
Urban All-Area System

Wash your face once - Your charm has increased, Flex your arm - Your strength has increased, Read a book - Your knowledge has increased It becomes stronger every second without limit, and from then on, Ye Hong began his journey of hegemony, God of Healing, God of Cooking, God of Driving, God of Learning, God of War ... Dominate the whole field!

Tomiwa_Banjo_3524 · Thành thị
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27 Chs

Chapter 6: I will definitely find him!

Just a bit far away, but not too clear.

Upon closer inspection, it was found that the girl was not only fair and beautiful, but also quite pure in temperament.

Damn it, this pure little flower was almost spoiled by three bastards!

Li Muya was also observing Ye Hong. She found that although the teenager's face was ordinary, his eyes were extremely deep, just like a sea of stars, it made people fall into it unconsciously.

"Are you all right?" Ye Hong reached out to Li Muya on the ground.

"I'm okay, thank you so much."

Li Muya recovered, and whispered, she rushed towards Ye Hong.

She had just fully reacted, and was feeling terrified.

My family is poor, so I go to a clothing store to work part-time after school.

It just happened that there was an event in the clothing store today, so I had to go home late.

In order to rush home early, she chose this rarely-taken route, but did not expect to have bad luck and encounter the three gangsters.

If Ye Hong was not passing by tonight, she could not have imagined her ending.

As soon as the two hands touched, they shivered.

This is the first time in her life that Li Muya has held the hand of the opposite sex except her father.

Ye Hong felt that Li Muya's little hands were so soft and tender, just like holding an egg with a peeled shell, it felt very good.

After getting up, Li Muya blushed and pulled her small hand out of Yehong's hand, making Yehong's heart feel a faint sense of loss.

"What are you going to do about them...?"

Li Muya nudged the hair in her sideburns and looked at the three little gangsters who were still screaming on the ground, pretending to calm down.

"I have a way to make them remember!" Ye Hong's mouth twitched, "Leave it to me."

Ye Hong grabbed a handful of stones, and they walked towards the three.

Looking at the stone in Ye Hong's hands, the three of them shouted as if they saw the devil: "You! Don't come over! Otherwise we will call the police!

God, by not calling the police, I was being kind to you. And you still want to complain to the police that?

Ye Hong looked indifferent, crouching in front of the trembling three, the stone in his hand seemed to be ready to shoot at any time.

"Listen you three scumbags, if I ever see you appear here again, the consequences will be worse than the pain you're feeling now"

Seeing Ye Hong's expression was cold, the stones in his hand shot towards the gray wall.

"Doo Doo Doo..."

Dense stones were embedded on the wall, arranging a the words "dead"!


Seeing this fabulous scene, the three of them took a breath and cried at the foot of Ye Hong : "We promise we won't appear here!"

"Also, you are not allowed to trouble this girl!" Ye Hong added to Li Muya.

"Yes yes! We promise!"

"Come on!"

The three of them got up in a hurry, helped each other, and crawled out of the alley.

Li Muya gritted her teeth, just about to say something, but Ye Hong changed his face and looked at his watch!

"Oops! The supermarket is closing! See you next time?"

He was already trotting, leaving from the alley.


Li Muya stomped angrily: "You haven't told your name!"

But she suddenly remembered that the school uniform on Ye Hong was quite familiar.

"It turns out he was also at Zhicai Middle School...

I will definitely find him! "

Li Muya's eyes were firm, and she recalled the scenes before she couldn't help but smile like a blooming white orchid.