe I'll tear your mouth apart?"


Ye Feng grinned and turned to walk outside, "I'm just teasing you, take your time undressing. Remember, your underwear has to come off too, otherwise, when you absorb the medicine and the heat builds up inside, it won't dissipate in time, which could actually harm your body."


Jiang Yixue felt like crying but had no tears.

She had thought that when Ye Feng came to do the acupuncture later, she would let him, and she would just soak in the bath with her underwear on. Yet what she hadn't expected was that some things are perfect in theory but disappointing in reality—

"Ye, you're not tricking me, are you?"

"Don't believe me? Try soaking with your underwear on. If the heat doesn't dissipate and the Profound Nether Cold Poison in your body is indeed cured, the cost might be the complete destruction of all the meridians in your body, leaving you paralyzed, or it could fry your brain and turn you into an idiot; who knows?" Ye Feng said calmly, by then he had already walked out and closed the door behind him.

Jiang Yixue looked at the large pot in front of her and couldn't express how depressed she felt.

She never dreamt that after eating boiled fish for over twenty years, one day she would actually end up stripping and sitting in a pot herself...

For the sake of my illness, I'll endure it!

Jiang Yixue gritted her teeth, took off her clothes, and, using a stool for support, climbed into the pot.

This pot, rather than calling it a pot, it would be more accurate to call it a bathing barrel, with both diameter and height roughly at eighty centimeters. The only difference from a normal bathing barrel was that it was made of metal.

"Are you ready?"

Ye Feng's voice came from outside the door.

Jiang Yixue shivered, subconsciously covering her chest with her hands and sinking her body below her neck into the medicinal water before replying, "Ready... I'm ready, come in."