
Urban All-Area System

Wash your face once - Your charm has increased, Flex your arm - Your strength has increased, Read a book - Your knowledge has increased It becomes stronger every second without limit, and from then on, Ye Hong began his journey of hegemony, God of Healing, God of Cooking, God of Driving, God of Learning, God of War ... Dominate the whole field!

Tomiwa_Banjo_3524 · Thành thị
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27 Chs

Chapter 9: Class teacher's lesson

The class teacher of Class 18, their math teacher, was an old teacher in his fifties, named Yang Daoshen.

There were a few white hairs on the top of his head, revealing a large bald scalp.

The wrinkles on the surface of his shirt are criss-crossed like a gully on the plateau.

In an old pair of rimless glasses, his eyes were always squinted into a slit, and he looked listless.

The methods of his lectures were old, and his methods of teaching was old too.

The students who listen to the class carefully would always feel drowsy in his class.

And he realized that he would retire in a few years anyway, so he didn't have much passion.

For some students' small movements, he often pretended not to see them.

For example, Qin Long's comic book yellow hair and chubby Zhou Hao...

And Ye Hong who is sleeping.

He just glanced at Ye Hong, and then came up with lesson plans and textbooks as if nothing had happened.

Cang Lao's peaceful tone slowly sounded: "Dear students open page 12 of the textbook, we are learning functions today..."

The classroom was very quiet, only Yang Daoshen's chalk crossed the blackboard and the occasional sound of flipping books.

Suddenly, halfway through the class, the classroom remembered an outdated voice.


Yang Dao turned around in doubt, frowning and asked, "Qin Long, what's the matter?"

It was Qin Long who suddenly stood up with his hand raised.

At the corner of Qin Longzui's mouth, there was a wicked smile, and he pointed at Ye Hong in the last row.

Hearing this, the people next to him could not help snickering.

Qin Long had nothing to do all day and only knew hiw to bully girls. How did he share have the guts to say that someone else sleeping is affecting his learning?

Besides, if people do sleep, it's their body not yours?

But no one tried to stop him, because they all heard the strong smell of jealousy in Qin Long's mouth.

Qin Long is obviously aiming at Ye Hong. Otherwise, if he sleeps so much in class, why would he call Ye Hong ?

With the exception of Zhang Xuewei, everyone looked forward to the show that was about to play out in front of them.

Yang Dao frowned deeply: "Zhang Xuewei, wake up the person next to you."

Zhang Xuewei looked anxiously and gently pushed Ye Hong's body: "Ahong, wake up ."

But Ye Hong did not respond, at this time he was immersed in the dream of the future.

"Look, teacher! This kid doesn't put you in his eyes!" Qin Long suddenly looked angry. "He not only affected mine, but also affected Xuewei's study!"

"Eh?" Suddenly hearing that her name was mentioned, Zhang Xuewei looked up slightly, "No, it won't..."

Before her words were finished, she was interrupted by Qin Long: "Teacher, I suggest to transfer Xue Wei away from Ye Hong!"

This sentence immediately revealed Qin Long's intentions, and the class immediately whispered a few wry whistles.

Prior to this, Qin Long and Zhang Xuewei were privately made up of "Golden Boys and Girls" in class 18 by someone who was full and had nothing to do.

Now seeing Qin Long behave like this, he can't help but understand.

"It seems that Qin Long and Zhang Xuewei are more suitable."

"Nonsense, if Ye Hong could be as handsome as Qin Long, I would have confessed to him!"

Yang Daoshen's eyebrows were deeper and he coughed heavily to stop the murmurs in the classroom.

Immediately came to Ye Hong's table and patted the table hard.

Qin Long on the side could not help revealing a tricky look.

"Boom boom!"

The huge slap sound made Ye Hong tremble and slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw his class teacher in front of him, he asked, rubbing his eyes: "What's wrong, is the teacher telling me to do the questions on the board?"