
Urban All-Area System

Wash your face once - Your charm has increased, Flex your arm - Your strength has increased, Read a book - Your knowledge has increased It becomes stronger every second without limit, and from then on, Ye Hong began his journey of hegemony, God of Healing, God of Cooking, God of Driving, God of Learning, God of War ... Dominate the whole field!

Tomiwa_Banjo_3524 · Thành thị
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27 Chs

Chapter 5: Success

"Eat another flying stone!"

Ye Hong adjusted his figure, pulled away, and threw another stone.

"Ding! Throwing ability +1, current progress 2/10..."

In this way, Ye Hong was in this alley, while circling the three gangsters, kept hitting them with the small stones his hand.


At first, the stones were flying around, and accidentally hitting the gangsters, it wasn't painful, but it aroused their ferocity.

But when the eleventh stone was thrown, everything changed!

"Ding! Throwing ability +1, current progress: 11/100, current level: master level."

A familiar feeling came again from his mind, and intuitively told Ye Hong that the next shot would definitely hit the target with precision!

The heart moves freely, holding the stone and turning his wrist wrist he threw it hard, just like throwing a dart!

"Aaah Aaah"

This time the stone was obviously more than double in speed, rubbing against the air with a loud noise, and slamming into one of the gangsters eyes!

"Ding! Hitting a critical point, throwing ability +2, current progress 13/100..."


The screams of the gangster resounded through most of the alleys, and the scumbag sat on the ground, covering his right eye with his hand as it bleeding.

Apparently Ye Hong's enhanced blow struck his eyeball with precision.

"my eyes!"

"Catch him! This daddy will dig out his eyes!"

The other two gangsters were also frightened, first three of them were beaten and one was counterattacked. Do they still have the guts to keep playing? !

Immediately using the power that was left in them, they rushed towards Ye Hong.

But Ye Hong was no longer ordinary after what just happened, and there was no need to run away.

He smiled confidently, and two stones flung out like lightning.

"Boo bao" twice, two tragic screams in the alley again.

The remaining two gangsters twisted their faces, clutching their crotches and lying on the ground.

Ye Hong's two stones were extremely tricky, but they were aimed at them.

"Ding! Hitting the criticalpoint, throwing ability +5, current progress: 18/100..."

If any other part of their body had been hit, they may still have been able to fight against Ye Hong.

But the most important part of a man was hit, and this kind of pain is unbearable to anyone.

In less than two minutes, all three gangsters lost their fighting power and wailed on the ground.

Li Muya in the corner was already shocked, and her mouth opened into a lovely O shape.

She was completely attracted by Ye Hong's posture, and had forgotten about trying to escape.

What happened? This thin and weak young man, just threw a few stones to get rid of these three bad guys?

The panic she felt was gone, and she suddenly felt peace of mind. Even if there were ten or eight other bastards, it wouldn't be a problem for thus boy to protect her.

From a distance, the young man's body seemed to radiate some kind of light, which made Li Muya's eyes shine.

On the other side, Ye Hong was also immersed in excitement.

He was not brave when he was young, and he did not dare to say anything when he was bullied. Any grievances were swallowed from the bottom of his heart.

This was Ye Hong's first attempt to teach others!

The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is simply amazing!

"Ding! Save the beauty by acting as a hero, so that the girl's favorability is improved, flirting skills+5, the current progress is 6/10..."


This sound instantly awakened Ye Hong in excitement.

He came in front of the unknown girl, a flash of surprise in his eyes.